What antis have to say about TFL

Gun Girl wrote:

I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have about my transition from gun scaredy cat to gun appreciator. I really like this site, and I am glad I found it. And no, I am not a troll. I promise! I read every day I just haven't had much to add to the discussion, but this felt like a good one for me to pop into.

Welcome aboard, GG. I hope you like TFL. You might also want to check out The High Road, the sister sight. Many folks here post on both.

I just wanted to mention that I have heard many a time the conversion of an anti gunner to be a pro gun rights person, once their eyes have been opened to the truth about firearms and the Second Amendment. I, personally, have yet to meet or hear about even one person who was pro gun rights or pro second amendment, and then converted to the other side. Why do you suppose that is? I have my theories, and I'm sure others here do as well. Why don't we openly explore those theories. I think it would be fun to hear them.

Please invite other democrats, who you know and lean towards gun control or don't understand the 2nd A., to come here and share the real truth. It's like manna from heaven. Most humans want to know the truth. The truth is a big part of being free and living in a free country. At least it used to be. The truth is usually, inherently, logical. That's a piece of my theory on why anti gunners can be converted to pro gun rights, while pro gun rights folks cannot easily be converted to become anti gunners. I'm sure there are cases where it's happened, but I'm not personally aware of any. I am personally aware of dozens of anti gunners or pro gun control folks who have fallen for the truth.
a bunch of losers with nothing better to do than sit around at 3:00am in their underwear posting to message boards.

Man, why'd she have to get so personal? It's not our fault she got a wild hair one night to poke a hornet's nest...
i know some kind of liberal gun owners, i know someone whos like well we need healthcare but i love guns, and lets bomb china,which may not be overly like a democrat, i can say not all dems are actually anti gun, but ive never knon an anti gun republican
"I mean no disrespect, but it would probably go a long way towards understanding if everyone on here cut out the "wackjob liberal" comments, especially to start off a thread. Just sayin' it's not a good way to make friends with the wackjob liberal neighbors."

There. Fixed it for you.
John McCain, george hw bush

i wouldnt call them "antis" as much as "not pro enough" but then i don't "know them" i dont chill in kennebunkport with bush and hang out with mccain, im basing my observations on people i see and talk too on a regular basis
It is a serious mistake to write the anti's off as "wackos". To do so fails to take into consideration that these are individuals who have convictions that they hold as deeply as we hold ours. While we may not agree with them, they are as entitled to their opinion as we are ours.

Where we (hopefully) part ways with them is that while their convictions hold that others much give up their rights, we not only seek to unhold out own rights but theirs as well.

But never forget that they are human beings the same as we are. We don't like others referring to us as wackos or nuts, by the same token it is demeaning to them...and to ourselves to refer to them in such derogatory terms.
well if im called an evil nutjob or something i will hurl as many insults back as i want....i have been called evil, closeed minded, facist. if liberals treat me well, which a lot do, i will treat them well, treat me bad, i wont care what they think.....its just how i see it
The reason I ask is one of the things that helped me was having someone allow me to handle a gun while they explained how it worked, and going over gun safety.

Excellent note, and something I thought of when reading the anecdote.

Think of a power saw. Even in an ideal environment, and with supervision and assurance that there will be no harm, it is still a little bit intimidating for someone that has never used one to handle it. Even with it unplugged. However, 30 seconds of explanation of all the parts and buttons goes a long way.

There's a reason why even when you watch someone check to be sure that a gun is unloaded, you check again yourself when it is handed to you.
I'm British. My country has probably the most restrictive firearms laws on the planet. Most people are either completely, or almost entirely unfamiliar with firearms in a real life basis.

The only time they see guns are in Hollywood films (which though fun, are factually misleading or even downright insulting to real firearms enthusiasts) or on the news when some teenager in Manchester shoots another for no good reason in some gangland killing (though it never seems to register that all those shootings are committed with illegal weapons anyway)

I regularly encounter emotional responses to the fact that I shoot regularly, enjoy it, think other's should try it and believe deeply that Britain's firearms laws should be liberalised.

One such encounter occurred today at work (I'm the Theatre Manager of a theatre that will be open at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival). I had been to the range the other day and filed the target sheet away in the folder I keep my notes in. It was lying around on my desk at work and one of the Directors of one of the Fringe Festival shows saw it and remarked that it "wasn't healthy", like shooting makes me some kind of psychopath. I have to say that I was actually quite shocked and would have taken issue with it if the person making the comment had been worth the effort - Directors are never worth the effort. Ever.

Anyway, I firmly believe that we can bring anti's round to our way of looking at things and that the start of this is to break down the emotional response by introducing non-shooters to shooting. We can't do this if we automatically label anti's communists and fascists and all those other labels that don't make any sense but express our frustration at those who're less experienced than ourselves. Once the emotion is gone and the familiarity is there the rest falls into place by natural curiosity.

At least, I hope it does.