Welcome to TFL's New Home

Note to file: Next time adjust the Server clock. This thread originally posted at 9:33 EST.

Note to Spark: Thanks for the redirect script from the old site. Works like a charm.

Note to self: Get a new ISP and a new mouse!
Gads....and I thought I'd have a chance to develope a real life...I didn't even get past the autonomic TFL click
Can I have the night off? LOL

Great job Sparker

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hmmmm....but, will you respect me in the morning?


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, it's been a frustrating few hours. I had this all planned out and tested with the new site set up and forums loaded. Unfortunately, when the time came to move the up-to-date files over, Mr. Murphy stepped in like a double feed in a firefight.

Between corrupted download files, an ISP that decided to drop the line every 8 minutes and a bit of rage that destroyed the mouse, we weren't sure it could be done.

Once again to the rescue, Mike Turber and Spark of www.BladeForums.com . With threir dedication on this Friday night, we made the switch.

Thanks to Mike for his time and the use of his two way cable modem and Spark for his technical advice and adjustments. Most especially, thanks to both for hosting this site. We now reside on the BladeForums' server. We can expect fast loading and reliable performance at great rates.

Notes on the system: we're not completely debugged yet. The system may require you to reset your preferences and profile. These two tabs ("prefs" and "profile") at the top right of the Forum Summary Page allow you to reset your password, tell the system to remember your user name and password and other options. Please check them out before emailing us with problems.

You'll note that our new homepage is "". Here's the explanation:
The numbers refer to a location (URL) on the Web (Mike and Spark's Server). The homepage tiltle "www.thefiringline.com" still points to our old server. Therefore, if you go to www.thefiringline.com, you'll come up to the old location and be transferred here.

Within the next few days the site name "www.thefiringline.com" will commence to point to the server we're currently on. When that change is effected by the Internet God, will be synonymous with http://thefiringline.com. When that happens you should redo your bookmarks to point, once again, to http://www.thefiringline.com.

Welcome home TFL'ers!
Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited June 05, 1999).]
Just tryin' mine out. I think just reentering my old password, which I had written down with other IMPORTANT stuff, put everything else back including my profile, signature, etc. back in order.

And a big THANK YOU to Rich, Mike and Spark for getting us back up before TFL withdrawls set in.

Do we need to have a roll call now to be sure everyone made it here or would that be dangerous since we now know our respective governments are listening?


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Any URL this net, any URL this net, web profile check... over.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"


whew, made it.

Boy, what a trip !

Never again....PLEASE !!!

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Gee, the new place looks nice, good paint job on the walls, nice carpet.

Good job Boys (and DC)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Thought I was on a freefall, couldn't find the cord. Darn, falling, falling, finally found the cord, pulled it and made it fine.
Looking great guys. Thanks for bringing me along.

Hmmm... Speed seems to be the same or even a touch better...

WOW... In fact i am pulling down the largest threads as a whole now instead of part by part... taking full advantage of my T3 connections. Sweet.

Rich, I love what you've done to the place...
But, ah... Window Treatments? Curtains? Throw Pillows? What are these doing here?

In a few days we will again feel the crunching of empty casings under our feet, and it will feel like home again!

See what a relatively empty, practically dedicated server can do?

Currently this server is only hosting BladeForums.com, TFL, and a few other websites. Storage isn't a problem. Processor speed is good to go. All systems are in the green and we read you 5x5.

Anyhow, I'm liking this, and I'm glad that we were able to lend assistance.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com