What are your thoughts on Mike Huckabee?

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Publius, they are talking about applying a flat tax primarily to personal income. If you buy a computer for your business, that is not personal income.

But if I own the business and it is my only source of income, that would mean that for purposes of the flat tax, I have no income. I would pay no tax.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I just don't see all the small business owners in America suddenly being tax-exempt. I think they would find a way to call my small business income income. To do that, business expenses must be deductible.
It is the height of foolishness to totally overhaul our tax system. It is far from perfect but over the years they have tried to fix some of the more glaring problems. Any new system would take years to tweak, the fact is there are just too many unforeseen and unintended consequences when you change something as basic as our tax system.

He would like to make our country the christian version of Iran's theocracy, luckily this has become a less popular position over the years.
A consumption tax is one thing, a "VAT" tax is quite another. It gets added at each level of the production process, with only a fraction of it visible to the purchaser in the final transaction.

That's why "VAT" taxes have also been called the "Stealth tax". They're very easy to gradually hike, and while people notice prices rising, they don't see that it's due to the tax. That's why I'm dead set against a VAT tax.
Publius, the answer to your question is that yes business expenses would be deductible as a business expense. If you are a painter for example, the paint you buy is a business expense, and was never personal income. If you made gross revenues of $50,000 and paid $10,000 on paint and other supplies, then your personal income that you paid yourself would be $40,000 and that would be taxable with no deductions. If you donated money to a church or charity, you could not deduct that for example.

But it would not be fair to tax you on your gross revenues, since a lot of that money was never actually personal income.
Is Christofascist the Christian version of an Islamofascist?

Key difference being the Christofascist will pray for "non-believers," rather than sawing off their heads with rusty blades.


Pax Domine sit semper vobiscum!
I guess I like Mike better than the top three, but then, I like Tancredo as much as Mike. The bottom candidates in the Republican primary are much more to my liking than the top three.
OK, suppose I have a small business. Last year, it had $2.6 million in sales. Is that my income? Maybe the stuff I sold cost me a million dollars, and I still had to pay sales commissions, advertising, office expenses, and on and on. Some of those expenses are clearly going to have to be deductible, since I can't pay the tax on $2.6 million.

I think that the flat tax proposals work best when they are applied only to personal income tax.

Your posited scenario involves business income. I don't see how you can apply a flat tax to that type of income since our economy is structured to take advantage of the various concepts of deductions for some many aspects of business investment. I don't see how you can transition to a flat tax on business income when so much has been invested in new plant and equipment premised on the ability to take years worth of deductions for depreciation, etc.
Key difference being the Christofascist will pray for "non-believers,"

Like the Spanish and French "inquisitors" and that supid queen Mary before Elizabeth? Christians don't have any better record as regards non believers than any other religion and a worse record than most.
Justme, you are kind of having to go back a few hundred years for those examples though.

About 6 years ago, Islamofascists killed a few thousand people at the WTC.

Specifically, what mass murders have been committed on behalf of Christianity by the United States? Timothy McVay was not motivated by religion, so you can't use him as an example.
Do you really believe your comparison is valid?
Christian radicals have killed abortion clinic employees and the occasional gay person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My contention is that the reason Christians haven't been able to launch any large scale conflicts against non believers is because Christians do not control any powerful governments. Theocracies kill and torture because power corrupts, which religion they use as an excuse is beside the point.

This is why I fear those who would force a christian social agenda upon the people of the united states. It would not only be bad for the US but it would be even worse for christianity.
How does the the number of americans killed by islamofasicsts compare to the number of jews killed by Nazis? BTW, that was sarcasm meant to point out your logical fallacy known as a red herring.

Besides, you miss the whole point. Keeping our govt out of the hands of any religious group ensures that the full power of our government can not easily be used for religous reasons.
How does the the number of americans killed by islamofasicsts compare to the number of jews killed by Nazis?

The Nazis were not religiously motivated to kill the Jews. They were economically and socially motivated to kill them.
Seems like a nice guy, but nice guys don't win national elections. Plus he does not have an original thought in his head. He is not going to win the nomination, so lets just forget about him.
I'd rather have a Christofacist rather than an athieofacist any day!

Some of you really crack me up. This country was founded on Christian values and became the greatest country on earth following Christian values. The slide began when we turned away from those values and looked towards socialist government as the solution to our problems.

Christians are not out to get you, tell you you are wrong maybe, but not out to harm anyone. Perhaps you just don't like to hear you are wrong. Momma told you to wipe you nose and you still haven't gotten over it? I don't know.

I think I will probably vote for Mike Huckabee in the primary but will likely vote Constitution party in the general. Obama, Clinton, Guliani, Romney, their core values are pretty much the same as far as I can see. At least McCain is pro-Life, but a liberal otherwise. I hope SOMEONE can rise to the top in the republican field, but it isn't looking very good.
He would like to make our country the christian version of Iran's theocracy, luckily this has become a less popular position over the years.

Yep, lucky us.:rolleyes:

Some of you really crack me up. This country was founded on Christian values and became the greatest country on earth following Christian values. The slide began when we turned away from those values and looked towards socialist government as the solution to our problems.

I would agree to a certain extent that your statement is true. I would tweak your statement by inserting Judeo Christian Philosophy.

This is why I fear those who would force a christian social agenda upon the people of the united states. It would not only be bad for the US but it would be even worse for christianity.

You mean like allowing prayer in public schools? What items would exactly be forced upon Christians if a so called "Christian social agenda" is in place?

People seem to have this phobia of a president that actually is a God fearing man? This has been a common tradition for presidents since the beginning. Maybe not all of the presidents, but most.

It's so absurd that people think there's going to be an abrupt halt to one's personal freedom if a God fearing man wins the election. How many times does it take for people to wake up and smell the coffee that this very country was founded based on Judeo Christian Philosophy. Any deviation from this such as abolishing God or a diety from our country is the path of destruction, IMO.

I think Huckabee has some good qualities in him, but I do question his stance on the border. He was on talk radio in my area not too long ago and I'm trying to get transcripts if they're available. It was a good interview and he answered quite a few questions that I had about him professionally and personally...
Well, after watching the full hour...

I am pretty impressed. All of the "debates" put together gave him about 1/10 the opportunity to actually air his views as this one-hour show did.

For starters, he is not proposing a Flat Tax, rather an (approximately 23%) consumption tax, which only taxes one at the spending point. Make $100,000? Irrelevant. Only dollars spent are taxed. It does collect from those that normally evade taxes (drug dealers, illegals, etc) when they spend money. Imperfect, but an improvement over today's system. Unfortunately, it would put thousands of IRS workers out of a job. Pity :rolleyes:

Given his responses to the rapid-fire portion of the discusion (Question/Answer, yes or no, no equivocating) I am encouraged. He seems to be a genuine guy who has his head on straight. Duncan Hunter is still my choice, but Huckabee remains a viable alternative for me.

I will not vote for a RINO...Giuliani or McCain (although the latter is taking care of that by self-destructing rather handily). If I cannot vote for someone, I'll let Hillary drive us off the cliff. If the Republican Party doesn't get it soon, all will be lost, and I will not accept the guilt for that.

Besides, you miss the whole point. Keeping our govt out of the hands of any religious group ensures that the full power of our government can not easily be used for religous reasons.

I think you missed the point. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. Mike Huckabee, much as any other candidate, has his beliefs.

Kennedy was the first Catholic President. Nixon the first Quaker. Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II all have espoused their beliefs, and all are free to have them. None of these Presidents destroyed the country based upon his religious beliefs, none has has imposed theocratic rule, nor has any removed anyone else's head for a failure to agree with their beliefs.

I am objective enough to separate my personal beliefs from my political position. I would prefer a decent, humble, moral man to lead this Country. If he becomes too self-righteous, we will deal with that. Until that happens, it is a non-issue--we have larger issues to deal with.
Christian radicals have killed abortion clinic employees and the occasional gay person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My contention is that the reason Christians haven't been able to launch any large scale conflicts against non believers is because Christians do not control any powerful governments. Theocracies kill and torture because power corrupts, which religion they use as an excuse is beside the point.


Congratulations for posting one of the most clueless and off base posts that I have seen in quite some time on a forum anywhere.You have been nominated for the yearly award for stupidity given to highly educated idiots.

I know Huckabee personally,and he is the last person to "force" his beliefs anyone. Yes, he is a Baptist Minister and he will tell you how the cow eats the cabbage and he will not sugar coat it like most of the so called "Christian" religions out there.

Lets get something straight here poo brain. "Christian Radicals" that kill anyone in cold blood are anything but Christian. If you had an inkling of an idea of what you were talking about,(and its obvious that you don't) you would understand that is so far from Christian Doctrine that it is ridiculous to even mention it.

The reason that Christians haven't been able to launch any large scale conflicts is because they do not want to. They would rather live in peace, unlike other religions that are hostile to America whose ultimate goal is to die for allah.

I don't see where any predominately Christian Governments are killing or torturing anyone. Looking at the governments of Sudan,Rwanda,Somalia,the Balkans,Iran,Iraq,and all of the little ragtag countries that are Muslim, that are killing people TODAY and comparing it some some heathens that used Christianity as an excuse to kill people several hundred years ago is completely and totally irrational,not to mention juvenile.

This is why I fear those who would force a Christian social agenda upon the people of the united states. It would not only be bad for the US but it would be even worse for christianity

If this post wasn't so completely and totally laughable,it would warrant an extreme amount of pity bestowed upon it author.

Since its obvious that you don't know what "christianity" is...how is it possible that you can dictate or predict what will be worse for Christianity?

So, let me quess...you fear a Baptist Minister that did a pretty fair job of governing Arkansas that was never once accused of "forcing" his beliefs on the unwashed heathen masses because he is man enough to stand for something and not crawfish, squirm or be apologetic for his beliefs?

Brilliant.You are a fine example of why this country is going to hell in a hand basket at an accelerated pace.Don't bother responding because I refuse to argue with idiots.
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