What Caliber?

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, let's say there is this guy and he is going to buy a BAR II. He is going to use it for hunting and, as all his weapons, it could be called upon for more important emergency duties.
Hunting would be mostly Whitetail Deer, but could easily include Black and Brown Bear, Moose, Elk, Sheep and possibly a trip to Africa.

What Caliber and Why?

I'd choose the 300 Winchester Magnum. It will work well in all of the situations you described. There are better cartridges for hunting in Africa but with a well placed shot and premium bullet it would do the job. In the emergency duty role, the 300 Win Mag seems to be becoming the cartridge of choice for reaching out and touching someone when they're far away (aka sniping, etc). My two cents.
I have an aunt and uncle that lived in Alaska for about 30 years and they hunted everything in the state. My uncle was in the service at the end of WWII so of course they chose .30-06! They both used the caliber the entire time they were there. At the end of my uncle's life I got to hunt with him a couple of seasons for whitetail in ND. They both had semiauto Remington in .30-06!

I'd say depending upon what you plan on hunting in Africa, the .30-06 would do it. I wouldn't rule out the .300 WM as I would like one myself for similar reasons, but I thought I'd pass along this bit of experience.

Plainsman :)
I also would agree to both the mentioned calibers.

I have a friend who lives and hunts in Africa, last time he was in the states he wanted to take my 30.06 home with him, he told me to bring it when I come to see him and that it would be plenty to take game with.

.300 mag is of corse...300 mag. Can you go wrong with that? :)
My grandfather has a .300 mag BAR.


Mouse Assassins inc.

First question: Is the 300 Win Mag (as much as I want one) not a bit much for most of the hunting I'd be doing?

second: Given that I already have a rifle in 7mm Rem Mag, Wouldn't I better off with another rifle in that caliber rather than going to 300 WM, or is it really that much better??

(btw- SD- did you see cooper's comments regarding the Blaser and lefties in the latest G&A ??)
Rob: I only know from reading, but Alaskan guides apparently accept the 7mm Rem Mag as a minimum cartridge. Apparently it's an issue of bullet weight, with a preference for the 220-grain capability of the 30-cal.

Other reading about African hunting often speaks to the (what to call it?) "absorption capacity" of African animals. They allegedly are just harder to persuade that they're dead. Again, the heavier-bullet argument. (And then, again, some native-to-Africa hunters love the with performance of the .243. Just wanted to cloud the issue.)

Now I'll shut up and leave the field to somebody who's actually SHOT bigger-than-whitetail critters!
You can rarely go wrong with a 30-06. As a former Alaskan who hunted extensively, knew a bunch of guides AND worked in a gunshop there, I will tell you that guides would rather have you show up with a rifle you are familiar with and shoot well than show up overgunned with a rifle that has given you flinchitis. The 30-06 with a GOOD 220 grain bullet will take care of everything on this planet short of Cape Buffalo, Rhino and Elephant (and has taken all of the above successfully). As for the semi-auto, you may want to rethink that if you are headed to Africa. Many countries on the Dark Continent will not allow semi-autos within their borders. Be sure of the local laws before travelling, or it could be a very short, eventful trip.

Lots of good stuff.
I am going to try for a South African, if I go at all, I believe a Semi-auto is fine there.
I've got a .30-06 and I'm not terribly fond of that cartridge. I think it is just incredibly boring to me. I'd rather shoot my 7mmRM all day long than fire the '06 twice.

I do want a 300 WM, but I am leaning towards a really top notch bolt gun for that caliber.

I want something controllable enough to be able to take advantage of the quick follow up shot allowed by the Semi-auto. There is plenty of thin skinned game in Africa, too. No one says I have to take just one rifle.

Let's look below the magnums. What caliber for filling a gap between .223 and 7mm RM (leave .308 out of the discussion, since it would be my first choice and I already have a couple .308s)??

What about the Dakotas or Lazzaronis? They each have some proprietary cartridges that fall within the range you're looking for.
Practicallity keeps me from wanting to get into any specialty cartridges.
I'm thinking of something from this list:
.270, .280, 7mm-08, 6mm Rem, .243, 30-30.
The .243 & the 6mm Rem are essentially the same animal, and to me are a bit close to the .223 in your range of cartridges.

I'd have to go to the book to get a feel for any real ballistic differences between the .270, the .280, and the 7mm-08. As an "In-betweener", I'd probably go with the 7mm-08, particularly with the wide range of bullet choices for a reloader. Unless you're thinking short-range and handiness, or handloads in a bolt-action, I'd forget the .30-30...

Get one of each and test'em...:-)
I'll throw my FAVORITE caliber in here at this time! The .25-06! It'll do everything between coyotes and mule deer. I've "heard" of a couple of cow elk being taken with 'em, but wouldn't try it myself! Wonderful cartridge, especially if you reload! 75 grainers up to 120's.
Good luck!
Plainsman :-)
I have owned just about everything from the .17 Remington to a .416 Rigby. I have also hunted dozens of species of critters from gophers to Cape Buffalo. In my 30 years of hunting, I am still amazed at how the talk of "which caliber" and "what bullet" is best for "which animal" still dominates camp fire discussions. My decades of hunting and shooting have taught me that you can always find seriously constructed bullets with great jackets and superior cores in .30 caliber (and up)anywhere on earth. Trophy bull elk, African plains game, Alaskan brown bear, and the like are too precious a resource to experiment on with sub-caliber rifles and novelties like 85 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips racing out of a .257 Weatherby magnum at Mach II. Hunt with a .30-06 loaded with a quality bullet in a weight suited to the animal you are hunting. If you enjoy shooting the magnums, go with the .300 Win, .308 Norma, .30-338 and so on. Buy a good bolt gun while you are at it. By the way, did I mention I am kind of opinionated?
Sure, remind me that I've been wanting to get a .17 rem... cripes!

How much are those Savage Rifles I keep hearing so much about? Can you get a discount on three or more?

(plainsman...whenever you are ready I've got that RUGER .25-06 waitin' for ya, buddy..)

300 Winchester, if that's the largest caliber the BAR is made in. While I know it's been done, I'm not sure if any African nation will let you hunt big game with anything smaller than a .33 calibre rifle. Use enough gun.
So. Africa is a great country, I spent a few mos. there 5 yrs ago(hunting waves). Bring a sidearm. The place was getting radical then and it's worse now. Supposedly they have a murder rate 10X that in the U.S.. I would still go but keep in mind security.
True words, Ola. I watched footage today of security police firing birdshot at protesters. The protesters were holding up signs threatening Tony Blair, who is apparently visiting the country.

If the trip happens I'll be going with someone who has been there before and knows his way around.

on the caliber issue:
I went and looked at a couple Savage rifles. Thinking that I might buy two of them and forego the BAR that I've ben wanting for awhile.

What is the going price for a Savage Bolt? I thought they were less than what I saw today.

Ron Shirks has Savage model 111 for around $260 I belive, but price depends on the paticuler rifle, also SOG has em cheep.

Rob, no I didnt see the lefty blaser artical.

I know, took me long enough to read the thread again ;)


Mouse Assassins inc.