What convinced you to invest in (buy) a Silencer?

1. What convinced you to buy a sound suppressor? I always wanted one. Its a cool "big boy toy" No other reason

2. Was it worth the time and effort? Yes it was. And getting my first suppressor led the way for more NFA Items

3. Was it for a pistol or a rifle? Its a screw on (.22 RF) which means I can use it on both

4. What manufacturer? Tactical Innovations Quest. An all stainless steel, K-baffle, which the user may take apart for maintenance. Rated for limited Full Auto fire. I really like it and do not regret my decision to get this model for one minute
Jay24bal ... that thing is beautiful.


I think I would need to replace my barrel with one that was just long enough to thread.
Is there a .45 caliber pistol can that will also tolerate .45-70?

The guys at AWC said that no 45 caliber can will handle a supersonic 45-70... That said they were trying to sell me something (which they did) so take there advise with a grain of salt.
This might sound silly but...
The trust/efile route is what finally made me get off my ass and get 1. ( well its more then 1 now:D)

The whole pay for it and wait a year just made me say F... That.

So now ive bought 2 and am looking for my 3rd

1. AAC 762sdn-6 for my 308 bolts, 300blk and 556's
2. SWR Warlock II for all my 22lr stuff

Looking for a good pistol can but havent made a choice yet
Ive been looking at the Osprey in 45

I like the low profile top. Id like to not have sight issues

Ive got a sdn-6 and a 22lr can waiting on tax stamps so this will be a strictly pistol cal can. Mostly 40.

That being said is take apart needed??
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Well... After a bit more research, i just pulled the trigger on a Octane 45

Thanks for the info Theohazard...and again, let the wait begin:mad:
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Great choice! I have an Octane 9 and I love it.

Yeah, the only reason you NEED to take apart a can is if you're shooting .22 or un-jacketed lead bullets through it. But it still makes it a lot easier to get the carbon buildup out. And the Octane is stronger than the Osprey and it's a heck of a lot easier to change out the piston if you want to put it on a barrel with a different thread pattern.

Also, I have never seen regular-size pistol sights that will let you see over the top of an Osprey; you usually need higher sights even with the Osprey's lower height. But I don't bother with higher sights anyway; as long as you can see the front site clearly it's not a big deal.
1. What convinced you to buy a sound suppressor? They were something I have always thought would like to have, but had other priorities. Went to a Silencer Show ind Dallas and shot several different rifles, AR's, and a 50 Cal, I was hooked. Went home and started the process to get a trust and purchase a suppressor.

2. Was it worth the time and effort? Absolutely, I got mine in 6 months which now appears to be pretty quick. I use it hunting, and at the range, much easier on my old ears.

3. Was it for a pistol or a rifle? Rifle

4. What manufacturer? AAC SDN-6 for use on my 5.56 & 6.8.
1. Why? Because I could.
2. Hassle? What Hassle?
3. Rifle or Pistol? MP5 Subgun
4. One of Dr. Dater's Finest
I bought silencers because I want to 1. Impress the girls; 2. Look cool while carrying my silencer attached to my concealed handgun (and benefit 2b. While carrying concealed, it looks like I have an extra long penis); and 3. Be an urban assassin with a gun that goes phew phew phew.

Invest implies that the value of a silencer goes up. I have heard people mention that they're collectible and retain their value. For example, the guy in this article states that they don't lose value...


These people are mistaken. A silencer is a consumption purchase that, the moment it leaves the store, is worth nearly zero. There is practically no resale market for silencers.

Buy one because they're awesome and they protect hearing, and because they make your gun 10,000x times cooler.

* on a side note, I seriously did buy a silencer for concealed carry. It is one that I am waiting on. Its a short, compact little silencer for a 9mm. How well it works or carries is anyone's guess. I bought it just out of curiosity. Here it is...

Suppressors does not need to be registered here. You don´t even need a gun license. So basically everyone use one for hunting and range work on their bolt actions. They are a little less common on handguns, but perfectly legal. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be anyone who import the US-made ones and I´d give my left pinky for an Osprey.

With that in mind, on a rifle there is really no reason NOT to use one. It saves your hearing, reduces recoil and they are not hard to get. I use a B&T Impulse on my Mk23 and a SAI (Danish) on my Buckmark so I can shoot in my backyard without bothering the neighbors. Simple as that.

Norwegian and other European manufacturers inklude B&T, Hausken, A-Tec, SAI and others.
My decision came because I bought a pistol that was designed to be used with a suppressor and illuminator as a kit. I liked shooting suppressed so much, I bought one to fit another gun. The latest suppressor I bought is a collector item and came at great cost. It belongs to a specific gun too.

It was worth the wait. The first was the hardest because I had to endure the anticipation without another to relieve my curiosity.

All three of mine are for pistols. My next will be for a rifle.

All of them are Knights Armament