What are your thoughts on open carry and why?

Are you For Open Carry or Against and Why?

  • For Open Carry

    Votes: 37 45.1%
  • Against Open Carry

    Votes: 38 46.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I know that this is touchy topic for some and likely to stir some controversy. Who here is for open carry and who is against it? Please state your reasoning behind your believe but KEEP IT CIVIL!!! Thanks!

Edit: Please note that this refers to OPEN CARRY IN PUBLIC. I have no issues with people doing what they like in their home or business. Thanks!
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I fully support the right were legal, but imo a bad idea. Unless in uniform leo's carry concealed for a reason.
I think you are just looking for trouble when you open carry. Just because you can does not make it a smart move. I won't do it.:mad::
I clicked for open carry. Although I think it's a bad idea and the morons who post up at chipotle or target open carrying ARs make us look stupid. I am for it because in Ohio you are allowed to open carry without a ccw permit. Some people cannot afford to get their permit and I think they have a right to protect themselves.
Bonus for me: if my cover garment rises up and exposes my concealed handgun I won't get in trouble.
Opem Carry should be legal but not the rule !!!

By my measure, open carry should be the exception and not the rule. I know a number of dealers that open carry in the shop and out to their cars. Then they go concealed. So I guess you could say that open carry should be conditional. Then there are moments when you concealed carry, is briefly exposed and that's fine. ....... ;)

Be Prudent and;
Be Safe !!!
I think it should be legal but I personally don't think it's that good of an idea in public. The only time I open carry is while on the farm or hunting. Any other time I carry concealed.
I believe that concealed carry is tactically advantageous to open carry. If things go "South", the anyone with a gun on their hip will likely be the first target. Others may argue that open carry is more about "prevention than cure" since the mere presence of a armed defender may prevent an attack. I also know that some believe that an armed society is a polite society, but I don't believe that the presence of guns will deescalate a confrontation.

My real issue with open carry is that the law applies to all "walks of life" and can used to intimidate or coerce others. If a bunch of "gang-banger looking" characters walked into a business and asked about a "special discount" it would be pretty intimidating. Even if you are armed, you could be out-numbered. The other issue I have is potential harassment by police officers who have much better things to be doing with their time. As far as I know, everyone has to pass a criminal background check to get a concealed weapons permit. With open carry would a carry permit be required? Would it result in senselessly stopping and requesting carry permits?

What are your thoughts?

I can understand the financial part of open carry versus concealed carry, but this really isn't about accidentally exposing your gun. Does anyone have any stats about how many people are arrested for brandishing by accidentally having their concealment ride up? I doubt that it happens very often but I could be wrong.


This is one case I found, but the video footage shows the gun pretty clearly, which is much more than accidentally riding up. If you are going to carry concealed, wear the proper attire.


This is another situation, but that is the reason I always advised that I am carrying, even if not required to do so by law. According to New4JAX, the charges were dropped 17 days after Smith's arrest. Florida's laws have also been changed so that accidental exposure or printing is no longer a crime.
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I said undecided because I think open carry is fine but should be done with some discretion, not for shock value. If I am on my way to or from the range or hunting and need to stop for gas I will probably open carry and get on with my business. If I am going shopping or out to eat I will conceal. If I lived someplace that open carry was common I would probably do it a lot more.
By no means am I against it but I won't be doing it. I look at the open carry crowd as the bait to draw out the scum for the concealed carry crowd.
To me it's your posterior Kemosabe.. OC, CC, or not at all.

Those that OC just need to be aware their weapon can be snatched.. and they have given up the serious tactical advantage of being concealed.

Cops here in Texas have already told folks if they see someone with a gun, DON'T CALL THEM UNLESS THEY DO SOMETHING ELSE. They said if you just called them cause they had a gun on their hip they would not come.

So it's fine with me. Just don't wave it around or cops WILL COME!

Tactically it gives away your advantage, so I wouldn't.

I am for universal CCW license reciprocity, however I do believe in a background check for the license, as well as reasonable legal and firearms training to obtain.
I think OC should be reserved for times of unrest or disorder but when its outlawed it will also be illegal during those times too, when you may need to most. I support OC and will never vote against it but don't think its prudent to do so in most places.
Old Bill Dibble said:
Most of the time it is foolish in public. For those rare times when it is not it needs to be legal.

I would have to agree. After Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida, the people who were selling generators and supplies were all carrying openly. I seemed to send a pretty clear message to looters to pick an easier target. During the LA riots following the Rodney King verdict, it was the business owners guarding their businesses from their roof tops that allowed them to survive relatively unscathed. Too bad Former Mayor Ray Nagin illegally ordered all guns be confiscated after Hurricane Katrina.
I think you are just looking for trouble when you open carry. Just because you can does not make it a smart move. I won't do it

I agree when talking about everyday activities. I don't have an issue with it when out hunting, fishing or hiking
You need a fourth option for those of us who think that in limited circumstances open carry can work. But most of the time it's not a good idea.