What are Your Firearms Biases?

Tucker 1371

New member
I got to thinking about this subject today and reflected back on my own biases, both past and present, and how they've shaped my firearm buying habit over the years. I'd just like to see what kind of opinions TFL members hold about firearms and how they have changed over the years and/or influenced decisions to purchase or not purchase different types of firearms. That said, I'll go first.

Not including my first rifle at age 7, I started out with an AK74 clone, 5.45x39mm so naturally I thought this was the greatest round in the history of ever. Believed every overblown "historical" claim about its wound creating capabilities and thought 5.56 and the AR15 were junk. Now I realize there barely a hill of beans difference between the two calibers and I enjoy my AK and AR equally but realize that my AR is much more practical than my wood stocked AK which I intend to leave in the original wood because it's just too dang pretty to take off.

Glocks... Shot my grandfathers 10mm Glock 20 at age 12, rattled the rear sight off, kicked like a mule (naturally), and spit hot brass back in my face. And I was frustratingly inaccurate with it. So at 12 years old I started hating Glocks. And I haven't really stopped. I just don't hate them so much anymore. The Glock 19 is actually a nice little pistol that I would absolutely own if you gave it to me for free.

The 1911... First handgun I was able to actually consistently hit my target with, at 16 years old. So naturally everything else was junk. When I turned 21 my first handgun was a PT1911, my next was a Springfield Operator, and now I have a Colt Rail Gun. Still love the 1911 but I have come to realize its shortcomings regarding capacity and reliability. Now my handgun bias is CZ, I freakin love my SP01 and everyone else should too ;)

The AR15... As I said earlier I thought the AR to be an unreliable piece of junk and the 5.56 to be an anemic and useless round. The Marine Corps and the M16A4 (spitefully referred to as a Musket for its length) didn't cause me to like the platform any more. I especially detested sweeping for and interrogating IEDs while carrying it and was constantly having to readjust my setup to accomodate its length and my lack ther of (I'm 5'6"). Finally in 2014 my buddy talked me into building one, and my love for tinkering translated into a newfound appreciation for the AR15 which led me to do some research and I now have a healthy appreciation for both my AR and the 5.56.

The M1A... Not budging on this one, the M14 is king of battle rifles! :D But I wouldn't turn down shooting an FAL if someone offered.
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I used to think a 22 lr was alright for sd then I found the fourms and found out I was wrong
I rented a glock at A range once to see what all the hype was. Was a glock 34 I think but the sob hurt my hand hated glocks for a while after that
I am heavily biased towards reliability, ergonomics and proof of performance in competition.

While I appreciate the exceptionally high end and artistic firearms, I am probably biased against them for my own personal use. Safe Queens are a waste of time and money.

We have way too many cartridges and way too many fan boys who don't shoot enough to know what they are talking about with huge youtube channels and blogs.
Probably bias towards anything that is quality, by that I mean extraordinary engineering, precision machining, superb finishes, and low production runs. See no polymer firearms in any future acquisitions.
The price of .22 rim fire ammunition these days. I haven't shot it much since the price skyrocketed and has still not come back to a reasonable price.

Bolt actions shotguns.

Bias against Bersa.

Biased against anything other than wood stocks on rifle and shotguns with the exception of AR type rifles.

Bias against 16 gauge shotguns.

Bias against funny color firearms to include camo, olive drab, and rainbow colored.

I will think of more later and as I read other post. I know some of the above is irrational.
I'm biased against Muzzle Brakes, especially on an AR-15.

They're rude and annoying to those around you at the range.

They're not needed on a deer rifle. Learn to handle recoil, like a man!

On an AR-15, they're just stupid (unless you live in a state where "flash suppessors" are illegal). 5.56 has no recoil! Stop being a wussy!

Oh, and while I'm ranting, GET OFF MY LAWN!

Ah, I feel better. Thanks!
no likey

Anything other than wood stocks on rifle or shotgun.

The new crop of little plastic handguns.

Too many magnum cartridges...short ones, fat ones, etc.

Do enjoy single shot rifles and 1911 and/or Hi-Power handgun platforms.
Bias in favor of 1911s
Bias in favor of Dan Wessons
Bias against anything but wood stocks or forarms on long guns
Bias against Glocks
Bias against anti-gunners
Older "Classics"

Not really biased just lean more toward the older stuff that I and others, consider "Classics". As and example, Winchester 94's, Browning/Colt 1911's, P-38's, SXS, older Marlins and just abut any SA. When it comes to M/L's, I am definitely biased against MML's as they are really not historical. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Oh, I definitely have opinions.

I prefer genuine to clones. My AR says Colt on it. Most of 1911s are Colt (one RIA hanging around for some reason).

Never saw any use for the 270. The 30-'06 works fine for me.

Love the Mauser 98. Most of my bolt guns are 98s or derived from the 98 design.

Don't understand the 45/410 revolvers. Big, heavy and useless to me.

Same with the pistols that are cut down lever rifles. Any handgun requiring two hands to use is beyond me.

Keep your 500 Magnum revolver away from me. I don't like shooting the 44 Magnum.

Hate cerakote-type finishes. Hate stainless steel, too.

Any Ruger DA revolver. Yuck.

Glocks. All of 'em. Feels like shaking hands with a 2x4.

Don't like forward serrations, extended tangs, hooked trigger guards.

Love single shot rifles. Have a bunch. Want a Sharps badly but gun buying is embargoed until mortgage is paid off.

"Fitz Specials." Butchery in my book.

Own an FAL and an H&K 91, have fired an M1A1. FAL is my favorite.

Don't care for stag grips with bark. Polished smooth looks nice to me.

Prefer tapered barrel Smiths to heavy barrel models (27 vs. 29).

Better stop.
Bias towards 1911's
Bias towards wood stocks
Bias towards Ruger
Bias towards Springfield Armory
Bias towards Henry rifles

Bias against Glocks
Bias against S&W
Lorcin, Jennings, Raven, and Rossi. I know many people who have owned them and had great luck. I've shot them all and have not been impressed with their fit, finish, reliability or style.

I am biased toward "overlooked" gems. There are some great guns that just get no respect yet represent great value. Many Rugers fall into that category for me.

Biased against the 'trigger within a trigger' (Glock) or any variation on the theme. Come to think of it, I dislike spongy triggers of all sorts.
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I find that I am biased towards guns I find aesthetically pleasing. Of course I care about reliability too, but first and foremost it has to look good to me. This sort of even applies to my carry gun. Reliability is of course my first priority when it comes to my carry gun, but it still has to look acceptable. :D

By aesthetically pleasing I don't just mean classic wood & steel guns either. I find some tactical type rifles with synthetic stocks good looking just as I find a good ol' wood & steel rifle good looking... just in their own ways.
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I am biased towards 1911s and S&W revolvers (esp. pre-lock).
I love Colt SAAs.
I don't care for pistols that may have started life as a Tupperware container.
Really not a fan of pistols whose name sounds like something one does leaning over the toilet after a night of hard drinking.
I like .45s (ACP and Colt) as well as .357.
Not a fan of 9mm (except Browning HP) nor .380 ACP.
.40 S&W is a decent round if I have to go "9ish".
Don't care for cerakote but I like stainless.
The MIM controversy is inane and silly.
The Series 70 vs Series 80 vs Schwartz debate is second only to to the MIM debate for inanity.
Forgot one of mine, I used to be a ".45 because they don't make a .46" guy. Now I'm a 9mm fan, capacity, shot placement, and follow up shots trump all.
Biased against polymer pistols. There are very few that I have ever wanted or enjoyed shooting, the majority of which being small pocket sized pistols for which there are not many practical metal guns. I prefer as much metal in my guns as possible. In particular, I have no love whatsoever for Glocks. They somehow manage to be uncomfortable to shoot even in 9mm. The only exception so far is the 42 and 43 which have much better grip profiles.

The large majority of my guns are Czech origin and I tend to lean towards non-American designs (notwithstanding some of the newer and cooler battle rifles or personal carbines which are too expensive for me)
I pretty much like everything..I have a variety of different platforms and configurations...EXCEPT TAURUS!! I despise all things TAURUS and yes that includes the ford :D
I formed many of my biases as a youngster from sitting around camp listening to the seasoned men argue. Of course I sided with the ones that killed the most or biggest. The biggest bias I got from that was anything smaller than .30 was too small. I know better now.

Again as a grasshopper I was biased against anything but S&W or colt. Anything else was junk. Now I own many brands but still go back to those.

If you had a auto it was a 1911 or you were a sissy. I still prefer 1911's but own many others now.

I was biased against single shot shotguns. Now I have accumulated more than 2 dozen winchester model 37's.

I am still biased against people with more or better guns than me. If you qualify in this category you are a gun nut and should have your head examined. Atleast that's what my wife tells me.
After seeing thousands of examples of AK-47s in the ME and other places I have no respect for the platform. Despite all the "never break, always reliable" that I read and hear about this simply isn't true. The round is mediocre, and accuracy is so-so. At $300 or less the platform makes a lot of sense. At $700+ I don't get it and never will.

I'll never buy another Mini-14 either.