What Caliber?

It wasn't an article, it was just one of his random thoughts on his pagein the mag. He simply said that the Steyr Scout wouldn't be offered in a left hand version and suggested the Blaser as a not-too-shabby second choice.

Speaking from experience, I have a new BAR MKII Safai Grade in 270 W/Boss. My first group without tuning the boss was 3/4" inch at a hundred yards. This is the rifle I would also use for long range 2 legged foes. A 300 Win Mag looks very tempting and should be quite pleasant to shoot in the Bar. At one time the Navy Seals were modifying a Bar in 300 Win Mag for Sniper duty. They made an extended mag for it but I can't remember who the gunsmith was. It is a very robust action. Good Luck and Happy Shooting
Hmmm I'd purchase a Sako TRG-S in .338Lapua Magnum. Allthou it's a bolt action gun,it's very strong, reliable and very, very accurate one. The round is remarkably accurate and as said by Elmer Keith "too much gun allways beats alternatives" holds especially true with things in africa that want to stomp over one or eat him :) besides popping a bear with sturdy enuff rifle might allso decrease the "complations" that come from the "Client end" of the gun :)

And for the "more stressive situations" if it's good enough for SAS snipers (the round) I suppose it'll do with "hobbyists" as well :)

Out of sheer curiosity do the other readers of this board have experience with the .338Lapua chambered weapons and/or Sako made ones (Like TRG-S and TRG-41) and Sako guns in general ??

My Step-father bought a Sako 7mm Rem Mag (LH version) about 7 or 8 years ago and he has taken many deer with in. Mostly in PA and Canada. He has never complained and often bragged on it.

As for teh .338 Lap, I have several people tellling me that I need to own one.. but none of them are willing to buy me the ammo for it!

Ahem the empty .338Lap. cases might tax U a "bit" but the Largeish case will last remarkably long even with quite powerfull loads. Maximal allowed pressure is 470Mpa whereas it is 415Mpa in .308win. Since the case has equal volyme or slightly larger than .416Rigby (on the volyme I'm not 100% certain. .338Lap was originally supposed to be necked down .416rigby but the case couldn't take the severe max.pressures and thus needed to be redesigned) Having such large capasity it is possible to duplicate say .338Win with pressures that will make neck sized only case last remerkably long.
Naturally while hunting dangerous game it is obvious that one uses factory ammo or fully resized cases. The high impact pace demands quality bullets to ensure desired terminal ballistic effects, but that shouldn't be too much of a burden since possible shots on big game are usually few among average users.

Did I see you mention the 30-30 a few post back? For get it if you are expecting a shot past 100 yards. The round falls off quickly (drops like a rock). The deer I shot with this round did go down hard though.

I have recently been introduced to the M-1 Grand and am highly impressed with the ’06 round and this rifle. If I were to purchase a BAR it would be in 30-06 or .308. What else could be needed? Vary the ammo to the game and your good to go.

Now if your looking for that big game hunt nostalgia I would go with a double barrel rifle in .416 Rigby … Much more fun then a bolt.