What are your favorite gun related YouTube channels?


New member
Figured I’d start one of these threads and perhaps discover someone new.

I like:

Warrior Poet Society





Any other notable YouTubers worth checking out? I tend to lean more towards the educational videos and product reviews, although some do discuss 2A political issues as well.
That old long winded guy... hickok or something❓

Not very popular...ONLY 5.83M subscribers...:D

hickok45 is one of my regulars when I have time.
Mac's Military Arms Channel

All have some great videos!



My top favs, all are unbiased, polite , great verbal presentation skills and enjoy presenting all types of firearms.
C&Rsenal is a great in-depth firearms history channel, other favorites are In Range TV, Forgotton Weapons, and 9Hole Reviews.
Paul Harrell's in depth skepticism about people believing common "effective round?" hearsay, among his other videos, is always interesting.
His background adds plenty of experience to his methods and objectives.

hickok 45,
LuckyGunner (quite detailed, color-coded charted evaluations of US brass vs. Russian ammo in ARs is "illuminating" in their extensive tests).
FPSRussia... was... quite entertaining. Such a shame about that guy.

>>> :cool:Tactics in actual scenarios from security cameras: "Active Self Protection" .
The quite numerous videos of many off-duty or plainclothes LEOs defending against robbers in Brazil is truly informative. Many videos are from the US etc.

;) Folks, there is absolutely nothing even remotely similar to this, and the narrator Briefs you on what will happen, as he then Reviews how well people made use of different factors (or positioned themselves) to defend themselves, or others, without risking innocent people.

One of the defenders is a mother near small school children on a street.
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In no particular order:

FORGOTTEN WEAPONS by Ian McCullum because I really enjoy the history, even of guns I am not necessarily interested in, but like the story of at least a couple of aspects of the development of the operating system or type.

Paul Harrell, because he uses my three favorite criteria in evaluation of most things:

1. Common Sense
2. Logic
3. Reason

Then works on the demonstrable, repeatable, and empirical data in his presentation.

Then Warrior Poet Society because he brings a decent dose humility and of humor to his presentation along with a resume that actually is deserving of recognition of practical skills and knowledge.

Military Arms Channel is good too.

I avoid any of the ones that drip hubris or self aggrandizement or are little poop stains such as the little kid who got drunk and tried to call out Paul Harrell and got SPANKED like a petulant 3 year old.
I like most of the Tubers mentioned.

On the more entertaining and somewhat irreverent side of things:
  • Demolition Ranch
  • Brandon Herrera (the AK Guy)
  • Kentucky Ballistics