What can you hunt with a 9mm?

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Handgun hunting by Nonte published in 1976


In it he mentions civil war soldiers making their way home had to feed themselves with a cap and ball .36. He goes on to say the 9mm and .38 Special are adequate for close broadside shots on deer. Of course ammo was lame then compared to what we have today. He touts SuperVel.

So what do you think? Survival situation only? Would anyone pass up a deer shot if we were lost and hadn't eaten in a week?

So what do you think is the upper limit and what have you taken with a 9?
I haven't shot anything large with a 9mm, but I have read quite a few stories of people using their 9mm on deer. I have no reason to believe that with proper shot placement that the 9mm would be anything less than effective on deer. Keep in mind, as we all know it's not the ideal deer hunting tool, but utilized properly it will certainly work. The simple truth is that deer are not hard to kill at all, and I'm sure it would work on even larger animals as well.
My son surprised me with a request to go deer hunting when he was 6 three days before youth day. I didn't have anything youth sized, so we went out and bought a 410/22 combo. Only to find out there were no slugs to be found anywhere.
Leaving us the option of a BAR270 or a 308, neither even close to the weight and LOP a 6yo needs.

The only other option was my Sub 2000, so I took the reddot off my AR and installed on the 9. Sighted it in and let my son shoot it several times. I told him we had to have a deer within 25yds or we couldn't shoot. (+p PDX)

I managed to get him on a doe at 18-20 yards and he took an ok double lung shot. The deer traveled about 150 yards before expiring. It was basically like trailing a not so good a hit bow shot deer.

I picked him up a youth 7mm08 a few weeks later. The deer he took this season (third one with the 7mm08) went 10 yards.

While I wouldn't recommend shooting a deer sized animal with a 9mm it will work. You can always go for a neck shot, I've killed a few with a 22-250 with neck shots during doe season.
So what do you think? Survival situation only? Would anyone pass up a deer shot if we were lost and hadn't eaten in a week?

In a survival situation, you aren't going to pass up a shot at survival no matter if you have a 9mm, a .50 BMG or a 22lr.

Now... Would I hunt with a 9mm under normal situations? No, there are simply better options available. A 9mm will certainly kill a deer but I'd like something with a little more energy.
So the consensus is that it's marginal on deer except at closer handgun range and with a well placed shot.

That leaves a whole lot of game animals that fly and walk and crawl that are smaller than a small deer that the 9mm with the right bullet can take.

Consider that the .22l.r., 22 Magnum, 32-20, 32 H&R Magnum, 38 Spl. and more are considered acceptable handgun hunting rounds for small game. The 9mm can take what game they take.

Also consider that 9mm out of a rifle length barrel is going down range with a lot more energy then it leaves a pistol barrel with.
A deer might be pushing the limits of 9mm but if you have good enough shot placement it's probably possible
If we are talking about survival situations a well placed 9 will drop a deer no prroblem. That is more of a woods skills issue than caliber question. If you know what your doing sure a 9mm can and will kill a white tail no problem. For the record my deer pistol is a contender in 7-30 waters.
I have a hunting handgun book with deer and goats being taken with the 9mm and 38 Super. Shot placement is everything.
There is one animal tailor maide for a 9mm semi-auto rifle. That is the nutria. They live in the swams of the south - primarily LA. Those boys hunt them in a moving airboat and shoot as the animals swim/run across the water vegetation. Some use a shotgun and some use a .22 but I've heard of several people that swear a 9mm auto shooting FMJs is the perfect nutria killer.
people often give me crap for using a 357 magnum carbine. If I tried with a 9mm I doubt I could ever step in my gun store again. :p
In it he mentions civil war soldiers making their way home had to feed themselves with a cap and ball .36. He goes on to say the 9mm and .38 Special are adequate for close broadside shots on deer. Of course ammo was lame then compared to what we have today. He touts SuperVel.

So what do you think? Survival situation only? Would anyone pass up a deer shot if we were lost and hadn't eaten in a week?
I don't currently hunt anywhere that allows 9mm for any kind of big game. But... when I lived in Florida, I occasionally left the Mauser at home and just took a .380 with me. At that time, in that location, it was legal. I never got a chance to take one with the .380, but I never felt undergunned against those scrawny little Coastal Whitetails.
I'll never understand why the debate keeps coming up about what is the most marginal underpowered round with which to hunt deer with anticdotes offered as proof about how you can "jump on its back and stick a .25 acp in its eye you can kill a deer with it or if you wait until he raises his head up and back and you shoot directly up his nostril into the brain you can kill him with a .22" follwed by "shot placement is everything."

If you have to ask, its probably too small. Unless you have repeatedly taken deer with more suitable guns, and its just become too doggone easy, why handicap yourself or increase the risk of an inhumane kill or a wounded animal?

Use the right tool for the right job. Sloppy kills give the sport a bad image.
So what do you think? Survival situation only?
Survival yes that would be the only justifiable reason for such behavior in this State. (purposely killing of game out of season)

Would anyone pass up a deer shot if we were lost and hadn't eaten in a week?
Nutrition factor. Sure I would shoot. Who wouldn't.

So what do you think is the upper limit and what have you taken with a 9?

I'll answer your question this way. IMO Lost and afield. Any adult bear period. Nope I wouldn't try to kill one with a 9mm pistol. {In a weaken state I just may end up being his/her lunch instead of He or she being mine.} But near everything else game wise I have indeed taken with my 9mm at one time or another. (In this States offerings.)

Interesting questions kcub.
I'm not gonna touch on so-called survival but IMO the 9mm and the .38sp make fine hunting rounds for coyote to bunnies and everything in between. Cartridges like them are the reason the .22m is such a non starter. Deer? Not on a bet.
A 9mm would be illegal to hunt with here
For deer it has to be .357 or bigger, and for small game it has to be a .22 LR
If I were hungry enough I'd try a deer with a 9mm, but only if it's all I had
I have not read the WV regulation book lately, but two years ago it was "....some kind of centerfire rifle or a rimfire of .25 caliber or larger....". This was for deer.
would I pass up a deer with a 9mm?


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