What do you put on dies to prevent rust?

South East Coast of Florida is very very Humid

Had the same problem with stored guns

Started waxing dies and guns with liquid car wax ( without compound )
Works very good
I use Hornady One Shot as well. Last summer we had a massive rain storm and my basement flooded. Needless to say it was a mess and the humidity was very high for a long time. Never had an issue with any of my reloading stuff.
If you have not heard of or tried Corrosion-X by ReJex, then check it out ASAP! It is amazing... dissolves rust, prevents rust, cleans bores (great w/snakes), lubes slides & joints, and is a great coating on any metal or plastic. Check it out and be enlightened. Enjoy.
A reloading die is so small it's thermal time constant moves faster than the change in relative humidity in the weather.

That means that changes is weather cannot catch it in transient, like a big iron casting.

So the small part should be stored in a room that never gets above 99% relative humidity.

The room should be getting controlled, not the coating on small parts.
The dies I use a lot get cleaned but still tend to get tarnished with a light coat of surface rust in spots from me handling them.

What brand of dies? I believe a very bad habit practiced by reloaders with dies is their cleaning methods. For some nothing is off limits. One of the favorite cleaning methods includes de-greaser spray in the can. Basically I clean my dies with a towel on a dowel. The towel is embeddable, that cuts down on scratching. Then there is the mirror finish; I like the mirror finish, if 75% contact is good 100% has to be better.

Then there is the box they came in, leave the dies in the box with the lid closed. If rust is eating away at everything in your tool box find out what has been going on in Louisiana southern part to fight rust. I do not believe this but I was told Chevrolet P/Us and Lee dies make so much noise at night when rusting it is difficult to get a decent nights sleep.

F. Guffey
My dad drove Dodge trucks, I own a few old Jeeps... Talk about rust!
On a clear night Helen Keller can hear an old Jeep rusting over a mile away!

I just bought Barricade on ebay, going to see how it works!
it does matter the brand of dies. My Dillons are pretty much rust "proof" They never show any real rust on them. Worst are my Hornady... Lee's are somewhere in between. My RCBS??? only the depriming rod has had surface rust on it.

Anyway, Sheath (Barricade) has worked for me. To clean I just use some fine Steel Wool, the use the protectant. Tuf Glide has also worked for me, though not as long as Sheath.
I have an airtight plastic case I store my dies, reloading tools, and my primers. I have a silica gel pack that I keep in the case as well.

As far as cleaning and lubricating I use gun oil or Tri-Flow on the press and the metal to metal parts and dies.
Eezox keeps the rust away from all my reloading gear and some gun accessories that used to get surface rust if you looked at them the wrong way.
I live in Florida and spray my dies with Hornady gun clean and dry lube. A wipe off and retreat annually good to go

I suggest washing your hands before reloading to remove excess skin oil. I also throw one or two VCI chips - Zerust makes them - into the die box.
Of course humidity is the main reason, and that will corrode anything, even stainless to a degree. If you are near any saltwater then that is multiplied by 1000. A dehumidifier or ac will help. And again, CorrosionX from ReJex completely prevents rust, removes most light rust, is very light, lubes, and cleans better than anything you've tried, give it a shot.