What are you going to do different when Hillary begins her term(s)?

What will you do different when Hillary is prez?

  • Add a/more black rifle(s) to my collection

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Begin or continue hoarding supplies and reloading

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Join the NRA/GOA and hope somebody does something

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Move to Idaho and join/begin a secession movement

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Take up archery

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters


New member
The ongoing incremental losses in gun owner rights coupled with Hillary at the helm does not bode well. What are you going to do?
I will definately start to horde components for all ammo I shoot, as well as .22lr rounds. Have also contemplated adding another AR lower assembly as well as a .22lr upper. I'm mainly satisfied with the guns I have now other than that. Ammunition is where my funds will be directed.
You make it sound like she has already won. :barf: If there was ever a reason to rally your friends and family to vote (against Hillary of course), this is the one. While presidents have some power, they cannot simply ban guns. There may be restrictions and prices will certainly go up, but wide spread confiscations are beyond her power. We need to support the NRA and vote for those who are pro-gun (provided they have a brain and are reasonable in other areas).
I'll shake my head in disgust at the stupidity of so many of my fellow citizens (and illegals who registered under the Motor-Voter laws) who voted the shrill Harpie into office, and buy whatever rifle looks like it'd be a good investment for the time after it's outlawed:

.50 BMGs
AK variants
Kel-Tec folding riflles
I am not waiting for the time of the next election. All of the candidates and voters have me worried, so I am buying mags, ammo, certain handguns, and rifles now.

I am not too worried about compound bows, crossbows or muzzle loaders being banned. Those can wait. I will be buying at least one of each in the future though.

There may be a run on large PVC pipes and caps, sealant, and desiccant if you catch my drift.
I will be buying black rifles, ammo, joining the NRA, GOA, JPFO and learning how to use a bow. There may be a plumbing project or two around the house as well.
You know, I always said that if Hillary Clinton became president, I would go to Canada. Holy crap, I was just kidding Hillary, you can stop running now! I hope I don't have to get a warmer jacket.
You make it sound like she has already won

Not 'til November! I'll try to eat one of my hats if I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I understand that one person, even president, can't end our rights in a day or even a term or two, but it's pretty obvious where this is going.

You like compounds or recurves?
Hillary's bus is broke down right now. The 'flub of the day' today was her hubby promising for her that HER first action as president would be to send Bush 41 and HIM around the world to announce we are open for business. This prompted a very quick release from Bush 41 that he had no information about this, hadn't been asked about any such thing, and reminded everyone that we have a very good number of Allies and that number is growing.

Her campaign leaders are not only quitting over her tactics but are going to Obama's camp, she thinks that what Obama wrote in KINDERGARTEN is somehow relevant, and her pattern of running off, disappearing for a while, then re-emerging having re-re-reshaped her campaign and herself is thin,insincere, and unbecoming leadership.

So what will be done when Hillary takes office? I would hope someone would take her the the emergency room for treatment because that will only happen in her own head as a result of some drug/alcohol induced delusional state.

Her campaign has come to the point that a week doesn't pass before they find a ditch to get in to. Wheels are coming off. But the Clinton's have found ways to climb out of deep crap before. If they can stop looking like the familiar attack/scandal machine and still work their game she may catch a grip again. But with the big decisions so close it'll take Obama driving off a bridge with a girlfriend to help her right now.

You make it sound like she has already won. If there was ever a reason to rally your friends and family to vote (against Hillary of course), this is the one. While presidents have some power, they cannot simply ban guns. There may be restrictions and prices will certainly go up, but wide spread confiscations are beyond her power. We need to support the NRA and vote for those who are pro-gun (provided they have a brain and are reasonable in other areas).

I agree completely. It's time to ditch the laziness NOW and start getting folks together to keep this woman out of the presidency.

As for the poll, I voted "stockpile", but not to plan for the revolution or stash for TEOTWAWKI, but to beat the ever-increasing cost of ammo. It continues to rise here and I doubt there will be a significant downturn in price again. Certainly not to previously levels anyway. It's kind of like gas, fluctuating, but always upward.
If there was ever a reason to rally your friends and family to vote (against Hillary of course)

I would love to, but I have no friends and those in my family who are truly smart (even the antis) weren't going to vote for her anyway and the not so smart/socialists are just dying to vote for her.

Like, for what use?

Don't tell me you've forgotten about that nut from Colorado who was shooting at the White House back when Bubba was in office. I can't remember if he had an AK or an SKS. I only remember that it shot 7.62x39.

If Hillary gets in I am willing to bet that someone else is gonna snap.

Besides, what other use could they have for a gun that will likely get banned you ask?

You might consider self defense, hunting, critter control, pleasure shooting, competition, COUGH...resisting a tyrannical government...COUGH, and just something fun to pass on to the kiddies someday.
Here in Illinois you must show your FOID (Firearms Owner ID) card whenever you purchase ammo. It would not be a big step to require the store to record your name, address, etc. for each purchase. It would not take a rocket scientist to determine who has guns at home once the government has that information. While the PResident does not determine state law, the climate under a Hilary presidency would likely change to one of severe anti-gun sentiment (after all, Hilary only favors "sensible gun laws" such as registration and licensing of all firearms). Under that anti-gun cloud, I envision even more repressive gun laws here than we currently suffer under.
Dig in and wait for the second civil war to end once she manages to ban firearms and tax us all down to poverty levels and force us to become human machines that are only intended to work and supply her and her elites with entertainment, food, drink, and any whimsical desire. Won't last long, very few of her radical supporters own firearms.

p.s. already in Idaho, no choice on that matter :p
It amazes me that Hillary is first in the polls. I have never met one single Hillary Clinton supporter. I have met supporters of Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Rudy Guilani, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Joe Biden, and Mike Gravel. But never someone who supported Hillary Clinton. So if she wins, I'll be astounded.

But my vote goes to the black rifles, since I don't have one yet.