Weatherby Mark V Tacmark .338


New member
Man this was a tough decision! I think I've shot more dang .338's lately than any man ever needs too. I have a gun range the carries several and I can rent them.

The final four were:
1. McMillan Tac-338
2. Weatherby Mark V Tacmark
3. Sako TRG 42
4. Barrett MRAD

In the end the Weatherby won out. I ordered it and it should be here next week sometime.

The Weatherby won because I could get it with the 28" Flutted FN barrel and the B&C Stock that I happen to like a lot. I love the Mark V 9 lug actions and I also love all of my other Weatherby's.

The MRAD was a close second because of the interchangeable barrels but I already have most the other calibers so it wasn't a big advantage after all. The Sako was right there in the running until I saw how many were available used on Gun Broker and other sites. Somethings making people sell them so on that alone I opted out. The McMillan was a close call too. I liked it but I could not get a good cheek weld on the stock. At the price they're asking it didn't make sense to buy something and then end up modifying it just to be able to shoot it.

I'll get a review up on the Weatherby with some range shooting pics/video in the near future.
I got to shoot a Weatherby Mark V First Lite that a friend of mine owns, very sweet rifle, but out of my price range. Can't wait to see your pics and range report.
I got to shoot a Weatherby Mark V First Lite that a friend of mine owns, very sweet rifle, but out of my price range. Can't wait to see your pics and range report.
Will do, I haven't got a ship date yet, it's coming out of the new Weatherby Sheridan Wyoming custom shop.


Maybe this is just the thing i need to get the Mrs to move to Wyoming.

"Honey, we have to go to Sheridan. Linestretcher is waiting on me to assemble his new Weatherby." :D

Think she'll go for it?

I am SO past ready to get out of this god forsaken state!!!


Maybe this is just the thing i need to get the Mrs to move to Wyoming.

"Honey, we have to go to Sheridan. Linestretcher is waiting on me to assemble his new Weatherby." :D

Think she'll go for it?

I am SO past ready to get out of this god forsaken state!!!
I live in Nevada and things in the population areas are changing fast. I thought about going to Wyoming but it's gotten pretty expensive so I'll stay put for now. I live in rural Nevada and we dont put up with the city BS.
I won a 338 Weatherby Mark V synthetic in a raffle years ago, shot an AZ Elk with it. Liked it so much, I bought a similar 340 for a song at an estate sale.

The 338 is comfortable, but the 340 is a beast to shoot.. ;)
Got the rifle today. Very nice, got it all ready for breakin when the weather clears up.
Well that sure is not your fathers Weatherby!

The times they are a changing.
Nope, my Dad would have liked it though. I have several Weatherby hunting rifles and I can't bring myself to turn them into range guns during the off season. This will help to cure that problem. I have an earlier one called the TRR (Threat Response Rifle) in .308 that shoots really well, I'm hoping this one is at least as good if not better.
Sweet looking rifle!
Got 2 questions though.
1) is that an Apollo bipod ?
2) you said 338, but didn't specify actual cartridge. 338 Fed through to 338-378 Weatherby covers a wide spectrum. :D

Sweet looking rifle!

Got 2 questions though.

1) is that an Apollo bipod ?

2) you said 338, but didn't specify actual cartridge. 338 Fed through to 338-378 Weatherby covers a wide spectrum. :D
It's an Atlas bipod and the cartridge is .338 Lapua Magnum. The stock is a Bell & Carlson free floated. The rifle comes out of the Weatherby custom shop.

I should add that I went with the .338 Lapua Magnum because that was the only one I could find. Had a 338-378 been available, I may have gone with it instead.
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I think your gonna like the Atlas, if you haven't used one before.

I got a knock off from (your gonna laugh!) Green Blob. Yup, the people that make those green light up fishing lures. $60.
All the Atlas attachments fit it. Leg extenders, feet, etc.
Best thing i did for mine was get the spike feet!
The rubber feet slide around like crazy.

Give us a range report!
Spent the day dialing in the new rifle. First thing was the trigger which I polished and final adjusted. Before I replaced the stock, I bedded the magazine well with Devcon because it was really sloppy. Next was replacing the recoil pad with a thicker Pachmayr that is designed for large caliber rifles. I also bedded the rail so that it's perfectly level and square to the bore. Once the Devcon set I finished the fit of the mag well on my end mill, broached it and cleaned the rifle from top to bottom.

Next I added my level and then adjusted the stock length to my LOP. Once that was done I remounted the scope so that I had equal amounts of head movement, front to rear, between the appearance of the dark rings in the ocular lens. My eye relief was exactly 3.5" which is what the scope is advertised as. Finally, I adjusted the cheek piece to give me the perfect cheek weld with no movement of the reticle if I moved my eye from side to side. I can now shoot with both eyes open.

She's ready for some range time on Sunday! My break in will be the standard 10 rounds with a cleaning between each and then ten 3 round groups with a cleaning and cooling between each group. The break in is all about polishing the throat which is the only part of the barrel that is not lapped. Krieger has a very nice explanation why you should do the break in process on their website.

As a side note, I do not use levels that mount on scopes because in my opinion they are too far removed from level. I like mine on my rail which is bedded to be perfectly level with the level point at the rear of the receiver. I then level the scope to the rail level and it comes out perfect. I still hang a plumb line and check it at 25 feet but it's never been off.

Some balk at me doing all this stuff to a brand new 4,000.00 rifle saying that it shouldn't need it. Maybe that's true I don't know. What I do know is that by eliminating as many of the mechanical deficiencies as possible and personalizing the rifle to fit me, I only have myself to blame if it doesn't shoot well.
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Your money, your rifle!
You do what you gotta do for you!

Wish i had your mill. Lol
And a lathe.
And an actual shop, that i can stand up straight in. :rolleyes:
Having the End Mill and Gear Head Lathe and then taking over the entire garage for my work shop is definitely a nice thing. It didn't all happen in one day so be patient, your time will come.
Got the rifle out to the range for the first time yesterday. She's a shooter for sure. Took four shots to get on the bull at 25 yards which isn't bad for a new rifle. I moved my target out to 100 yards and then shot three more rounds in the upper right of the target. It is a flat shooter for sure. 2 shots are near hole in hole. If you look really close you can see the difference in the size of the single hole vs the double hole.

You won't regret going 338 LM in the long run I bet. Start reloading and you should get those groups around .5 MOA or below. Please tell me that's not one of those cheapo Chinese bubble levels on the rail--I bought a half dozen and all they do is guarantee to widen your groups IMO.:rolleyes:
You won't regret going 338 LM in the long run I bet. Start reloading and you should get those groups around .5 MOA or below. Please tell me that's not one of those cheapo Chinese bubble levels on the rail--I bought a half dozen and all they do is guarantee to widen your groups IMO.:rolleyes:
I don't buy cheap..
I thought it was a US Optics level, when i saw the first picture.
Have really been debating about one of those.
To be honest I can't remember who makes this one but it wasn't one of the cheap ones that tend to fall off. This one clamps the rail solid and is adjustable so you can get it square to the bore. Once I have it level, if the scope is off slightly it doesn't make any difference. If it's mounted on the scope and for some reason the scope is off then the bore will be off. In reality you can make slight windage and elevation adjustments to correct for that but it's nice to know that you can reference the rifles true level any time you need to.