What are you all planning on hunting next fall

Of course bull elk for winter meat, 3 miles from home,
moose 1 mile, but no longer interested in bagging, nor bear.

Will keep an eye out for a big buck.
Hunt & trap wolves nov-march.

Win73... a friendly guy from Alabama hunting up here told me that back home most deer,
even bucks, could be carried by one man.

Are you Alabamans that huge?
Win73... a friendly guy from Alabama hunting up here told me that back home most deer,
even bucks, could be carried by one man.

Are you Alabamans that huge?

Well I don't know as we Alabamians are bigger than any other people. Our deer probably aren't as big on average the deer in say Ohio, Illinois, or where I grew up in Missouri. The heaviest I have had weighed were two that I killed a couple of seasons ago. They weighed 162 and 165. I think the biggest bodied deer that I have killed was a doe four years ago with my crossbow. My buddy and I started to pick it up and put it on my four wheeler to haul it to my truck. But we quickly decided to just tie a rope to it and use the four wheeler to drag it to the truck. Of course when we got it to the truck we still had to get it into the truck. But using the rope the two of us didn't have too much trouble doing it.
I wonder if our deer might be a little smaller because we have so many of them? I have seen as many as 20 at time while hunting. I will generally see around 200 during a hunting season. The most I have killed in one season is four. I have done that twice. I generally let does and small bucks walk. I probably will kill a doe or two next season. I think it has been at least three seasons since any does have been killed where I hunt. I am thinking they may be getting overpopulated.