Whaddaya do when you want to shoot but not own a pistol?


New member
Whaddaya do when you want to shoot but not own a pistol?

You talk a friend into buying one.

That's what I did yesterday,,,
I "helped" a friend pick out a compact 9mm.

I own the first iteration of the Ruger LC9,,,
It's said it has a terrible trigger but I never thought so.

Recently I've heard about the new-ish Ruger EC9s,,,
Striker fired with fixed sights milled directly into the slide.

Supposedly it has a much better trigger than mine,,,
I've been wanting to try one for a while.

Now I really didn't talk him into getting it just so I could shoot it,,,
We had several different brands of guns out on the counter.

No sir, he picked out the Ruger all by himself,,,
I have no guilt about this at all.

We're going to the range this weekend,,,
I'll be anxious to give it a try.

Even if the trigger is much better than my LC9,,,
I'll not sell it to get an EC9s because I'm very used to my gun.

I have the Twisted Industries .22 rimfire adapter for my LC9,,,
The sights are finally putting the .22 in the same place as the 9mm.

I've practiced with my gun a lot and shoot it well enough to suit me,,,
But I do have a college friend who is graduating this year,,,
At right at $200.00 That might be her graduation gift.

I'll give my opinion/report early next week.


As long as you do so in such a way that you're not committing a straw purchase, just to clarify for anyone reading.

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I would drive down to the "big" City 30 miles south and go to the modern indoor range that rents a wide/changing selection of pistols. That may not be a resonable option for some.
It simply doesn't happen for some people. It's a shame.

Nothing within a few hundred miles that has an indoor range with test guns. In fact, there are many places around here that won't even let you handle it without having trigger locks.

More unfortunately I don't have a friend who would even buy me a coke, much less let me try out his pistol. Picture all of the people running around in america who don't have the sort of friend who owns guns who would go the length of actually taking an acquaintance to a range with a gun to try it out. I'd guess that there are very few people out here on this board that would even do it except for very close friends. There will be some, but there are people here who wouldn't even show their collection to anyone but closest friends.

Gun owners should go out of their way to assist gun noobs. Many people out there who would consider carrying if they only had someone to walk them through the process.
As long as you do so in such a way that you're not committing a straw purchase, just to clarify for anyone reading.

The original statement leads the reader to think that is what happened but detailed reading reveals that the OP wanted to try out a certain pistol, didn't want to buy it himself, so he convinced his friend to buy it so that he could try it for free.
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I'm in agreement with Zeke, go to a range that rents a variety of firearms and hopefully they will have the one you are thinking of purchasing. Great way to make an informed decision.
I have a good friend that likes to shoot and I make a point to buy different guns than what he has because that doubles what both of us get to experience shooting. It's a great way to "expand your horizons".
My problem, my money and my solution.

You talk a friend into buying one.
That is probably the last thing, I would do as an option. Perhaps you need to rephrase this post and yes, someone may see this as a straw purchase. Another thing I don't do "anymore" is loan out a firearm to a friend to shoot. I've had too many bad experiences with how they came back to me. :mad:
If a friend want to shoot one of my pistols, we both go to the range. … :)

Whaddaya do when you want to shoot but not own a pistol?
If I want to shoot a particular handgun, I go the a local range and rent one. I figure that it's my problem and not my fiends. Why don't you own a pistol??

Be Safe !!!
As long as you do so in such a way that you're not committing a straw purchase, just to clarify for anyone reading.

How could this be even remotely a straw purchase?

I didn't buy the gun,,,
My friend did.

He bought it for himself,,,
Not for me.

I just helped him pick it out.


Doesn't anyone recognize humorous satire?


Aarond you just stigmatized those without senses of humor! Bigot!


That smiling face means I am joking, poking fun, making jest, need I go further?
I recognize satire. I also recognize that satire doesn't always translate particularly well in text and that clarifying you're not talking about a straw purchase doesn't hurt anyone.

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A straw purchase is one made by somebody legally allowed to possess/buy a firearm for somebody who is not. "I own the first iteration of the Ruger LC9" clearly indicates this is not the case.
Now, if you were to join a shooting club, the chances of you being able to shoot stuff, assorted, without buying said stuff, go up a long way.
A straw purchase is one made by somebody legally allowed to possess/buy a firearm for somebody who is not. "I own the first iteration of the Ruger LC9" clearly indicates this is not the case.
Now, if you were to join a shooting club, the chances of you being able to shoot stuff, assorted, without buying said stuff, go up a long way.
That's not the entire situation. If you are purchasing a firearm for someone other than yourself and that firearm is not a gift it can be ruled a straw purchase. There was such a case in the US.

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I think too many here are still missing the essence of Aarond's original story. Let me present an analogy that may clear things up.

> I love to hunt.
> I can't afford to buy myself a nice piece of hunting property.
> I convince my wealthy buddy that he should buy a 1000 acre timber tract as an investment he can pass to his grandchildren.
> Even though it will be a sacrifice, I'll be a good friend and keep the deer and pigs from overpopulating his timber.

Don't worry about it. I read it and knew that you were kidding. I think this sort of thing is why no one hangs out here anymore...
Lol, if people don't hang here anymore because of some as mild as what is in this thread, then they would have left a long time ago.

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Kidding a kidder

Doesn't anyone recognize humorous satire?
I guess I missed the humor in this one and if I'm suppose to take it that way, then any futures posts, should be taken with a grain of salt or at least suspect. …. ;)

Be Safe !!!