Weed the Garden?


New member
I once heard a story about a Chinese man that came to visit America. He said that in his country they viewed their society as a flower garden and when they saw a weed in the garden they pulled it out. But he said in your country if you see a weed in your garden you try putting fertilizer on it hoping it will turn into a flower.

I believe part of what’s wrong with our country is that we haven’t weeded the garden and you know what happens when you don’t weed your garden THE WEEDS TAKE OVER!!!

What do you think?
In China they've done a lot of weeding since the Communists took over
in 1949. The recent biography "Mao-The Untold Story" says the "Great Helmsman" was responsible for the deaths of about 70 million people.
I once heard the definition of a weed is a plant no one has yet found a use for. I ain't saying some of our 'weeds' are ultimately useful, but classifying them as such may be a matter of perspective.
My story above was meant to be metaphorical.

Metaphorical - not having real existence but symbolic and showing some truth about a situation or other subject:
Oh, sure. Lets all try a little harder to be like China! :barf::rolleyes: They have "weeded" on a genocide scale

Who do you wish to see weeded out first? What method of weeding do you wish to see used?
My story above was meant to be metaphorical.

Yeah, we get the metaphor. It's the process we're a bit hazy on. History abounds with examples of 'leaders' who gardened thusly, and the body count goes on...
In the state of Florida manuals I studied in lawn and ornamental pest control a weed is defined as...
ANY PLANT OUT OF PLACE.... Many of us fit in this definition...

In fact, after many years of frustrating labor, I decided to give in, and I have become a goathead rancher.

I'll still fight for gun rights, but when it comes to the lawn, I give up. Stopped irrigating, and don't mow. Let the weeds have it, I no longer care.

Four foot weeds, a few old cars, some tires, concrete blocks, an old washer that is more bullet holes than washer...don't get many visitors, and even fewer salesmen. And the coyotes only get real noisy at night. Maybe a night sight? Hmmmm
Bear in mind that the Chinese approach to "weeding" society is not very different from throwing the baby out with the bathwater at times.
I would like to remind everyone that America shares the same capital punishment philosophy as the great state of China.

The further we distance ourselves from these savages the better.


But some never learn and are evil. Then lock them up in a 6x8 cell with no medical treatment until they die.
But some never learn and are evil. Then lock them up in a 6x8 cell with no medical treatment until they die.

I guess you forgot the part about "cruel" and "unusual". Or do you like the way communist China handles law inforcement and punishment of crime?
But some never learn and are evil

So what exactly is evil? Are subjective wrongs (like being gay or worshiping the wrong god) evil? Or is it only objective wrongs (like raping, mudering, etc, etc, etc)? At what point does someone become evil and unable to be improved?

I just want to make sure we have a standard before letting people die.
i think the weeds are the useless pieces of crap that is sitting in prison taking up space and wasting our money. if we can get rid of them maybe the child molesters and the rapists can spend more time in prison than they do now.
if we can get rid of them maybe the child molesters and the rapists can spend more time in prison than they do now.

Wow, just wow. That comment is beyond words. I am glad you are not in a position of authority.
China sure as hell has a lot of restrictions on the common folk, but you don't hear about a wholelot of violent crime there! I'm sure some of that is due to the gov-stamped media, but still don't think they have a lot of Virginia Tech or Northern Illinois-type incidents.

I'm not a supporter of Chinese style society, but I'll predict that if ours continues down the current path, many will find it preferable.
Metaphorically speaking, one man's weeds are another man's wildflowers. I had an entire lawn full of bluebells last spring, with enough summer dandelions to make a little wine.

Back to the topic at hand the Chinese style of human weeding started with the Mongol invasion, killing the men and impregnating the women so that a huge majority of present day Chinese are descended from the same group of invaders. Give me wildflowers any day over a manicured lawn. :)