We need more Blacks in the NRA

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The NRA is a confounding variable in this debate, in my opinion. The focus shouldn't be on getting blacks in the NRA, it should be getting ALL people to shoot, whether for sporting purposes, self defense or hunting. If a guy hasn't got the inclination or opportunity to do that, then the NRA doesn't mean diddly to him.

Here in the UK I have had reasonable success introducing minorities to shooting at the club. If I consider UK citizens only, then it is a 50/50 split in terms of minority vs white first time shooters I have managed to persuade to come to the range and try shooting for themselves.

BUT...the UK vs foreign citizen split is much larger. It is way easier for me to get a South African or Aussie to go to the range than an English co-worker for example. That has been true even if I consider first time shooters.

The funniest thing I saw was an American lady down at our club, first time shooter. She was in her late forties. I showed her my rifle and she had a go and enjoyed it. I thought to myself: isn't it odd that a lady from a country with decent gun laws gets her first taste of shooting from a South African in a country with really restrictive gun laws?

Seems to me there is always a way to get people shooting, but it has to be 'sold' to them in a very subtle manner. It is easier to get two first timers to the range together, than one on his/her own. They don't have to start with guns: I have found that nobody turns down an opportunity to use my crossbow: they love it! After a few sessions with that, I offer them a go with my .22 rifle. I tell them it has less 'of a kick' and is more accurate, and many times they will try it. Afterwards they wonder why they haven't tried it before!

I think there is much more merit in that kind of persuasion than asking some dude to join the NRA.
The NRA is a confounding variable in this debate, in my opinion. The focus shouldn't be on getting blacks in the NRA, it should be getting ALL people to shoot, whether for sporting purposes, self defense or hunting. If a guy hasn't got the inclination or opportunity to do that, then the NRA doesn't mean diddly to him.
The point here is that the NRA is damaged by it's WASP image. IF the NRA is going to be at the forefront of the 2A fight it needs to have a diverse image to be politically effective.
The Jewish organization is Jews for the Protection of Firearms Ownership(JPFO). As soon as I get my GOA membership I am going to get one from them. They are pretty much the most effective 2A tool for Democrats, but they are pretty small. You also don't have to be Jewish to join(I am not). The NRA-ILA gets a little money from me, but the NRA in general gets none.
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Luckily for me - the clubs I shoot at in San Antonio are very diverse and supportive to all. The one time someone started to be touch rude on race (not a member) he was quickly shut down.

About the views of African-americans on guns. I've talked to some communithy members on this. Quite a few folks are quite ok with gun ownership. They do worry about illegal guns in their communities and probably would support stricter licensing requirements on the surface view that these would cut down crime.
If I had the patients I would write out the crap I have to put up with everywhere I go to be a blind gun owner with pride.

pawn shops, gun stores I get it even at the range I pay money to.

Remember the gun I bought on friday, they weren't going to sale it to me at first, because I didn't bring some one with me to help me fill out papers, it took me calling The NRA Disabled shooting Services, and the Manager before the gun salesman would help me fill out the paper work, cause he was woried about a liability.

oh, and I have been laughed out of countless Pawn shops even in front of my daugher, I have been in a gun store, a store where I just bought another gun from and heard a partner behind the counter say "I guess everyone needs protection, no matter what's wrong with them huh?"

This is why, the NRA and all the Gun nuts out there have a bad name, and its frustrating as hell!

I can't find shooting partners out here in PHX why cause I have to convince who ever first that I am blind and I won't some how shoot them or myself, or pull the hammer instead of the trigger when firing the gun, or put the bullet in the wrong way or what ever the hell!

I am just pist off that it means nothing that I was the only I mean the only blind guy at the NRA convention on friday!

Ok, off my soap box.

and I am a proud NRA member but I just wish I got more respect and people stop being so damn leetest because I am freken blind.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned THE black man with a gun, Kenn Blanchard: http://www.blackmanwithagun.com.
His goal, "was to provide people in my community, ethnicity and cultural group with a resource to learn about gun safety and personal responsibility from one of their own."

Let's help spread the word.

Freedom and Responsibility for Everybody (Strong enough to handle it.)
No offense blindman but how does your post relate to the thread on blacks in the nra?

I think it is quite relevant, as he is speaking to the lack of minorities' (this would include the disabled) involvement or support in the NRA.
To post #25:

If you can't see the point of my post, then you are Blinder (?) than I am. and thats pretty freaken blind because I am a total Blind Man, can't see nothing.

yes, to #26, the point of my post was Minorities, and I am double Minority because I am both blind and hispanic. but I get the most BS because of being blind and interested in the sport of shooting.:confused::rolleyes:
To the last post:

What is the difference? the point of the OP was getting a diverse group of people not just Leetest, Racest, country bumpkin Yahoos in the NRA proud of the 2A. now you are telling me that apparently we stirictly have to stick to the subject of blacks because the OP didn't name the title, "More Minorities in the NRA" but his post mentions Latinos, and Blacks.

Excue me for feeling like a Minority, especially when on this Damn Board!

And the reason why I make it so clear, about me being blind is go look at my Request for Lube help for my P95.

Even though I explained I was blind, people still posted me links to videos even though it was clear in my message that when reading cornered cat using her pics didn't help me.

I don't make it clear for me to get simpithy, I make it clear to get understanding and things explained to me in a sensible manner.
his post was about the disabled minority, not a racial minority. (which is what this post is about.)

Wow, #18indycolts Thanks for straightening us out ! And all this time I just thought that stereotypes and "Isms" only related to race.
Unfortunately, the black community teaches its children that the only people with guns are criminals and the police (who they are taught not to trust). I have heard this from almost every black shooter I've taught, from all different backgrounds.

For them, taking up shooting requires a certain leap of faith, and a rejection of the malarkey they've been fed all their lives. It's nice to see that they seem to be taking up the shooting sports in greater numbers, and they seem to stay involved to a greater extent that most other new shooters.

Step back and look at the stereotype, though. The media (and recently, our government) has done its level best to portray the gun culture as a bunch of white grizzled, beer-guzzling John Wayne wannabes. WE know the difference; an uninvolved observer might not.

The answer is simple, of course. Encourage, mentor and make everyone feel welcome.
I'm seeing more minorites at the range and it makes me very happy. I think that organiztions should make more of an effort reach out to minorites.
Regardless, having diversity among us would only help us shed the elitist, white, extremist, etc. persona that many non-gunners have of us.

Look the "elite, white,extremist" garbage is from the left so they continue to draw in votes and money. This entire idea of talking about diversity is a dividing speak for politicians, the continued grouping of "American citizens" divides us, but again people make money from the race issue.

I see more and more women at the range, many getting their CHL, in time as population increases other "citizens" will see the value and enjoyment of the sport. Women in society usually set the agenda.

Forget how people view the NRA the left will attack anything that is white, Christian, they have not discovered the EAA as of yet.(Experimental Aircraft association)made up mostly of old white guys :D
Since not all the NRA members are Christians or white and I don't feel that we need to go down this road in the morning - we've said the major points and this is closed.
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