Well, New York has wasted no time whatsoever

NYC is losing people at an alarming rate. Maybe if it loses more things will change. I don't think so. The sad thing is that this part of the country is where the "country" started. If I lived there I would be looking for an opportunity to leave. That is sad. But it is catching on. Even down South you can't own a gun if you are a non violent felon. In the past you couldn't buy one but could own one if you already had it but no more.
Linker said:
Even down South you can't own a gun if you are a non violent felon. In the past you couldn't buy one but could own one if you already had it but no more.
This has nothing to do with "even down South." It's federal law that convicted felons cannot possess firearms. The federal law does not, in this regard, differentiate between violent and non-violent felonies.

This is not recent. I believe this came in with the Gun Control Act of 1968 ... but it might have been the National Firearms Act of 1935.
I believe the Federal lifetime prohibition on firearms ownership by convicted felons came from the 1968 Gun Control Act. So did specific age limits, firearms dealers required to have federal licenses, and prohibition of firearms from those adjudicated mentally incompetent.

That law also ended mail order firearm sales and delivery, imposed a host of import restrictions and other regulations.

In 1996, the Lautenberg amendment extended the firearm prohibition to people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence.
new Yorkers are sucking up land and moving to ct....to ruin what little ct has left as it is. the new Yorkers are jacking up real estate values sky high bringing their ways to ct.
Ironically I have a full carry for CT despite being a NY resident and yet I can't be trusted in my own state. It's far worse here than before the SC decision and will take years if ever to rectify. These lawsuits being filed now are going nowhere with NY's democratic activist judges.
ammo use to be sold on signature in ct back in the 60-70's. I remember having to sign a log in the gun store to buy a box of #6 shotshells for hunting. what comes around, goes around.
ammo use to be sold on signature in ct back in the 60-70's. I remember having to sign a log in the gun store to buy a box of #6 shotshells for hunting.

Not counting what various states require the Fed 68 Gun Control law also required record keeping on ammo sales. After a few years the ammo log requirement was dropped.
I forget now , where does all this stand in NY . Did the new law go into effect ? Was there a suite filed against , is there a stay/preliminary injunction etc etc ?
yes the new law has gone into affect. There are 5 lawsuits filed already. there is no stay or preliminary injunction
Things could get interesting shortly as the same judge who ruled in the previous decision the plaintiff did not have legal standing but that much of tjhe CIAA was unconstitutional is about to rule on the case again with plaintiffs who clearly have legal standing. We are holding our breath here in NY.
Colonial era re-enactors in NY are concerned the law will be used against them, as their firearms (yes, muzzleloading flintlocks) are covered by the law.

And, while the Governor's office is (currently) saying re-enactors are "ok" and can continue, the actual LAW does NOT say that.

I was also told that the firearm prohibition in state parks section of the new law also covers the entire Adirondack park, which is the majority of the northern part of NY state, and includes numerous towns, cities and private residences.

IF so, and if upheld, that would essentially end all hunting there, and that would deprive the NY state conservation dept of a huge percentage of its funds, along with a host of other unforeseen consequences.

I think its a bad law. We'll see what the various courts say about it...
The situation in NY is way worse than any of you may perceive. New laws create a 'special class' of firearms owner - those who would like to buy a semi-automatic long gun. If you DO NOT HAVE A NY STATE PISTOL PERMIT - it will take you 6 months (average waiting period) in my county, (Oneida) to buy a new semi-automatic LONG GUN, (rifle OR shotgun) at this time. You have to apply for a permit - at the local pistol office - a 4 page application requiring you submit 4 character references, make arrangements to be fingerprinted, etc. The same as you would be required if you were a new pistol license applicant.
Again, this application period takes about 6 months.
If you now have a NY state pistol permit - a trip to the pistol office is still necessary - as they WILL STAMP the back of your present permit - 'Semi-Auto Long Gun permitted' - or some such other meaningless tripe. All I can say about NY right now - it's a good place to be FROM!
Saw something in the media about the ruling and the "sensitive zones" and the media quoting..
Dr. Jaclyn Schildkraut, National mass shooting expert SUNY Oswego

Dr. Schildkraut said evidence has shown that bringing guns into heavily populated places like Time Square can lead to an increase in bystander casualties, citing an incident in 2012 where bystanders were injured during a shooting at the Empire State Building.

This really made me question what kind of idiot is given the title "National mass shooting expert" by SUNY...

I remembered the incident, but looked it up to be sure. Yes, there was a shooting at the Empire State Building in 2012. Bad guy shot and killed one person down the block, and was stopped by the police at the Empire State Building. The police fired 16 rounds, the bad guy didn't shoot any. Bad guy killed and NINE BYSTANDERS wounded by the police gunfire.

No mention of the bad guy being a legal permit holder, so I believe he had the gun illegally to begin with, before committing murder with it. SO, a criminal being shot by the police resulted in 9 (NINE) innocent bystanders being injured. And this "expert" is using that as justification for the NY law prohibiting legal PERMIT HOLDERS from carrying in "sensitive areas" such as Times Square.... wow....just...wow...:confused:

Always remember this, when you read the press coverage of the NY law, it was, and STILL IS ILLEGAL in NY to carry or even possess a pistol without a valid NY pistol permit. And the state permit is no valid in New York City, only NYC permits are valid there.

Generally New Yorkers know this, I am pointing it out for the benefit of the readers from other states who may not realize it. The press isn't telling you the whole truth.
The press isn't telling you the whole truth.

Err wait whaaat ? The press misleads the public oops I mean don’t report the whole truth ?


From what I read that law was pretty much gutted with very little left of it . Other then the sensitive places we all have had to deal with for years - Fed & State buildings , schools and a couple other narrowed places . The rest of the law is unenforceable. Judge put a 3 day stay on his order to allow the state to appeal .

What do we think the appeals court will do and “if” they don’t reverse his order , does that mean NY is a shall issue state on Monday ? I think the appeal will be successful.