What are the Pros and Cons of the .45 ACP?

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New member
I shot a .45 ACP today and I have to say, it was easy to control. I'm good with recoil. I'm developing stronger arms. But it just makes me wonder what others think about their .45s and why they use them for defensive guns, and why they don't. What they enjoy about the caliber, and what they hate. :)
What's good enough for Alvin York and Audie Murphy is good enough for me.
So, Stonewall, what did you shoot those .45s out of?
I will throw one thing out there as a plus that isn't always brought up. The sound signature of a .45 is more pleasant. Loud to be sure as any round is but being so low pressure it doesn't have the same CRACK a 9mm or .40 has much less .357 magnum.
Ohhh and .....
9mm just .45 set for stun
Carry any caliber as long as it starts with a 4
It's silly to shoot more than once
John Moses Browning the divine one intended it
Goes in like a thumb comes out like a pie plate
Blah blah etc. blah. Am I missing anything. :)

Seriously it's both a fun round and has a fairly long and storied history as a fight stopper. Did I mention fun???
45 put about a .65" expanded slug through somebody weighing 230gr. The wound is impressive.
The round is easy to handle due to its size.

Mag capacity
Cartridge weight
I have pistols chambered in 22LR, 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. Also a 38 Special/.357 Magnum revolver.

For some reason, I seem to enjoy shooting my three .45s more than the others. I find the recoil characteristics very pleasant. I hadn't thought about the sound of the report, but yes, I suppose that as well. Mostly I just seem to be more accurate within 25 yards than with the other calibers.

There is not much reason to use FMJ ammo for self-defense anymore, but if for some reason you had to the blunt nosed projectile of the .45 ACP is more effective at damaging tissue than the pointy 9mm.

Disadvantages? Well, magazine capacity obviously, compared to 9mm and .40 S&W. Some shorter slide pistols don't cycle, and feed as reliably with .45 ACP. The ammunition is more expensive than 9mm and .40, some people are quicker with accurate followup shots with 9mm (does not seem to be the case with me).
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It has cons? :D

Seriously, I love the .45, especially when it comes out of a full-sized pistol. The thing I don't like is the cost of enjoying it.
Pass the popcorn, please.

For me,
In a 5" 1911 the recoil is a gentle push back, in a 5 or 6" N frame revolver very minimal muzzle flip, so easy to get sights back on target, the short stubby shape finds the cylinder of the revolver quickly in moon clips.

4 gr of bullseye pushes a 200 gr cast bullet makes a nice target load for $6.50 a box, and the larger size of the bullet is easy to reload.

Its very enjoyable to shoot, and even if it does not expand, its still a 45 cal hole.
It makes the falling plate rack fall with authority.

The only con I can think of is the small primer brass mixed in with the large ones.
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What are the Pros and Cons of the .45 ACP?
I shot a .45 ACP today and I have to say, it was easy to control. I'm good with recoil. I'm developing stronger arms. But it just makes me wonder what others think about their .45s and why they use them for defensive guns, and why they don't. What they enjoy about the caliber, and what they hate.

  1. cost
  2. size
  3. consequent lower capacity

  • easy to handload.
  • easy to shoot
  • It's a fortyfive, durn it! 'Merica! John Moses Browning! Doughboys & Navy Seels!

Don't carry one, yet. I contemplate picking up an XDS in .45, sometime, health and finances permitting.

There ain't anything much more fun to shoot than a good full size .45.
The .45 ACP is a fine cartridge and the Government made a big mistake by moving to the 9mm Parabellum in 1978. (I remember that as if it were yesterday). If the DOD had moved to a pistol similar to the Model 645, they could have saved more lives. If they switch to the Sig P220 they would be properly covered.

That said, the .45 ACP has it's limitations. I can't see using it in an self-loader with a 3" barrel. It may cycle properly and it may jam. I wouldn't want to take the chance. It is fine, but a large frame is needed for a self-loader. I wouldn't trust an overly "compact" self-loading .45 ACP.

Cost is the main reason I don't own a .45 right now. I like the round itself, but I also prefer the faster follow up shots, and greater capacity of 9mm. I don't believe in any magical "knock down power" the .45 supposedly has over other handgun rounds, but it sure ain't the weakest!
What's good enough for Alvin York and Audie Murphy is good enough for me.

So, Stonewall, what did you shoot those .45s out of?

Berreta px4 Storm. I know the gun makes a huge difference in the ballistics and the performance. Just wondering about the ins and outs of the caliber. :)

I picked up a 9mm because of price. That is what I always use. My father had the .45 because he can afford it.
Ohhh and .....

9mm just .45 set for stun

Carry any caliber as long as it starts with a 4

It's silly to shoot more than once

John Moses Browning the divine one intended it

Goes in like a thumb comes out like a pie plate

Blah blah etc. blah. Am I missing anything. :)

Seriously it's both a fun round and has a fairly long and storied history as a fight stopper. Did I mention fun???

I think you mentioned fun. Is it fun? Lol. I like the 9mm for price point and ammo capacity at concealable sizes. I want s .40 but my wallet doesn't :)
Larger diameter potentially providing larger wound channel
Larger mass potentially leading to derper penetration
Easy availibility of ammo.
Lower capacity in smaller, more easy concealed platform.
Larger, thicker grip for those with smaller hands.
Ammo cost a bit higher tyan 9MM

Fine cartridge, and to me, cons are hard to come up with.
I likely will never carry one. I want to go into law enforcement and many of the departments in my area only use .40s. Which isn't an issue to me.
but I also prefer the faster follow up shots,

Personally, I find this, like the recoil, to be a very subjective matter. Neither round has an advantage over the other in this, in physics, the advantage or disadvantage is all on the individual shooter.

9mm & .45ACP both deliver approximately the same amount of ft/lbs, so their recoil energies MUST be approximately the same. HOWEVER, the "speed" of the recoil makes a difference to some people.

Not to me, however. I am not faster with a 9mm than I am with a .45. Or rather, not when AIMED fire is what we are talking about.

A .45 is the one pistol caliber I won't be without.
For me...

Pros: I love shooting it out of my 1911 and Blackhawk. It has easy recoil, accurate, makes big holes in things.

Cons... crickets chirping...
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