Weatherby Rifles

Wow, ever been a member at Weatherby nation, surely you've visited the Weatherby Website and read their recommended break in procedure. Why don't you drop down to my first post in this thread and take a look at how a Mark V breaks in and then becomes copper fouled.

Just out of curiosity, how do your Mark V's shoot when they're clean and cold? If you really own them, you'll know this answer. If you know this then you'll also be able to tell me what you do before a hunt.
Just out of curiosity, how do your Mark V's shoot when they're clean and cold? If you really own them, you'll know this answer. If you know this then you'll also be able to tell me what you do before a hunt.
LineStretcher is offline Report Post
Many companies put break in procedures on their website. My supplier of bench rest barrels has one on his. He told me in person that "break in is pure Bravo Sierra. I just threw some crap up on my website so people would quit calling to aggravate me asking about it. "
How do I prepare them for the hunt? Well, the .378 shoots its best one shot fouled. The 270 WBY shoots its best 20 to 50 shot dirty. The 300 MTM likes to be stone cold clean. The two 375 H&H and the 375 Wby. don't care. The 340 Wbys don't much care. The 338 Lapua likes to be a couple rounds dirty, but it's a Lilja barrel. The 7 Wbys likes to be 10 to 30 rounds dirty. One of the 300 Wbys likes to be semi clean. (Meaning it likes to be slightly decoppered but never all the copper taken out. If you completely dropped it, it takes 30 to 40 shots to get it shooting again) m
My 6.5x300 Like a to be 5 to 20 dirty.
The 257 Why has about 40 shots down the tube and has not been copper cleaned in three years. It's what I am hunting with this year.

I hate to be the one who breaks the news to you, but no rifle manufacturer can tell you how all or most of their rifles will perform best. They all have a mind of their own. Perfectly stress relieved, hand lapped barrels do have that level of predictability, but assembly line barrels don't.
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At one time Wby was using Criteron barrels on the Accumark and that company was owned by Kreiger and it's separate company now. I guess being 5 miles apart is Ok.
I was at Sportsman's Warehouse in Sheridan, WY, yesterday and asked the head guy in the gun dept. how the new Weatherby factory project was coming along. He said it's going good, as planned, and should be up and running next March. Though I don't own a Weatherby, I do wish them all the success they deserve, especially after making the move out of CA. Some weeks ago, I was driving north out of Sheridan and saw they had most all the big steel set, and in the air. Kudos to Sheridan, WY, and Weatherby, Inc.