What Condition Are You In Daily?

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Well, I'm kinda torn by this thread. This is, after all, a Tatics and Training forum so this is a proper place to discuss it, however a certain part of me can't help but say GET A LIFE. If you constantly walk around protecting yourself from being victimized you already have been.

I think the best course of action is to be aware of situations as they develop and think about the best way to difuse them. Rarely does a situation go from 0-100mph in the blink of an eye (although they can). How you handle yourself during the escalation is key. In the rare event something does come out of nowhere, have a weapon and at least the minimal training to be effective.

Military and LE are the exception to the above. They operate under different circumstances than most of us,

All things considered, I'm so busy usually that I don't have the capacity to watch everything around me even most of the time---even if I wanted to, which for the most part I haven't really worried about in years. I pay attention if I get the "wierd vibe", "gut feeling", whatever you want to call it. And, like in another thread, I have a few deeply ingrained little rituals that sway me in certain conditions--like glancing around before I step up to an ATM, etc. Trying to stay alert of everything all the time is pointless--all it does is wear you out quickly. I think the difference is in your reaction and ability to shift the gears between passive/oblivious to aware/alert once you notice something isn't right.
I'm with Meyer on the subconscious alertness.

GunGator said:
I think the best course of action is to be aware of situations as they develop and think about the best way to difuse them. Rarely does a situation go from 0-100mph in the blink of an eye (although they can). How you handle yourself during the escalation is key. In the rare event something does come out of nowhere, have a weapon and at least the minimal training to be effective.

Yup. One of the things I remember most about sustained operations in Iraq was that what I considered "Red" when I got in country eventually wound it's way down to "slightly yellow". You basically get to a point where you're confident enough in your ability to react (within reason) to most situations and that to be OVER vigilant only saps your mental stamina.
However, when I allowed myself to process my surroundings in the back of my mind and allowed my subconscious to alert me to potential problems then I found that my days got much better :)
Oh - and I was able to react to things just as well.
Ha! my ex-live-in-girlfriend used to be at level orange all the time, and if I left my socks on the floor she'd be at code red in less than one second.
Hmm...I find that where my wife is concerned I'm usually condition BLACK...

Other than that I try to be in condition "Double Scotch"... :cool:
well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....
If you constantly walk around protecting yourself from being victimized you already have been.

Well put!!!

well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....

You posted a thread asking everyone's opinion and now you don't like the results. If you can't take the heat.....you know the rest. Take it with a grain of salt just like I and most other people on this forum have had to do.
well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....

Did you not post from behind a computer yourself with your knowledge and experience? Ironic.
well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....

I dunno... Maybe we weren't "Mission Impossible" enough for him? (shrug)
Some people think condition black should be used when you are specifically in a fight as compared to red being actually ready to fight.

Anyway, folks who think they are between yellow and orange all the time probably worry about whether they should carry reloads in the shower.
Yes, BLACK for me has always meant that you are behind the reactionary curve and already engaged.

fastmover said:
well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....

Not only did he get his feelings hurt, but he didn't read the entire thread....which HE started... :rolleyes:

Glenn E. Meyer said:
probably worry about whether they should carry reloads in the shower.
You say that like it's a bad thing.... ;)
well you all are just too cool for me and very knowledgable and very experienced behind your computers. I wish I can fit into your cool club but I have a life - enjoy and have your forum.....
And assorted replies.

Yet another one bites the dust.

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