Weird Marlin action issue?



I've been looking at Marlin 336s for a while now and may have found a used one I like but there is something that doesn't look right to me. The picture below shows what I'm referring to. I'm not a gunsmith, but to me it looks like a piece of sheet metal is peeling back inside the action.

Unfortunately this would not be a FTF transfer so I wouldn't get to physically inspect before purchase. Is this normal?


I am no expert sta Tik but I do own a 1982 model 336 and the action interior (including chamber throat) are all solid and blued like the exterior. There is no type of wear and tear as seen in your photograph. Mine is newer to me but has a life time of hunting behind it. Being that you can't inspect before purchase I would be very hesitant to purchase this one. I absolutely love my little marlin though and wish you the best of luck with any you purchase.
You'd think if that piece wasn't supposed to be there, you'd have trouble getting the bolt to move past that point.

Strictly guessing here (I don't know how to follow the thread without posting something) but could it be built that way as something to keep the cartridge from coming off the lifting tray?

I'm looking forward to hearing from someone who knows what the photo shows.
I've looked inside a lot of Marlin actions, and I've never seen anything like that. Wondering if it might be a piece of trash? Something metallic that shouldn't be there? Either way, it's odd.
That looks like a Bubba "feed mod" to me. And, being a .30-30, there shouldn't have been the need for such a thing, in the first place.
Plus... it looks like it has been brazed or welded in place.

I wouldn't touch that thing, unless I was using it as a target.
Thank you all for your responses. I've never had a lever action but I've owned/used a lot of firearms and have never seen anything like this so I had to ask.

I can't imagine what it would be, which is why I should probably stay away.

Um, for an OLDER Marlin 336, that looks to be slightly burred/marred, but it is normal for that particular year.
It does look like someone had a bad feed jam or two to get it bent/marred like that...
but that half-moon shaped doohicky is part of the receiver...

I've got a 1952 Marlin 336, and the guts look the same, except mine is in much better condition.

A few minutes with a honing stone should get it where it needs to be ;)

Or, as bad as the pic is, could just be some dust on top of the marring...
but it looks to be a cosmetic issue...just needs a little love...and a lower price ;)

OH SQUISH!! Just noticed something else...(1949) is supposed to be a Waffle-Top 336, which means some BUBBA did a D/T job to mount the scope!!
That drops its collector value Considerably...I notice none of the pics show the top of the receiver...(checked stevec22's auctions)
It would make a good shooter, but definitely not a collector soon as they drilled it, they killed that end of it.
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It's not part of the receiver, it is part of the barrel...

Part 39 in this illustration:


If the action closes and locks up so;id, it is fine...I believe it is more a trick of light than boogered...


Cuz I can't sepll, and I had the part noomber rong...
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I had to go look at one. My 1957 336 SC. I had never noticed it before. Mine is all blued with no wear marks at all on it, after 52 years of use. it don'tlook like that!
Could one of you fine gentlemen with a "proper" looking action/barrel please post a picture? I see what you are referring to in the schematic but what I see in the photo doesn't look the same.

Could one of you fine gentlemen with a "proper" looking action/barrel please post a picture? I see what you are referring to in the schematic but what I see in the photo doesn't look the same.

The picture is terrible...Plain and simple...

Ask for a better pic, as I don't see any 'sheet metal peeling', and am now not sure where you are looking...
I've been wondering if the OP and the barrel hood folks are looking at the same thing on the photo.

Is the barrel hood the extension(s) of the barrel at the breech end? The two c shaped projections that almost surround the breach?

I thought the OP was pointing to something that looks like its connected to the upper left portion of the inside of the receiver. Kind of long and coming off the receiver at an angle.

Both are shown in the photo, but the breach was the first thing I noticed.
Is the barrel hood the extension(s) of the barrel at the breech end? The two c shaped projections that almost surround the breach?

Two C shaped projections????? All I see is the hood but it does look a little funny. Could be the lighting I guess.
Is the barrel hood the extension(s) of the barrel at the breech end? The two c shaped projections that almost surround the breach?
Yes, the barrel hood is part of the barrel that projects to the rear and assists in feeding and aligning the bolt when the rifle is in battery. There are no C-shaped pieces, the circular piece is the rear end of the barrel and there is a notch cut in it. The notch, on the ejection port side of the rear of the barrel, is the extractor notch.
I think they would appear C shaped if viewed from the rear of the barrel. But I understand what they are and see them in the photo.

I don't think that is what the OP is referring to in the photo. Look farther to the rear in the receiver. It looks like something has been partially peeled off the inside of the receiver and is hanging there.
Ask for a better pic, as I don't see any 'sheet metal peeling', and am now not sure where you are looking...

I apologize for any confusion. The piece I am referring to is circled in yellow. I do see item #39 in the schematic but wouldn't have assumed that the "extreme" angle/bend was normal or that it was necessarily the same part as #39.


I also see what Woody55 is referring to (marked in purple) but I wasn't particularly concerned about that portion, assuming it to be a poor camera angle that could be cleared up with more photos.

As for getting a better picture, I asked and rather than receive additional pictures I was simply told that the area in question looks "slightly different" than another Marlin he had on hand but that it wasn't a defect. I took the lack of interest in providing additional photos as a cue that something wasn't right and lost interest in the transaction.

I am, however, interested in figuring out what this is because I'm still in the market for a Marlin lever action rifle. If it is the "barrel hood", does it serve the same function as a "feed ramp"?