Wearing pearls

Is it wrong for me to think about engraving my Bauer to look like that Baby Browning that Carmady posted? :confused:

For the record, none of the grips on my guns are real mother of pearl, and none of my "ivory" grips are real ivory.
Auto 5- no it's not wrong, but can you do it?
Bauer actually offered a Renaissance-engraved pistol.
You could even order your own serial number.
I wouldn't take George Patton's views on pearl grips too seriously. I think occasionally Georgie sometimes over compensated for his having a high pitched frilly voice and took out his frustration on subordinates, pistol/revolver grips, and pimps for not somehow meeting up to his expectations.

Me? Pearl grips sure are pretty but seem too fragile. I'll settle for no less than Mammoth ivory! Ain't nobody going to be able to accuse me of poaching for the grips either considering they've been dead for a few thousand years!

Great General, by the way. Assuming you don't mind the kill em unarmed in their pajamas kind of perspective!
My favorite George Patton quote:

"It's not your job to die for your country, it's your job to make the other dumb son-of-a-bitch die for his!"
Eiddy-do, you HAVE seen the movie haven't you? Lots of "more better" quotes!

And I'm not so certain I would give little georgie-lucifer all the credit on the "die for your country" quote.

It is sort of common sense that one would rather their opponent died for their cause rather than they dying for their own.
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Eiddy-do, you HAVE seen the movie haven't you? Lots of "more better" quotes!

And I'm not so certain I would give little georgie-lucifer all the credit on the "die for your country" quote.

It is sort of common sense that one would rather their opponent died for their cause rather than they dying for their own.


Still a good quote. :)
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I like pearl grips on some guns. I have a set of genuine pearl grips on a Gold Cup stainless high-polished 1911. I have a really nice set of imitation pearl grips on a S&W nickel chief's special.

If you are going to buy a shiny gun, you might as well bling it out with some pretty pearls.
Georgie was a a rich kid with delusions. He also decided the M4 Sherman, AKA The Ronson, was good enough and that the Allies didn't need a tank that could tangle with the Panzer V's and VI's without bursting into flames after taking one hit. Despite there being one already designed and ready for production.

Yes, but do you know "the REST of the story"??? (things like the improved model tank took more shipping volume than 2 Shermans? That it was underpowered and actually slower than a Tiger tank? That being "ready for production" means only that, and that means the inevitable mechanical bugs were yet to be found, let alone worked out, and that time was needed to produce them, and also to get the needed support parts (spare parts), ammo and such things into the system?) We were, despite horrid losses, WINNING with the Sherman, and Patton wasn't the only General who agreed two Shermans in Europe now was better than one Pershing at some as yet unknown future date...)

Patton was definitely an opinionated s.o.b., and he used colorful (and by today's standards, often offensive) metaphors. It was his style, and it got things done. it also got his ass in a sling, from time to time. It's history.

Do you realize that the quote about "pearl handled pistols" wasn't a slam against pearl or even pimps, it was a slam about the IGNORANCE of the questioner, not knowing the difference between pearl and ivory, and why one was tacky and the other a sign of class.

It may have been Andy Rooney who asked that question. He was a war correspondent and there, at the time. I never saw where he claimed to have been the guy who asked, but he inferred several times that he was there when it happened. And, for the rest of his life, including those years he spent being the final "opinion" segment on CBS 60 Minutes, he NEVER mentioned Patton, without mentioning Patton's "pearl handled pistols".
One would think he had a personal stake in the matter, to continue to do it for over half a century after Patton died....:rolleyes:

Patton also said that he considered the M1 Garand "the finest battle implement ever devised". was he wrong there, too???

Put what ever you want on your pistol. It's YOURS. I don't mind Ivory, I don't even mind the look of pearl, neither are for me, but if you like them, fine.

I've even seen a set of Sterling Silver with Turquoise inlay grips made by Tiffany, probably cost more than my car. I thought they were totally tacky looking, but somebody obviously didn't....