what caliber for first time shooter


New member
what would be a good and easy caliber for my mom to use when she gos to the range for the first time?

i'm not sure if she'd be able to handle my 9mm beretta.

i'm thinking maybe a 22 (my brother has three of them)

what are your thoughts?
.22 sounds perfect. Recoil is next to nonexistent, so she wont get scared off and not want to shoot anymore. Shell also hit the target a lot more, and not get discouraged, and she will be able to work on accuracy and proper technique.

After she gets used to it, id let her try your 9mm. I wish my parents wanted to go shooting with me. That would be awesome. They pretty much hate guns, and want nothing to do with them, so that sucks.
one of the reasons in taking her to the range is so that if there is ever a time she has to use the beretta for HD,then she'll have an idea on how to operate a gun.

also i'm not sure but i think my sister would like to learn.my brother-inlaw will more then likely be going overseas an she will be home alone with her three kids.granted i only live 5 miles away from her and she lives in a pretty nice neighborhood,but sometimes yo never know.i think she might also be thinking of buying a small compact to keep on her while she's out doing errands.i'll let my brother-inlaw bring her to the range.

the range i'm going to has ladys night on sundays were they get in free with someone that pays.
A .22 is the perfect way to learn shooting. Even the old master, Elmer Keith, along with many others, recomended the .22 for beginners. Quantrill
.22 lr's deffinately the way to go. When's she's comfortable, she can always work up, but if you start to big, you have to correct the problems before moving. That's a hassle you want to avoid.
I have handed a .22 to people that "hate guns" and "don't like to shoot"

In about 2 minutes I find myself showing them how to reload the mag. :D
as stated the .22.
But after a while if you see she's having a ball ASK if she wants to try something else. and I mean ASK.
Not, hey MOM try this.
More like Mom wanna try mine? and if she says she's happy with the .22 just keep shooting and shut up.

Everyone should start with a 22 . I don't think I would take her to a range where there were a lot of folkes around . It would be better if she learned safty from you and also have a good time doing it . insted of haveing to follow some range masters protocol the first time out . If possible go up in the hills and set up some cans and let her have fun knocking them over . teaching her safty while doing it .
Notice a pattern here? .22 is perfect for first time shooter. No recoil. Accurate. Cheap to shoot.

Also advice about taking her to the range when it's not crowded is right on, particularly if it's an indoor range.

When I first started shooting I went to an indoor range where the guy next to you might be shooting a .22 pistol, or a 300 Win Mag with a muzzle brake. Even with hearing protection it is very hard to concentrate with that much noise next to you. For a first timer, who's already a little nervous its impossible.
+1 for the ... can you guess.... .22LR.:D

Not just a beginners gun. I've been shooting for years and .22 is still at the top of my favorite guns to shoot.

Cheap to shoot.

Easy on recoil and report.

You can customize them in ways you can't imagine. I especially like the Ruger 10/22.
Either the .22 or 9mm would be a good starter gun. Unless your like 50 pounds and have really small hands I dont think the 9mm would be too much for a first timer. The first handgun I ever shot was a .44mag Desert Eagle.
yup. .22 would be good. I don't have a .22 pistol, but I have a .380. I can't get my mom to go shooting with me yet, but I'm still trying. I would think a 9mm shouldn't be too much, but I would try to stay under 9mm.
I don't think the 9mm is that bad. I had a 442 and Beretta type M (9mm) neither of which I had fired when I first bought them. The 442 scared the Hell out of me but the 9mm was a lot of fun - though yes, I was nervous when I heard it go off when my teacher used it. If you're really concerned, stick with the .22 but I personally didn't find the Beretta to be that scary when I tried shooting it for the first time.

Learn to shoot with the 22, either rifle or handgun. Move upward in caliber from there as interest and needs dictate. Ear protection is important even with the rifle. Learn good habits.