Weak attendance at gun show . . .

Gun shows are like convenience stores, the prices are a little higher than a regular store since they dont get to set up and sell for free, they have to raise the prices

the prices are higher at gun shows but your paying for the convenience of having it all in one place (show)
Gun shows are like convenience stores, the prices are a little higher than a regular store since they dont get to set up and sell for free, they have to raise the prices

the prices are higher at gun shows but your paying for the convenience of having it all in one place (show)

Regular stores get to sell for free? Where can I get in on this :)
Fifteen years ago I used to go to gun shows at least once per month. There used to be excellent buys and deals could be negotiated on ammo in bulk. As the years went on, there were fewer and fewer deals and during the ammo shortage, no one would back off one penny of their listed price...no deals.

The last gun show I went to is the last gun show I will ever go to unless something changes. I found I could get better prices at my LGS. Seems the dealers were catering to the impulse buyers. All my friends are educated consumers and all were of the same opinion as mine. Ammo prices are down but I find that I get better deals on line and its delivered to my door.

I don't go to gun shows to buy beef or buffalo jerky or other such stuff. I am not into antique guns or civil war uniforms so from a strictly guns and ammo point of view, I am finished with gun shows.
Went to a small gun show in Newstead yesterday, not that many people and not that many sellers. A lot of prices were store retail, no bargains to be found.
Our local show has pretty much went to crap in Northern IL. High prices on most everything, including beat used guns.

One local dealer attends and he tends to have good prices. Bought some Federal HSTs in 9mm for about $0.50/round. Same guy had a deal on 2 Steel AK mags and 60 rounds of 7.62X39 for $30. I bit. Other than that a lot of disappointment.

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While gunshows have changed, so has the interest in firearms. Few years back when firearms themselves, ammo and reloading components were almost impossible to find, folks went to gun shows with the hopes to find anything. Used to be before online gun sales became popular, that gunshows were one of the few places to find deals, or to see if your LGS was ripping you off. Now, within a few minutes a person from the comfort of their home can find the best price on firearms, ammo and components. Now that the shortages are over, these same products are available almost anywhere. Add to all of this, the desire to purchase said products, as gun folks have replaced ammo/components and invested heavily in firearms due to previous inability to do so. Part of a natural cycle, plus the increased diversity of options available.
I had a table at a local show this weekend. The weather didn't help Sat and Sun attendance usually light anyway.

Some of the larger vendors told me they did ok. Most of the smaller vendors were complaining about slow/no sales. A few of the smaller ones said they wouldn't be back. Some even packed up after just a few hours Sat or didn't come back Sun.

I get a table mostly just for entertainment value and don't expect to get rich at it. But when I have had lots of stuff/guns to sell for friend's families, etc I'll check around during setup for prices. Then I'd price what I had a little lower and tell prospective customers I had the lowest price at the show. That usually pushed them over the edge. When all vendors at the show price their stuff the same the customers can't make a decision.
gun shows in my area have decreased. At one time there was a gun show about every three months, but it is down to 2/year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Prices are high and attendance is falling off.
Prof Young-
I didn't realize you were in this area. I usually try to attend the Belleville gun show when I can, just to look around if nothing else. Hey, even to you naysayers, any gun show is better than mowing the lawn. :) I do like antiques, knives, tools, and like the treasure hunt of rooting through junk to find that one really interesting widget. And even if prices are generally high, somebody has a deal on something.

I usually get powder and primers at shows, because I don't wanna pay hazmat shipping, and because it's rare that any one store actually has the exact 4 things I'm looking for at the same time. It's also nice to save shipping on heavy stuff like bulk cast lead bullets or ammo by the case. I do order stuff online as well when the lower cost justifies it, but there's usually at least one vendor at a show with competitive prices.

I discovered a bunch of guns that I now own at shows- things I'd never heard of, or never realized how sweetly they balanced until I handled one, or ruled out guns I was interested in after I actually saw how poorly they were machined, etc.

I didn't go to this one because when everybody was sure Hillary would win, I stocked up on everything I thought I'd need or want for the next several years. And I'm still pretty well stocked. But when I heard there were gonna be protestors there, I almost wished I'd gone. ;)
I'd never been to a gun show but my daughter was taking her driving lesson next door and I had an hour to kill. I paid my 12 bucks (I thought that was high) and went right in. It was pretty crowded in there so much so that I had to constantly squeeze my way down the isles. By the time I left there was a line to get in. They had all kinds of guns, new and old and a lot of nice knives. I would recommend the gun show in Memphis if anyone was on the fence about going.
I used to go to the Palm Beach Gun Show down at the South Florida Fairgrounds in West Palm Beach. I stopped going and have only been back once in at least 15 Years. The Reason is not because they got smaller, but the same old reasons you all may have also seen at your Shows. !. Always way over priced Preban Rifles. 2. People selling Beef jerky, and BBQ Sauces. 3. Over Priced fancy Knifes. 4. some sell Decals and Books and Manuals, and that is good, but the West Palm Show is always the Same.