What a dimwit


New member

Seen a few of his videos and don't get me wrong, he is a very skilled hunter

But this is just insane. There is no legit reason for it to happen apart from bragging rights

I could see it being ethical for small game and such but a fullsize ram?

It obviously worked but I do think we as hunter should be required some modicum of margin when it comes to hunting, yes placement is everything but really?

we already have antis after us for legit hunting, this is not helping us at all.

When did hunting turn from something to put meat on the table to douches using it to bolster their poseur manhood?
I understand the moral argument behind a humane of killing as possible. In the end you are killing a creature to put meat on the table. If one gets too concerned about ascribing his or her ethics to other individuals we run into hypocrisy as we argue that those who insist on not killing animals for food not ascribe their ethics to us.
Blow gunning with razor darts is a deadly way to hunt is also illegal in most places. Every jurisdiction spells out exactly what is legal for use when hunting. Never seen one that permits blow guns.
The blow gun alone will get him arrested up here. Too evil to even own since 1978.
This Tim Wells guy is in Illinois and is busy trying to get famous via YouTube. Those sheep look decidedly domestic too. No mention of where he actually was though.

I agree with OP.. I mean does he even have a use for the ram?
He keeps talking abut how beautiful the ram is.. well why the hell did you kill him then?

I will give him credit on his skills though.. dude was bow hunting ducks out of the air? damn!
I mean I don't have any experience with bows but that sure impressed me.. but ya he's ugly on the inside I think.
I will give him credit on his skills though.. dude was bow hunting ducks out of the air? damn!

Given enough shots I can probably do this.

Enough shots may involve four figures but I can probably do it... eventually.
Rather than judging his ethicss, let's ask if it was legal. He said he was in Texas, it's easy enough to check the Texas regs. Either way, it's kind of a stunt, just like bowhunting or handgun hunting. But he waited for the animal to be within certain kill range and took it clean. I don't have a problem with it. Wouldn't do it myself, but that's his thing. Lots of people trying to shoot game at 1,000 yds, with a much higher chance of wounding or losing the animal. Where's the indignation?

As far as killing for meat or just to kill, how many of the video hunters on cable TV or YouTube just go around killing animals? One I watched a few months back said he does is travel around the USA hunting, and he gets paid to do it. Doesn't sound like subsistence hunting to me! And of course, all of the rest of the self-righteous hunters would starve it you couldn't go shoot your one deer a year.:rolleyes: We hunt for a variety of reasons, and you don't get to judge the other guy.

Don't get me wrong, if it's legal, it's legal, so let's not get too worked up. I killed many, many ground squirrels in the past, but never sat down and ate them at the end of the day. I killed dozens of pigs on farms just because the landowner wanted to get rid of them. I killed hundreds of pheasant and quail while training dogs. I killed hundreds of coyotes just for their pelts.

And as far as the blowgun being illegal in itself in Canada . . . :rolleyes: Really? A blowgun will get you arrested? Lemme guess: midnight, a few clouds around the full moon. Suddenly, the cars roll in, engines and lights off. Operators jump out and neutralize the animals, then creep towards the house in the dark. Suddenly, the spotlight on the front of the house and a loudspeaker "Vee know you are in zere! Kommen zie out!" Oh, Canada!
Well Scorch wait a minute while I go hunt down the crying Indian.
When you start equating whats legal with what's ethical I start to take a dim view.

I'll judge anyone I want, I'm entitled to that opinion.
And my judgement is the guy in the video is a twat.
Sounds like an exotic, non game animal. I don't know about Texas, but the hunting regulations on such animals is usually different. In many cases there are no regulations and pretty much anything goes. That is why they can hunt pigs from helicopters year round with no bag limits.

It isn't anything I'd be interested in, but is just another form of primitive weapon that has been in common use for 10,000 years. I've seen deer hit with 30-30's that traveled farther and took longer to die.

I have no issue with it.
This Tim Wells guy is in Illinois and is busy trying to get famous via YouTube. Those sheep look decidedly domestic too. No mention of where he actually was though.
On a game farm in Texas...the ram was described as a "Hawaiian".
see me

The entire video and youtube hunting culture turns me off. Akin the the fool who kills a good buck, then rides around town all day, or parks at the filling station so all can see it. And loses the meat in the process.
Lots of Texas has exotics that I would be interested in storing in my freezer. And if I mounted the horns and skull that's just a bonus. I hunt with people who think that my bowhunting isn't ethical or for that matter using an AR-10/15 yet they see no problem using a Browning BAR or Remington semi auto.

I probably wouldn't attempt to shoot anything with a blow gun but obviously it is effective. Not as effective as a full on blood trail out both sides bu I don't have a problem with this.

As far as anti's we should remember our biggest secondary problem is sportsmen and women judging other hunters as being unethical giving anti's more fuel for free.
As far as anti's we should remember our biggest secondary problem is sportsmen and women judging other hunters as being unethical giving anti's more fuel for free.

If we let stuff like this go on we are digging our own grave

what we got with hunting as a positive thing is the source of cruelty free eco friendly meat, because lets face it big parts of the meat industry is frekkin disgusting

I know several people (myself included) who took an active choice in if they couldn't hunt they'd go vegan

people are very interested in the meat from a culinary standpoint to

I feed my family with game meat and use it for trade with others for various things, hunting is enjoyable to but it is a bonus. I hunt predators to have more meat myself not because it is "fun"
Many decades ago in my college daze, I and a few friends somehow got into messing around with blowguns. 1/2" OD aluminum tubes and the long ring-shank upholstery needles. We'd carve out a "bullet" of balsa wood and push the needle through.

Deadly accurate. After a little practice, we got pretty good at stacking into the previously-shot bullet. Also deadly with head shots on pigeons and squirrels; one of my buddies augmented his meat supply that way.

Very close range and perfectionist about his shot placement? It obviously worked, since he found the ram reasonably soon after the shot.

Not my thing, but I see no reason to get bent out of shape over it.

As far as the law is concerned, in Texas all that's required to kill any non-native species is the basic hunting license. (Ignoring aoudad in the Panhandle.) Any time of day, any time of year. Even the elk in Texas are feral, non-native, as original Texas elk are extinct.
In a modern society it is possible to meet all of ones nutritional needs without meat. The fact of the matter is we kill animals for food or support others that do the killing for us for reasons not related to dietary necessity. I don't see how we can take a moral high ground and then demand it of others in this regard. We must have ethics and discussion of it is fine as it allows us to examine our own but I don't think we have standing to condemn others for their chosen means of hunting or reasons for hunting even if such are not the procurement of food. Please note "I would not do it", "I would not hunt with someone who does", and "I would not allow it on my property" are not statements of condemnation in my opinion