Weapon access while in the car.

When our CC law was introduced here in Ohio, the Highway Patrol insisted on a provision (supposedly for "officer safety") requiring that a concealed pistol must be holstered and in "plain view" inside a motor vehicle. Ironically, this also makes it more accessible and, one would think, more of a threat to an officer afraid of being shot by a law-abiding citizen.:barf: But hey, that's the way they wanted it.

Anyway, to comply with this stupid requirement, I've used a couple methods. One, the aforementioned paddle holster, mine's an Uncle Mike's adjusted to cross-draw. Secondly, I've used Nemesis pocket holsters by tucking them between my belt and pants in the 11 o'clock position. I don't tuck it inside the waistband so that it's more visible in case I'm stopped. The tacky surface of the Nemesis prevents it from sliding around or falling out. Getting out of the car I just stuff it back in my pocket.
I always carry by 342PD in an ankle holster, pretty quick to get to, and if I plan to spend a lot of time in the car I wear my galco miami classic-IMO a shoulder holster is the best answer for weapon access while in a car, although I do not prefer it for normal CCW.
The main thing to remember about defensive firearms in vehicles is that they should be secured at all times. A gun on the passenger seat does no good if it goes flying off to who knows where if you have to stop fast or get bumped from behind. What's worse is that the flying 2lb pistol can cause serious injury to yourself if you get into an accident.
As previously mentioned, Ohio CCW law has some goofy points, . . . one being that it must be visible to the officer who approaches you in the vehicle.

I wrestled with it on and off till I came up with a modified clone of well known shoulder holster rig. Basically, my .45 points up at about a 45 degree angle behind my arm pit, . . . and even in a heavy tee shirt, . . . it is virtually invisible.

I would think a shoulder rig would work very well for you too, especially well if the bg came up on the passenger side of the vehicle.

I don't use any other rig if I am traveling any real distance, . . . as it is very comfortable, very accessible, . . . and very visible to the LEO's I might meet.

May God bless,
Lost Wages carry

Las Vegas says you can carry openly, or carry the piece on the seat next to you; andrews leather makes a nifty little car carry rig that works for me; most of our threats come while driving, or stopped at a lite. I just put it on in the car, and pop it off when I go into the store etc. werks fer mee.....