What are you: Trophy or Meat Hunter?


New member
(BTW - I saw this discussion on another forum and decided to ask the question here)

So as the title says: Are you a meat or trophy hunter and why?
I know in some states (like the southern states) you get several tags, so you can do both. In other states you only get one, which makes "hunting for horns" more difficult. I guess the question also needs to be asked, "What is your def of trophy?

Please respect everyone's opinion!

And remember: "Let's be careful out there"

Meat..............time spent enjoying the woods is the same..........and if a big one shows up it's a bonus.

Beyond that hogs eat better than deer so they get more attention too.
I'm a meat hunter. My saying is...it doesn't matter how long you boil the antlers of a big buck, you still can't eat them.

If its a mature deer whether its doe or buck, it's going to get dropped and put in my freezer.

Depends on my mood and oppurtunity.

I've let many meat bags walk that I could have easily killed but I can't imagine ever letting a trophy walk, so I guess I lean toward being a "trophy" hunter.

On the other hand, of the dozens of deer I've killed, only one comes even remotely close to trophy size and it's a 100 inch 8-point. Trophy size in this area because it wouldn't be unusual for folks in these parts to hunt their entire lives without getting a bigger one. "True" trophies (in size) in this area are like winning the lottery.

So, from that perspective, I'm a meat hunter.
As long as I'm here in FL - it is strictly meat. There really isn't such a thing as a trophy deer down here. Even the biggest rack on a FL deer would get laughed at up north.
Trophy hunter.....nothing more challenging or rewarding than matching wits with an experienced wise old buck. Shooting the unwitting inexperienced younger animals before they're mature seems......immoral.

Don't start filling tags for meat until the last day or so of the season, and then it's only doe's.
When others are hunting on my property. I prefer they take home the trophy's. I spend very little time hunting for me. And usually take my deer a day or so before Season ending. small Spike, 2yr. old doe is all I need. I guess "Um, a meat hunter. "_:)
I'm a trophy hunter. if I just want to kill a deer to eat there is not much hunting to it. I can do that out the back window of my house.
Meat hunter here, I have a family of five and all of us love our venison. Thats not to say I would not drop a trophy given the chance, just never been one to pass up a good meal in hopes the big one is coming. gotta put meat in the freezer
Mostly a meat hunter but I'll pass on really small bucks here in CA. If you ever saw a decent sized blacktail buck, you'd probably laugh at me though as they are really small anyway:D
I live in an area where it's hard to draw Male licenses for trophy bucks/bulls/etc. so for now...mostly a meat hunter.
Not much sense in shooting them if you are not going to eat them.

Not much sense in shooting an old tough one if you intend to eat it.

1 1/2 year olds are the best compromise between body size and toughness, IME ...
I consider all my deer a trophy,And the chance to take a dozen deer a year a blessing.Guess it depends on what you call a trophy. Horns are pretty but meat is filling.
Both, if I'm lucky

It really doesn't make any difference as long as you are hunting ethically and lawfully.

If you hunt for "That" trophy buck, you don't let the meat go to waste. .. :)
If you hunt for meat, you might get a trophy as a bonus. .... :rolleyes:

Currently I have two trophy bucks on the wall and there is always room for one more. Meat is always in the freezer and heads go on the wall. .. ;)

Be Safe !!!
To me, any elk is a trophy. I shot a big 7 x 6 bull last year. Toughest elk meat I ever ate, even the backstraps. Wish I had shot a calf or young cow instead.
I kill mammals to eat them.

But... if a large, heavy-horned 6x6 Elk was standing next to a tender, delicious spike; I'd probably shoot the tough ol' guy. The meat won't be very 'enjoyable' to eat, since it will be tough. But, I wouldn't mind having that skull plate and its accessories. ;)