What are you: Trophy or Meat Hunter?

I must admit I do a bit of both. Tend to go out as a meat hunter but if I see a trophy I will happily take it as you don't know when you'll see another one.
With liberal limits and a long season, I get to be both. I've seen a good many deer this year and have yet to drop the hammer on one. Being as the rut is kicking off, I'm trying to get a wall hanger buck but I'm not going to pass up a big fat doe if one gives me a shot. Funny thing is that this year I have seen more small bucks and button bucks than in the past 4 or 5 seasons combined.

Trophy vs Meat. How about the experience and a target of opportunity?
To me, any elk is a trophy
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. A week in the woods with buddies, a little bit of excitement, a whole lot of toting, and a year's worth of good memories while making stews and steaks for the family...
Both. If they are a bit small, I will let them pass and maybe get it next year or someone else for that matter. I eat what I take. But by far it is the hunt that I enjoy the most. Going through the forests and seeing some of the spectacular vistas. Watching the squirrels and birds as they go about their daily business. And of course evenings at camp playing "rotiserie" at the camp fire with a cup of hot coffee in hand and listening to the tales being told. Some true and some not so true. If I take one home, so much the better. If not then it is not a loss.
Meat for me. Our decor doesn't really work with heads on the wall, so antlers just get hung up in the shed or used in projects.
I love the meat but no one else in my family does so I try to beat my best "rack" from previous hunts. This results in not taking a deer many years but I don't care. I just love being out in the woods hunting. And if I get a good one I donate the meat to the needy which gives me a good feeling.