What do you do with your CCW---


in 2 different scenarios:
1. CCW and you drive to a place where you aren't able to CCW(bar,casino, etc...)but weren't expecting to go there. Do you leave it in your car somewhere to be stolen?
2. You CCW and are walking and decide to go into a place that doesn't allow CCW? Can't leave it in your car so now what?
Reason I ask is I use Thunderwear and every day CCW when leaving the house. I do enter these places with my CCW since it's deep concealment and I don't want to leave it in my car or not, not enter a place when walking. Other places might be a sporting event, park or college. Many times I've been CCW at work and the guys decide to go to a game after work so since it is deep concealment I've never been made---I'm not sure what the penalty is for CCW in a place you shouldn't---any ideas.
I'm not sure what the penalty is for CCW in a place you shouldn't---any ideas.

Yeah. Find out. Some states it's a felony, meaning big time penalties and loss of gun rights for life. Go to packing.org and you should be able to find out.

Regarding leaving your gun in a car, I agree, that is to be avoided whenever possible. Get one of those small handgun safes and bolt it to the floor of your car. You can almost certainly find one that'll fit under a seat. Sure, it could still be stolen, but it'll be much less likely. But if it does get stolen, you'll be able to tell the cops the extreme measures you went to. They'll find that refreshing, and you'll feel like such a damn fine citizen you won't be able to stand it.
I would never carry someplace legally prohibited in my state, such as a bar. Coming upon a no-carry sign in, say, some hardware store doesn't deter me. I know that's not exactly what you asked--it's just my carry policy. :)
Well, we can carry in bars and casinos here but when I have somewhere to go that is prohibited (say the House of Blues in Mandalay Bay) I leave it in the truck. I'd rather do that than leave it at home and be without it all night.
What to do?

So far I've never run into any place I couldn't carry except to work, and in a couple of hospitals. What I've done is unload my gun, loop a cable lock through the action, lock that in the glove box, lock the glove box, then lock the car.

I figure that way if somone does break into my car and steals my gun, I can at least claim I did everything I could to disable it.
I NEVER leave my gun unattended in a vehicle. It is either on me or home in the safe, period. I don't fly and haven't had the opportunity of appearing before a judge either.

However-where I live a violation is usually a trespassing ticket. If it was a felony-I would have to change a lot of my habits/routines.
1st, I will not go into a place that doesn't allow CCW if there is ANY way around it.
2nd, if I just have to go somewhere it's illegal (like a school) I will unload it and lock it in the glove box with a trigger lock on it.
You've just got to accept the fact that you will not be able to carry 100% of the time unless you never leave home.
Our state law just requires us to lock it in the car out of sight, like the glove compartment, under the seat. In our area, an officer's car was stolen with his handgun still in it. The thief was caught and help the authorities locate the handgun. The officer was never brought up on charges for allowing his weapon to get into questionable hands.
You've just got to accept the fact that you will not be able to carry 100% of the time unless you never leave home.

In this "new america", yeah I guess.

Who is going to protect you? The LEO's, the security guards, whom? Man's law is asinine when it comes to actually giving the right to life to others, it is made to take it from them.

I care not for such laws and my life, even if it's not mine but entrusted to me, is greater than any laws that man can create.

The only places I can't legally carry are courthouses and places that serve alcohol here in AL. I'll carry everywhere else. If a store has a sign on the door I figure what they don't know won't hurt them. Of course I've never seen a store here that forbid carry in it. I don't go to either of the above illegal places to carry unless I know I'm going there. Not a problem for me here in AL i guess.

In OR, only federal installations and courthouses are an issue (besides that policy at work...).

I have no issue leaving it in my car/truck. Anything I carry concealed is probably worth less than $500 anyway. I'm more worried about my vehicle getting stolen.


I have no choice but to leave mine in the vehicle as well. I work in a hospital and am not allowed to carry in. I would rather take the chance of leaving it in the vehicle than leaving it at home on an almost daily basis and not have it if the need arises.
Won't go into your Q about where to carry. As for something more sufficient than just stuffing your firearm under your seat these are available just about everywhere for around $30:



Believe it or not, if you can train yourself to use one of these, they're actually pretty darn secure for general use. If someone just happened to come across it during a quick burglary, or while parked in a parking lot, if they didn't happen to have a substantial wire cutter I doubt they'd be able to remove it in any reasonable amount of time. And if they did somehow, they literally have to destroy the box to get it open, with a good chance the firearm would be damaged as well.

Really ain't too bad for $30 - I've got one...
Nortonics - can you send me a link on where I can buy that?

As to the topic at hand -

If I know in advance that there is a plan to go out with the "guys" to a place that does not allow CC:

I leave the piece at home. Especially if there is a chance that a valet would have to park my car. Otherwise I don't go.

If I have to go, and there is no way around it - Open Carry is an option here in VA with regards to Bars and Restaurants. Otherwise, leave it in the car.

Not a fan of the thunderwear or IWB. Dont think its comfortable enough to wear with any decent looking pants.
I use a smartcarry, and while there is no chance of being discovered I would still find a way to lock it in a "safe" mounted in the car if this is a common problem.
Duxman wrote: Nortonics - can you send me a link on where I can buy that?

Well, those pics above come from an AuctionArms.com auction here:

Gun Pistol Storage Car Safe conceal carry case

They're actually offered by "The American Association of Certified Firearms Instructors" here:

Secure-It Handgun Storage Safe

Do some searches on your favorite engine for "secure it" or secure-it", maybe with "handgun" or "safe" added and you'll find plenty of sellers...
I like that a lot. Going to have to pick one up. Unfortunately, as I work at a VA hospital, I cannot even have a gun in my car when I go to work.