What di you do today?

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Went to work, most likely the last 8 hour shift in a LONG time, ordered a buncha stuff from Denny's and Midway, to go with the orders sent to Brownell's and Dillon yesterday. Got home from work, checked my e-mail and then came to TFL. Getting ready to get off the net and move ammo cans around in the basement, in an attmept to figure what in the h*** I have and what I need to stock up on. I think I'm down to my last 7,000 rounds of 7.62*51, I have to check. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Raked the yard, picked fleas off the dogs with tweezers, tried to find a 2nd Amendment lawyer, made plans to see my brother when he passes through the area, and TFLed throughout the day.

I wanted to rent one of the Para-Ordnances at the range, but no money right now.

Glad to see you're recuperating, Bruce. :)

I almost slid down a mountain. Fortunately, I had an ice axe.

That was fun in a "yes, I'm sick" sort of way.
I sweated, shook, yelled at the dog, griped at my wife, broke a couple things, and got in and out of bed 200 times.

Yup, you guessed it...I'm trying to quit smoking.

I think I'd trade my day for just about anyone else's at this point.


Same Shot, Different day
Hang in there SameShot!!! I know you can do it!

Just be equally supportive of me when I try to quit. Again. Someday.

I gotta go to the store!


Just got back from the store. Sorry SS, didn't mean to be discouraging. Have you tried a substitute, like shooting, maybe? :)

[This message has been edited by boing (edited August 08, 1999).]
Joined the NRA!!! please add my name to th e list of modernday minutemen who will stand up and defend the consitutional rights. SDnR
Well I did nothing today and am just about ready to go to sleep and have that horrible feelng that I wasted a whole day that I could have gone shooting :(
Well lets see... This is for Sunday... Did my chores as in muck stalls, clean waterers etc. Took .22 down to barn with me and shot a couple ground squarrels. Hey horses don't even jump anymore when I pop one off by them. Watched a movie. Did the dishes. Wondered out to the garage and loaded up a couple hundred rounds of .38 sp for the Western TFL shoot.

By the way, I spent Thursday & Friday with a friend of mine down out of Los Gatos. Got to see a few of his toys. Took him a pile of petitions for Veto the Gov. On the way home Saturday, stopped by bout 8 gun shops to drop by the petitions. EVERY ONE of them already had them on the counter. Guns & Gear in Vacaville has already gotten over 5k in sig's. Geo is scheduled to be there for their grand opening of their new expansion next Saturday. So far I've gotten 8 sig's for my personal gathering and have gotten 11 people to sign up to gather signatures with a promise to get 10 more voluteers each to gather signatures.

This comming weekend, after chores, will be down in front of our local Wallmart, gathering sigs.

Sent off final payment on Smoking Gun's Uzi-A (to arrive tomorrow, woohoo!). Bought a case of PMC 124-gr 9mm for said Uzi. Bought a couple of boxes of Winchester 12-gauge magnum double-ought.

And got utterly puh-LOWED to celebrate(?) my 30th birthday (after unloading and disassembling all my guns, of course. ;))

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I was gonna take some petitions with me to the gun show at the cow palace last weekend, but I decided the NRA would have more organized effort and the ones they had would definately make Sac. so I signed a petition and bought some ammo, and mags and BDU's (for paintballing) and then I went to the range and shot the ammo I bought. Today, I get to pick up my new AR something I should have done a week and a half ago, but some fool stole my wallet from me at the GYm

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Happy Birthday Coinneach!

Ok, today I'm at work :( , so nothin' much

Yesterday (Sunday) I accomplished absolutely Zero, making it a completely successful day ;)

Now Saturday was good day for the gun-nut in me. I went to the "Hunter's Extravaganza", and had a ball. I found the beer stands to be slightly inconvenient, and they had NO Shiner Bock :( :( :(, but I made due. Bought some equipment for the deer lease, booked an excellent looking dove hunt for me & 9 of my huntin' buddies (sorry guys, all slots are full), joined the NRA, and sample lots of beef jerky, sausage & stuff. What a blast!
I guess "today" was 6 August in this thread.
The only thing gun related other than loading some up for a trip to the range was to update my Rosie O site. I know that I need to get a life but some of those folks might like the pictures you know. Once search is back up I will figure out how to trim the pictures down where they don't make the page too wide. http://rosie.acmecity.com/flower/304/ Best to All, Hank
SameShot: I got Dad to go on the nicotiene patch while elk-hunting last year. He reports that one does well to heed the warning on the box NOT to have patch on while sleeping; he woke up the next morning recalling his VIVID night of extended pistol battles with tyranisarus rex!

Good luck.
Long Path,
Please ask your Dad what the T Rex was carrying. I never go up against them with anything less than a .700 NE. But, they're so stupid, they usually only carry a .38 Spcl at best. I win everytime. (I think I read too much paleontology stuff as a kid.) ;) :) :D
on saturday i was up in PA with my dad driving about on various tasks

i brought along a copy of the HCI 15 year plan
and read to my dad as he drove, within the hour i had a new NRA member lined up!

the HCI plan may not be a legitimate document from HCI but its an effective tool!


Jeez DZ...

I trust you knew the state of Dad's health, BP, heart function? Gads...talk about captive listener...the poor guy could have vapor locked on you. Best to read that to someone when emergency medical help is available ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
i was a good thing the jeep had power windows to vent the steam out

the part about arsenal licencing for collections over 5 guns and not in counties with over 200,000 people almost fogged the inside of the windshield!
