What are you going to do different when Hillary begins her term(s)?

What will you do different when Hillary is prez?

  • Add a/more black rifle(s) to my collection

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Begin or continue hoarding supplies and reloading

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Join the NRA/GOA and hope somebody does something

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Move to Idaho and join/begin a secession movement

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Take up archery

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters

I think we can expand this poll to also include if Barack Obama wins since he is the other likely candidate for the Dems. They both scare the crap out of me on guns and that they are out right socialist. :barf:

Why is it seems like in the rest world is soften on the socialist stuff (i.e. France seem to be heading in the right direction in general now), but a good deal of Americans still think we need a workers paradise? Also several of the republicans scare nearly as much on gun rights and other issues.
Oh goodness people, the world will not be over as we know it. I'll get up in the morning, shave, brush my teeth, and go to work just like any other day . . .
I would recommend stocking up on stuff that is likely to be controlled- hi capacity mags etc, another area that concerns us in more regulated parts of the world is the regulation of primers- this is one component we cannot make.
You new to this show?

Hint: We've been winning for awhile.

Sorry…. I’m from CA, but still does not seem to me that we’re winning this war. Microstamping, lead bullet ban, cities outlawing the possession of handguns in private homes and I don’t remember the last time more public lands were opened up to shooting activities.

Even if these impediments don’t stand, I consider them victories for the antis. I’ve said it before; these are well-funded and very patient people. They’ll simply keep trying until they get their way. They’ll continue to attack on every front, knowing they’ll lose a bunch, but each time they win even the smallest concession, they’ve accomplished something.

It doesn’t stop with guns either. They’re slowly and patiently denying the public access to public lands. Hell, I’ll probably be run off my National Forest Service camping spot of 27 years soon, because I won’t legally be able to drive down the trail to get there.

I’m glad to hear there are optimists, but I’m not one of them.
Seriously now, you don't really think she will get elected do you? C'mon, tell me you're all not that naive. This country would no more elect a woman president (never mind who her husband is) than they would an, oh, African American. Heck, that loser Rudy has a better shot than Hillary. And, once again, let me remind you that it is Congress that would be grabbing your guns, not the executive. No, I am more concerned about who we send to the hill than to the white house.