What can you become a FELON for?

In Idaho, adultery can be a felony; the statute is unclear - it says a person may be convicted of either a misdemeanor or a felony but doesn't say why.

A man was convicted approx. 40 years ago under this (wife caught him & mistress 'in flagrante delicto' and, in addition for filing for divorce, pressed charges) was sent to prison. After a year or so in the pen, the gov. commuted the sentence, IIRC.

I think you are correct, though I am no Lawyer. The setup of the law is open to massive interpration. All depends on HOW you look at it I guess. But we all know how they would look at it. :(

I think the receiver/frame was listed as an "Evil" part. Either way a SAR1 would by illegal in NY (as I read the law.)

I wonder how many NY surfs (we cant call them citizens any more) will get the shaft for buying a legal rifle made after Sept 1994, and by the stroke of a pen were made into violet felons instantly???

HankB, heheh Matress tag removal is fun :p
What a can of worms...

Used to be, you knew where you stood. Back in common law England, and the early colonies, the felonies were

1. Homocide
2. Rape
3. Robbery
4. Burglary
5. Grand Larceny
6. Arson
7. Possibly kidnapping (not sure - it definitely is a felony now).
8. Mayhem (or maiming)

I think that's it. Now, there's humpteen thousand federal felonies, not to mention various and sundry state felonies. Embezzlement can be a felony now, though I don't think it was at common law - I need to find a history of the law book and look at it. People have always been ignorant of the law at their own peril - in other words, not knowing something was a crime is/was not a defense. This is still true, but unfortunately, it exponentially more difficult to try to figure out what's illegal. Not all state crimes are in the "Crimes" title to the state statutes - they'r scattered throughout. Ditto for federal - many crimes are scattered throughout the federal code and federal regs even. Basically, the feds have probably made walking and chewing gum at the same time a felony, but we just don't realize it yet, because they haven't charged anyone with it yet - they'll exercise their "prosecutorial discretion" to charge someone with this heineous crime (W&CG) whenever the defendant is a political opponent, or disliked by society, which scores a political victory for the prosecutor. It's absurd. Making possession of a part of any weapon a crime, whether misdemeanor or felony, is totally unconstitutional - my BP is raising just thinking about this. The government can kiss my ass. I don't care whether I'm in NY or Kalamazoo - I will put any freaking upper on any freaking receiver that fits - consequences be damned. I'm ready to go to jail to fight such a frontal assualt on citizens' right to KEEP and BEAR ARMS - what part is unclear, you idiots in government? Gotta go before my temples explode.
As far as becoming a felon for a minor infraction goes, I know this lady that actually removes tags from mattresses, pillows, etc. without a second thought . . .


HankB, It's OK to remove those tags from pillows and mattresses...you just have to EAT them afterwards.:D

This tag may only be removed by the consumer under penalty of law.
Yeah the Law DOES read that even a receiver or frame of a named (or any likeness there of) "assault weapon" is illegal. I wonder how many people in NY who LEGALLY purchased Post Sept 1994 "assault weapons" know that they were made, by a pen stroke, into Violent Felons.

Then again this is the save the children, of whom they define (as required to promote their agenda) as "anyone under the age of 21", so they even made "Children" into Violent Felons.

[rant mode off]