What are the details of the S&W lawsuit settlement from the '90s?

As much as I hate to say it Internal locks are the new future. Already Beretta,Taurus, Ruger and S&W have added locks to their new handgun designs. I bet more companies to follow.
The idea of an internal lock doesn't bother me. After all, SW's original lemon squeezer was a type of internal lock as is the 1911's grip safety. It's SW's implementation -- it is just plain ugly. There is also the (relatively rare) chance of a malfunction. The Taurus system is done better. It is fairly innocuous and I haven't heard reports of any malfunctions.

p.s. I like pre-locks better but I do own two SWs with the locks.
I don't mind the Taurus lock, but it's more simple and elegent and appears to have less chance of jamming. S&W lock leaves a hole the size of a dime when removed.