Wow, Bandit, my first rifle was the Ithaca Model 49 levergun, too! 4th grade, right around the same time my dad let me go bunny thumping with his side-by-side 10 gauge and I pulled both triggers. Luckily the snow in Wisconsin was deep, he pulled me out and told me to go get a shovel from the barn to dispose of "Bugs". My mom kinda peeved our family doctor during deer season, Dad, Mom, and the doc were all at the campsite when Mom's contractions started. Maybe it explains my sister's and my predilection for hunting and shooting. I still have Doc's hunting knife, God bless his soul. Since we're on the topic of early exposure to firearms, I was talking to my sister the other night, and in grade school we used to commandeer the basement locker room every Thursday night for Junior Rifle Club, there was a boilerplate backstop/bullet trap against the far wall, and 50 feet uprange was the firing line with shooting mats. Guns issued were Remington 5-series bolt action single shots, or the kids could bring their own, as long as they weren't autoloaders. I still have the Remington 521TL my dad bought for those matches after the Ithaca kept breaking it's extractor. My sister used her Winchester Model 52, which she still has, also, some 20+ years later. Trophies and plaques were handed out at the annual Awards Banquet in the school gymnasium, which was a big thing, lots of attendees, high profile folks, etc. For at least two seasons my sister and I were fighting each other for first place, and I came really close to eating some crow. Could you imagine how this kind of after-school activity and community behavior would wash in today's climate? "Oh my goodness, you're training kids to be killers?" My sister did tell me she plans on taking her son out to the range with her Winchester 52 and Swedish Mauser as soon as he's old enough, which warmed my heart to no end...