What Do You Carry For Protection

What would you carry for self defense?

  • Lethal Weapon (Gun, knife, etc )

    Votes: 271 98.2%
  • Non Lethal Weapon (Pepper spray, taser, etc)

    Votes: 5 1.8%

  • Total voters
So I got in an argument with my brother in law the other day about this. We were talking about if for some reason you only have enough room to carry the bare minimum meaning you can't carry a gun and a non lethal weapon, one or the other what would be best.
LCP The gun you can carry when you can't carry a gun.
I would prefer to carry the lethal option, and would prefer every other responsible citizen of the world to carry one as well. If more good folks with half a brain carried a SD weapon, crime other than thug on thug would plummet.

At any rate, If you need a lethal force option and don't have it, then you could be dead (you were in fear for your life, right?). If you need a less lethal option and don't have it, you more than likely can run. Even if you can't run, what damage is inflicted will feel better when it quits hurting. Who cares if you get a black eye or so? You're alive.

There are certainly times when carrying a less lethal option could save another persons life, albeit someone who is trying to inflict injury on you. IE, the possibilty of using a taser on someone weilding a knife at distance. At any rate, the less lethal option is not required, as lethal force is authorized. Though I believe any human being should use the lowest level of force practical in a given situation, the fact remains that someone is weilding a knife (in this case) against you. If they die because you defend yourself, their blood is on their hands. I would rather see someone have the option to protect their life, even though the odds of needing that protection are much lower than needing a less lethal option.
I go with Odd Ball in Kelly's Heroes about carrying anything

Oddball: These engines are the fastest in any tanks in the European Theater of Operations, forwards or backwards. You see, man, we like to feel we can get out of trouble, quicker than we got into it.

I never ever want to ever draw my gun, but I like the fact I can "move forward" or "backward" if needed is nice
Moderator note:

Two posts edited and one deleted for references to things that are quite unwelcome here. Let's keep it clean folks.
Firearms are out, due to where I work.

I usually carry a folding knife and flashlight. While they are not primarily intended as weapons, they can be used as such. The knife is useful for opening packages and cutting rope. The flashlight gets used at least once a week. I pretty much carry these everywhere except the airport.

My main weapon is my mind. I don't look for trouble, so I haven't needed to use anything as a weapon in real life. Avoiding bad situations is always preferable.
Lethal force.

Pepper spraying a drunken guy who's just trying to start a scuffle seems a bit excessive and using it on someone who pulls a knife or gun on you is a great way to get a one way trip to the morgue.

When it comes to the question of "are you going to escape the encounter with your life?", I'll take the YES (or mostly likely) with a concealed .40 over the UH, MAYBE with pepper spray (or similar non-lethal weapon) any day!
BOTH Sig Sauer 226 in 357Sig, S&W 340PD .357Mag, flashlight & Pepper Spray.
I carry a gun when out and about on most excursions. When waltzing around the neighborhood, hikes, etc...I also carry an ASP. Should a dog attack I feel a good snap on the head should make it think twice, and I'm not forced to pull my weapon. Now, I realize extendible batons are not legal in many states, (like my home state of Californistan) but they can conceal easy and snapping them open can be quite the deterrent. I'm not quite sure where they fall under the lethal/non-lethal category, but I'd lean towards lethal.
Im a big fan of the oc and pepper spray, I dislike the effects of these even more than I hate CS gas.

Me and a few mates were out on the town, one my mates whos a very big strong lad starting playing up and fighting on the street, we stepped in and broke it up but the cops turned up a short time later. my friend started resisting arrest and the two cops couldnt restrain him properly so they sprayed him whilst I was holding one of his arms, He hit the ground like a ton of crap and i got an eyefull aswell although its wasnt direct it was wind drift and I was clutching my eyes and stumbling like a drunk. situation resolved and with the cops kindly flushing my eyes out with water we went home. I went to sleep straight away. I woke in the morning jumped in the shower and got another eyeful of spray, it must have settled in my hair gell then run into my eyes.

The moral is those sprays when used properly are amazing stuff.
i was sprayed once when i was in my early 20's by some kids in they're 20s trying to mug me as I was leaving a party and another hit me with a golf club. witch by luck the shaft hit my arm first and it broke with out injuring me.as soon as it happend my adrenaline spiked and regardless of the mace i picked up what was left of the club and chased them down the street.if I would have gotten a hold of one of them they would have never used mace again. as soon as they were gone my eyes lit up like a christmas tree and i spent the next hour with my head in the bath tub. my point is I know what I was able to stand and do while I was maced, let alone someone on meth or mentally or just real real mean,

so yep I prepare for the worst. and hope for the best
I rarely get into situations of violence.I can battle my way out of most situations and land the bg on his/her ass and walk away.
If the idiot wants more and pulls a knife,gun or similar weapon,I would pull out my xd9 and see if they still wanted more.
Truthfully I hope it never comes to that.
I know the oriental art called Run Foo. All the BG will see is elbows and a##hole..... best to just avoid the whole thing this has served me well
This is exactly correct..
I have no problem running/walking away..
But if the ****er want's to play,well I got game and will play..
I haven't been in a situation that couldn't be handle with a little diplomacy just yet!
I do carry ccw, but won't use it unless absouloutly neccessary.
when that time comes,hopefully I'll be fully prepared.
I don't do stupid things at stupid times with stupid people. I do carry and if engaged will shoot the perp to the ground with what I am carrying and that could be anything. I have done two Close Range Gunfighting classes this year and practice the drills monthly.
If you see your message has a bunch of **** and you were using a bad word - go fix it.

It was my understanding that the filter is working when "****" appears after you type something else. I'm confused. Generally Mods and Admins get mad when people try to find a way around the filter.

Not trying to be a smartalleck just sayin.