What a dimwit

Tim Wells has a show called Relentless Pursuit, and can be found on a few outdoor channels, this was just one of his many hunts.
A couple years ago he fell from a treestand and ran a spear through his thigh, he has been bitten a few times.
He is a super shot with about any weapon that man has invented. The trailer for his show, shows him head shooting a monster brown bear with his bow, dropped it in its tracks, I couldnt of done that with any weapon probably.
Im not getting bent out of shape for a trophy hunter using primitive methods for harvesting his game, just another arrow in his quiver.
If we let stuff like this go on we are digging our own grave

To a point I have to agree. We as hunters sometimes are our own worst enemy. In the Hunter Safety classes I help teach, one of the things we try to instill on new hunters is to try and always project a positive image as a hunter to others. While this positive image will not endear is to anti-hunters, it helps to keep many of those folks that are neutral to hunting, neutral. In doing so, we need to keep our hunting and the display of our hunting in perspective. While the showing off of a huge buck in the back of our truck in the parking lot of the local sporting goods store is appropriate, maybe not so much in the church parking lot or at our kids soccer game. Same goes with the showing of us standing beside our kills. Done respectfully and displayed to our peers, it is a positive thing. Graphically showing the guts/brains blown out all over the forest floor and posting it on Facebook for the world to see, not so much.

I feed my family with game meat and use it for trade with others for various things, hunting is enjoyable to but it is a bonus. I hunt predators to have more meat myself not because it is "fun"

Thing is, the majority of hunting in the most civilized areas of the world anymore is for sport. If one considers the hunting done in the lower 48 of the U.S., the argument for "subsistence" can be had for very few of us. Most of the time, the cost of our licenses, cost of gas to scout and hunt, lease fees/food plot costs and the cost of ammo and equipment far outweighs the value of any meat we take home. The meat for the most part is just a bonus that comes from the enjoyment of a successful hunt. Sport hunting is the focus of anti's. Most would not argue against hiding underwater with a blowgun in order that your young children will survive the week, but just for the opportunity to pose next to a dead animal with a scat eating grin on your face, is a whole different bowl of jello.
I always pronounced it twat, and I meant it as a synonym for idiot.
I never use "twit".
Im not familiar with it's use to refer to womans privates, but I guess it does have a dual usage.

Although sometimes used as a reference to the female genitalia (a usage that predominates for the word in North American English), the word twat is more often used in various other ways:

As a derogatory insult, a pejorative meaning a fool, a stronger alternative to the word twit – 'He can be a complete twat'[9] (frequent in British and Commonwealth English, and not unheard of in North America)

If you're not just trying to stir up trouble and it truly offends you or anyone else I'll go back and change it. But you're interpenetrating it different then I meant.
There are many ways to express one's disdain or contempt without using slang. Slang, itself, is open to different interpretations in different places.

I doubt that any "sport" hunting video will be acceptable to the anti-hunting crowd. They at present fuss against subsistent hunting. And, I see it as a given that any showing of butchering any animal by anybody will be upsetting to the very people who buy meat in the grocery store. Or burgers from a fast-food chain.

How bad is it in today's America? I recall from some 20 years ago that Katie Couric went all bat-guano at a live lobster being dropped into a pot of boiling water. "It ain't got better with age." We now have the safe-space crowd.
Art you're painting with to wide a brush here.
Im not a hunter, That does not mean I am anti-hunting.
I actually wouldn't mind trying hog hunting but it's not a problem in Ohio like it is down south.

But you know what? If I killed a hog I damn sure would eat the thing.
Yes Im a meat eater, I don't have a problem with killing animals for food, I do however take a dim view on people who kill just cause it's fun.

If you have a pest situation, ok, if you want it for food, ok,
If you just wanna shoot something for sport at least shoot a animal like deer.. If you don't want the meat you can donate it to local food pantries.

I'll tell you a story from my childhood.
Me and a friend use to practice in the back yard with air guns.
1 day we shot a bird, I think it was a dove but I don't know.
It was very thrilling in the moment, and then we hit it.. WOW we got it!
But as it lay there flopping around for the minute or so before it died I found it wasn't fun anymore, I had no use for the dead animal, The end result was just a wasted animal.

Suddenly it was no longer fun, I found a dark ugliness inside my self and I see that same ugliness in people who kill for sport.

Buck460 is right, anti-hunters? No.. You need to worry about people like me who are neutral on hunting.
You'll never convince the people who are against all forms of hunting.. But you loose the middle you loose the argument.
Most of the time, the cost of our licenses, cost of gas to scout and hunt, lease fees/food plot costs and the cost of ammo and equipment far outweighs the value of any meat we take home

My moose meat alone "pays" for my hunting, in that the weight of meat I get/the price I pay for membership and lease = cheaper than storebought meat

but time, dogcosts and hunting equipment isn't factored into that, but neither is all other game meat I harvest
Joe, where was it said that he didn't eat any of his "trophy"? He obviously found it early enough.

Robert Ruark has a story similar to your dove vignette in his book "The Old Man And The Boy". Needless kill of a mockingbird. Old Man's lecture = lesson learned about waste. To me, that's a separate issue from hunting as hunting. Since that book dates back some 60+ years, the problem of kids and "non-thought" is not at all new. I was just as ignorant, 75 years ago.

Wasn't aiming at anyone here as an anti-hunter. Apologies if it seemed that way. My gripe is with those who write nasty letters to editors, name-calling; and those who get on TV in the same manner. The hunting-world version of Antifa, as I see them. :)

Sure, I don't have to hunt in order to have meat. I don't have to go to a restaurant, either; I can stay home and cook. But it's nice to have a choice as to what meat I do eat, and I don't see venison or dove in the grocery store. Just as it's nice to have somebody cater to my whims in a restaurant.

Bottom line, though: Why would a hunting-neutral person be offended by a successful hunt?
Joe, where was it said that he didn't eat any of his "trophy"?

Wasn't aiming at anyone here as an anti-hunter. Apologies if it seemed that way. My gripe is with those who write nasty letters to editors, name-calling; and those who get on TV in the same manner. The hunting-world version of Antifa, as I see them. :)

I don't know if he did or didn't.. But I kinda doubt it given the overall impression of him does he seem like the type to eat all his kills?
I mean be honest what part of the ram did he seem most interested in? his horns? his fur? or his meat?

He hid in the water and said him self he didn't know what was gonna show up, I suspect he was not to picky and didn't really care what type of animal showed up for the kill.

I didn't think you was aiming at any one specific I was just pointing out that brush you're using encapsulates me and I don't really see my self as anti-hunter.

I don't like the for sport hunters and I explained why.
And I guess really it's not even the motivation of the hunter that bothers me.
If someone wants to hunt for fun, fine, But just don't let it goto waste.

I am not anti-hunter though, Im not calling anyone or writing any letters.
But It's like Buck460 said.. It projects a negative image and it's not the ones that already dislike you that you have to worry about being swayed.

"Bottom line, though: Why would a hunting-neutral person be offended by a successful hunt? "
Bottom line? Don't let the animal goto waste, If you're not gonna eat it then make sure you give it to someone who will.

Killing for a trophy and letting the rest goto waste is not acceptable to me.
Joesixpack. Let me play devils advocate if I can. If someone, who has adequate access to alternative foods, kills you but then eats you does it make the killing less morally objectionable? Your using the eating of the meat as a vital ethical requirement. I happen to personally agree in the case of commonly edible game. But why is it so vital?
Ok Im a little confused.. as written you're suggesting that if someone was to murder me as a human being and eat me, would the murder be less objectionable?

Do I have that right?
Um, No, It's a bit different, we're at the top of the food chain we don't kill each other as a food source.

Not to get religious but the animals are here for our benefit but with it comes responsibility.
So I don't have a problem with the killing and eating of Animals, That is a responsible use of animals, Of course that does not mean we can hunt a species to extinction even if we're making use of what we kill... That's where the responsibility comes in.

Im against waste in general.
I don't see anything wrong with what he did. I think a lot of you need to get off of your high horse. That is part of the problem with hunting and life today. People imposing their beliefs of others. It was a non-native non-game species hunted by a method that isn't restricted on private land by the TPWD.
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I always pronounced it twat, and I meant it as a synonym for idiot.
I never use "twit".
Im not familiar with it's use to refer to womans privates, but I guess it does have a dual usage.


If you're not just trying to stir up trouble and it truly offends you or anyone else I'll go back and change it. But you're interpenetrating it different then I meant.

Not trying to stir up trouble........seems one can't even use the word "piss" on most of these forums without it being blacked out or getting a nasty PM from a Mod. Women I know around here hate the term, and in the local High School it is one of the words on the "list" that will get you in trouble.

When I Goggled it, this was the first "result" that came up. So it does have dual interpretations, making us both right. Carry on sir......

nounvulgar slang
noun: twat; plural noun: twats

a woman's genitals.
a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
Bottom line, though: Why would a hunting-neutral person be offended by a successful hunt?

The majority of folks that are really "neutral" to hunting, do not hunt themselves, but acknowledge that others hunt, while knowing little about hunting and it techniques. Many "tolerate" hunting because they know it is a useful tool in controlling populations. Again, most don't mind seeing a picture of a successful hunter posing respectfully with their trophy, but are easily offended when seeing a bloody and gory picture accompanied by captions like "whack 'em and stack 'em". They also are offended(like me) when they read of poaching and unethical techniques used by "slob hunters". I know of two landowners, once neutral to hunting, that quit giving access to their land because they experienced a deer dragging it's guts or having a arrow sticking out of it's hindquarters, lay down and die a slow painful death in their backyard. While hunters like us realized that kind of thing does happen occasionally, even from responsible hunters, they saw it as typical hunting, and something they did not want to experience again themselves. They do not go out and aggressively protest hunting, but they no longer allow access to their property to hunters. Access to private land is a huge factor in folks having a quality hunt, the number of folks that continue to hunt, and the local DNR's ability to control game populations.
People imposing their beliefs of others.

a core liberal belief (classical liberal not the slur in current usage) is do what unless it hurts somebody else

well his actions hurt mine because it gives more fuel to the antis, and a legit issue aswell, the antis cast a wide net you know.

if hunting is to have any future we have to rely on the goodwill of the neutral people who don't hunt.

when they (and the antis) see someone out killing animals just for fun they throw a legit fit and our regular hunting will be limited to.
All in all, it looks to me as though there's too much negative speculation with too little factual knowledge.

What we know as fact: The guy's method is different. However, the result is the same as if he had used a rifle from a stand.
Most of the time, the cost of our licenses, cost of gas to scout and hunt, lease fees/food plot costs anI'ts good tod the cost of ammo and equipment far outweighs the value of any meat we take home.

I don't lease anything, and rural Nebraska, and the whole middle of the country, for that matter, is one giant food plot/bait pile. I use the same rifle I shoot recreationally all year long, and we cut our own meat ...... The gas is a minor consideration because I don't road hunt...... I did splurge on a ground blind a few years back and lately we've gotten into making sausage , so there's been some expense on equipment for that, ..... but we generally bring back between a 150 and 300 pounds of cut and wrapped meat ...... while beef prices have fallen from what they were a couple of years ago, even if you figured just 3 bucks a pound for an average cost, and included a tank of gas and the $46 for a permit for me and one for each of my little kids ..... we are still way ahead eating deer instead of beef.

well his actions hurt mine because it gives more fuel to the antis, and a legit issue aswell, the antis cast a wide net you know.

Those Antis are not going to like you hunting for any reason..... they are NOT classical liberals, but the modern sort: The permanently offended, emotionally guided busybodies that want to end anything that might make them the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Just finished reading this thread, and honestly I don't see what all the fuss is about. How/why is a blowgun unethical? Blowguns are being used to hunt game up to deer-size, right now, probably thousands at this very minute around the world.

And why are we assuming that this hunter isn't eating his kills? I watched the video twice, and at no time does he say anything of the kind. Is he a vegetarian?

Anyway, I've got to get out of here and pick up a gun or I'd get into this one a bit more. So just one last thought: "to ASSUME only makes an ASS of U and ME."
Texas codified a constitutional amendment two years ago protecting hunting and fishing. The antis can stay offended as far as i and Texas voters are concerned (yeah we voted on it). This was a legal hunt as far as I can see, and no apologies are necessary.