What do you hunt camels with

That's cool.

I use this Syrian Mauser camel killer.

At this time it is completely functional mechanically, but the wood is so old I am scared to fool with it much do to its length and very thin opening in the stock where the firing mechanism goes in the stock and neck on the front of the stock. The large butt is designed not to sink in the sand when loading from the camel's back and the length (5 feet 10 in.) also helps. It is arab made.
When I worked at the Dallas Museum of Natural History, we had a considerable number of mounts donated from the estate of Herb Klein, a fairly noteworthy Dallas hunter back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and until until 1975.

Along with the mounts came a lot of Klein's photographs from his trips around the world which included various places in Africa, India, and Iran, Pakistan (that I can recall that were labelled). Several of the latter three showed the locals with their guns that weren't all that different from the OP's camel gun. Some were identified by manufacturer or country of origin and all were individually decorated. What made the guns interesting was they they spanning the entire spectrum of British Colonialism in the region and were still in use, handed down generation after generation.

Sort of like with the OP's camel gun, we might not consider the personalized decoration to be very pretty, but they were considered very beautiful by the people who used them and were symbols of pride and status.
When I started work in the 80's for the family owned transmission company I retired from a couple years ago, the most previous CEO (John Batten) had just died and the family sold his multi-million dollar gun collection to H&H in Britain. (He was on their board of advisors). He was a famous sheep hunter (amoung other things) and the NRA magazine had a full page article on him.

In any case when I started the whole huge factory was crating up his thousands of guns for the shipment over seas. He had the old Spanish muskets unfired and most every desireable collectors firearm on earth.

It was something to see. Sorry for rambling on. Spy, check your PM's.

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One of those old Middle Eastern flinklocks appeared in an obscure war movie called "The Beast," which was set in Afganistan during the Soviet invasion. The "Beast" in the title referred to a tank and most of the characters are the tank crewmen. The movie depicts, among other things, some brutal behavior towards Afgan villagers, things Americans certainly would never do. An old villager attempts to shoot at the Russians with his old flintlock but it doesn't go off. The Russians' guns do.

One of the Russian tankers is a good guy, if not exactly a hero. Only he escapes (last man out by helicopter), taking with him the old flintlock. The village women manage to destroy the tank.

Of all places, the movie was filmed in Israel.