What di you do today?

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Moderator Emeritus
Bought 100 rnd .223, 25 00 buck

oh yeah....9 sigs on veto the gov...CA sb23

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Cleaned and lubed the Colt .45ACP, Beretta 9mm 92FS and S&W 442 getting them all pretty for their trip to Kali. Then had to pack the truck UGH!!! as were off to San Jose come morning.
Woohoo DC,

Good jobs on the sigs. I hung out at the firehouse this afternoon and wouldn't let anyone drink from the kegs until they listened to the evils of SB23 and the cultural war that
RKBA is up against. I got 12 sigs in two hours (the guys on duty did not drink, but signed). Sunday I'm going to stand in front of the grocery store with voter registration forms and the referendums forms and get signatures.
Went to range, verified load on .338 (180 gr Ballistic Tip @ 3000 fps ;) ), worked up load with 150 gr BalTip for .308, tested new sights on .41 Mag. Called Wyoming and made reservations, got data on extra tags.
Forwarded some activist stuff to my mininet.
Ditzed around cleaning guns and doing stuff in reloading shop.
Ditzed around on computer.
Fiddled around with Dillon 550, thinking of doing a production run on .222 Rem.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Good show! I'm staying away from all politics and focusing only on self-defense...the cops don't live with us so how can they protect us....You come up to me and ya won't know if I'm a raving liberal or Torquemada....I focus on home and family and safety and "they" are making us defenseless. Bring the baby along as a prop :)....it works! And, your wife will reward you too ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I worked most of the day, and made mutiple call about transferring and took off a couple of hours early to try and get one last pistol purchased in this state before I move and the ncis put me on pending.....so I cant pick it up till tomorrow......and had a new truck cap put on the old truck for the trip....fubsy.....almost forgot, brought home male dog from farm as the bitch is out of her heat.......finally...fubsy.
Placed online orders with 4 different web sites for:
Ammo - .233, 40 & 45 (I have plenty 380...)
Spare parts (springs and pins)
A new cleaning kit.
And catalogs - so I can make sure I did not miss anything I "needed".

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


(Yesterday) Picked up German police-trade-in H&K P7M8, shipped from PA, and ordered several months ago, (And, YES, mine has the full H&K factory warranty!); Ordered two different H&K USP .45 Compacts (one with factory TacLight, don't really need it, but it was a deal, and it can be the new "bedside" gun); Ordered 1000 rounds of .45ACP Federal FMJ from AMMOMAN plus bought several boxes/ types of "high performance" .45ACP to test in USPs & SigSauer P220. A good "gun-stuff" day.
Today? (Sat) Shoot!

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
Ordered a Sharps 1863 Cavalry Carbine and some kegs of powder, as well as a another spare cylinder for the Remington New Model Army ('58)... have heard the natives are getting restless again :) - The ol' Kentuchy is a little slow to load and methinks the Sharps is definitely an improvement.
(by the way, how are things doing between North and South up there? heard there is a bit of trouble)

Hasta pronto amigos!
Went out to shoot my .357 in the rain.
Thank god for a dry range stall

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
Got up early for a saturday (7 am) which is still sleeping in for a work day (4:30 am). Went to an outdoor range I have never been to.

Sighted in my new Bushmaster Shorty AK at 100yds. Shot some 1.5" groups (benched), not bad, I think this Bushmaster and me are gonna be good friends. Got yelled at by the owner for disregarding range rules while I was practicing DA/SA double taps w/my H.K. USP 40C (no rapid fire, double taps are considered rapid fire). And just forget about holster work...

Went home. Changed some diapers, helped clean some house, played w/the kids some.

Later, went for a 24 mile bike ride. Damn, it's hot. Came home, showered, had dinner and now I'm cyber surfing. Not a bad day.

Maybe, if we get the kids down early, daddy can get s.... well never mind :) .


Check me out at:
My better half and I went to SAXET gun show. I bought a bunch of little stuff I just couldn't live without. Learned some more about military firearms from another old timer and fondled a bzillion guns, gun parts, memorabilia, etc.

Had a shrimp dinner after the show, came home to TFL. All in all, a very nice day.
Went to the indoor range -had a good time. Very busy there because CCW class folks were wandering around on their breaks from class.

Shot 10mm, 45acp, .400 corbon, .22lr, .223, and .380acp. Guy and kid in next lane were shooting 7mm Rem Mag (big boom), 30-30, .44Mag, .22lr, and 45acp.
today really bit.....
that 7 shot 686 i tried to get yesterday finally came through, the approval I mean and i took a box of 357 and 38 down to the range and the dang thing has a problem, so I took it back and they refunded the gun cost, but I lost $14.00 on that durn ncis instacheck.....I almost always shoot a used gun before I buy it, not this time dang looked brand new........oh well it could have been worse...lol..fubsy.
Today (Sunday) went out to the Rifle Club for for a Hunter class benchrest match -- looked like I'd been using 00-buckshot on my target, but still enoyed it.

What was even better was a prospective new shooter we had at the club. The man is disabled (one leg amputee), so we sat him down at the bench just like the rest of us -- and he shot very well with a standard Brno (CZ) and high-velocity hunting .22RF ammo.

But it was afterwards on the Club veranda that I felt really good about it -- that man's face was absolutely alive and there was a light in his eyes. He kept saying to me and anyone else who'd listen -- Oh, that was fun!! Think we have a new member there :)

Came home, and it's getting cold now (our winter, remember). Grey and overcast, but not yet raining.

I'm now making some soup with lamb shanks, vegies, garlic, red wine and pearl barley. The smell is wafting through the house. Reminds me of when I was a kid and would come home and Mum had been cooking.

Soup for dinner, with a crusty Italian loaf warmed in the oven, and a coupla glasses of "rough red", and Diane and I won't care two hoots if it does rain!

Sometimes, life is good (and I'm happy to be able to say that!).


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited August 08, 1999).]
Swifter...: What load are you using with that .338? Dad's shoulder's been giving him trouble, and I've been kinda looking for a lighter-kicking load for his .338 than those 215 and 225 grain loads. Are the B.T.'s anywhere NEARLY tough enough for elk?

Ed: Congratulations, sir. Welcome back to the fold.

Bruce: A broad smile came to my face to see your happy post. Every day, in every way, my life is getting better, and better.

(Viktor Frankel would be proud.)

As for me, my only gun-related task was to drill a young tyro friend in the importance of dry-firing and sight-picture, and to make him promise to put up some mini-sillohuettes in his practice room and dry-fire at least 200 times a night before we go out to the range again.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Thanks, Long Path

Yes, it's been a bloody good day.

It's 8.45 p.m. now, Sunday night, and I'm turning the computer off and going upstairs to give my wife a big kiss and tell her I love her. She's always been there when I'm down, it's only fair she should be there when I'm up (no, don't be rude!! ;)).

See youse bums during the week!!
