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We need a mannequin

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No secrets Sensop, I want to know too. LOL Did you mean you would do it for TFL women? (table dances that is) :D :D :D :D

Bad news terridarri.

I've got the legs, I've got the body, I've got the head, and a right arm with a hand, but nothing from the shoulder down on the left side. :(

I've also got the metal base, but can't find the square metal rod that goes up to the butt.

I will continue my search for a left arm and hand tomorrow, and also for that butt pole.

It looks like Dennis might be your best bet at this point, but I'll let you know either way.


P.S. Go ahead Dennis, Gunslinger, Rich... I just know you guys are going to have a ball with this one. :rolleyes:

[This message has been edited by TheBluesMan (edited May 13, 2000).]
OMG, not something else for them to dream about. LOL Your right those three men will take that and run with it, give them a inch and they take a mile. I spoke with Gunslinger and he said if you can't find that poor persons arm we can probably use it anyways. So keep us posted on it and we will get back with you on it, we really do appreciate you doing this, BluesMan.

Behave yourself! Laerdal is NOT pronounced Leer-doll! (You savage!)
It’s pronounced Layer-doll. Lay ‘er doll ... (Oh, jeez! That’s even worse! :( )

Ms. Terri!
I will NOT bring an expensive manikin just to “...let Sensop
demonstrate the one he fell in love with...!”

Especially a manikin nobody’s gonna buy! I sure wouldn’t want it
back when Sensop’s finished with it! (Eeeewwww! *Mister Yuck!*)

Blues Man!

No left arm? I remember her! We called her “Lefty!” She was a heck of a
party-girl and when she partied with us REAL men, she sure didn’t need any
metal pole up.... er, um,

That is, ole Lefty could stand alone! (pause) At least we thought she could!
(pause) Come to think of it, I don’t know that she ever HAD to! (Stand
alone, that is.... ;) )

“... give them a inch and they take a mile.”
You are bad. Starting a conversation like this and making a comment like

Was it not you who stated, “But you know when you leave a open door like
you did it [is] really hard just to ignore”?

Just remember, young lady! (Remember your Mom’s voice?)
Dennis started out trying to help you in a gentlemanly manner!
It was YOU (<--- shout!) who committed this dastardly deed of thread
jackery! ;)
DENNIS Please warn me before you post like this again, I almost blew a staple laughing at that last post, this Forum could be dangerous for your health. LOL :)

That one arm mannequin brings something funny up, ask Gunslinger to show you the one arm fiddle player joke when you all come to the end of summer meet, this right here is worth the drive to see, you will rotfl till you can't stop. :rolleyes:

I want you all to know I wasn't corrupted till I came to TFL, and mercy now I have gotten bad.

Terridarri: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> No secrets Sensop, I want to know too.[/quote]I told Dennis in an email that I'd bet Gunslinger put you up to the original question. Something about inflation!

Dennis, I think I was wrong! Although she has obviously been corrupted beyond redemption and Gunslinger can probably take part of the blame, I'm sure, but she's a force of her own now! Gunslinger, how do you put up with this woman!?

TBM, I just got through watching ROBOCOP 3. You can imagine what I made of this: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>... I've got the legs, I've got the body, I've got the head, and a right arm with a hand, but nothing from the shoulder down on the left side. I've also got the metal base, but can't find the square metal rod that goes up to the butt. I will continue my search for a left arm and hand tomorrow, and also for that butt pole.[/quote]

Butt pole. Ooooooookay!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited May 14, 2000).]
I gotta tell ya about Lefty. As you know, she had no left arm. But you might
not have noticed that she had this speech impediment. Had trouble with “L”
and “W” and with “P” and “T”.

(Made it kinda spooky when she ordered “tea” in a restaurant.)

Now Lefty was a shooter. Loved to shoot handguns and was pretty good at it
too. She was the best there was at shooting around corners! Well *some*
corners. She could shoot around corners to the left okay - bein’ truly
“right-handed” like she was - but shooting to the right (around corners, that
is) was pretty tough for her.

Her sister, though, ... well, never mind. I'll save that for August.
Hint: We called Lefty's sister “Loosey” - and I don't mean Lucy.

Anyway, ole Lefty, she had lots of trouble with the Isosceles position for
obvious reasons. Some fool told her to try the Weaver position. In those
days we used the old "cup and saucer" method, as ya know.

Well, ole Lefty speaks up that she couldn't use the Weaver position because
she had no "cup"!

Now Loosey's half-wit neighbor, Big Bob, was a football player who had played
too many games without a helmet. He had only heard the last part of the
conversation and the subject quickly sank to a typical jock's level (so to

Well, Lefty feels insulted as a woman and walks over to Big Bob with this
huge revolver in her right hand. I disremember what kind of gun it was but
it was named after some snake - a Cobra or Anaconda or some such. She
always said, “I wike snakes” but I’m not sure she was talking about guns.

So Lefty walks up to Big Bob and screams, “You tiss me off!” and gives this
big, unexpected lurch and falls flat to the ground.

Now Bob’s not a bad sort, just a touch slow. So, being a gentleman, he
rushes over to Lefty, picks her up and dusts her off real nice until Lefty put a
stop to it.

He asked her what happened! She replied that since she had the gun in her
right hand she tried to slap him with her left! Totally forgettin’ her left arm
was gone!

Big ole Dim Bob asks, “Why didn’t you slap me with your *right* hand?

Well, Lefty shows him the gun in her hand and says, “I had my rod in it!”

Now, Blues Man, I don’t know if this refers to the rod you so indelicately
described or not. I suppose it could be.

But the gist of the matter is that Lefty was so impressed with Bob’s kindness
that she and Bob left together that evening. The last thing Lefty said to
Loosey was something about, “I’m gonna pake Bob and weave”. Now Lefty
meant “take” and “leave” but Loosey wasn’t the hottest bunsen burner in the
lab either. Loosey asks, “You mean you’re gonna take up Boxing?”

I guess the big fight started sometime in the middle of the hysterical
laughter. But I’m a bit low on Shiner and it's gettin' late - I'll have to save that tale for another night.

So, Blues Man, please take good care of ole Lefty. There’s a lot of history in
her, I mean "behind her"! ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 14, 2000).]

If you tell me the one about the one-armed fiddle player, I'll tell you the one about the guy with the bionic arm. Heh, heh.
So Terri, did you ever get a mannequin?
I've got 3 females, but they're all in some sort of reclining position(s).
And of course, there are no metal rods either...
I have to tie them up (or down) to hold them in their place when I use them...

BTW, reading through this thread was a riot... :)

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
Whoa boy!
The butt-pole raised the stakes to where this Ohio boy just doesn't want to go!

heh,might draw the attention of the Methodist Church or something.
Hey! Now y'all stay calm! Remember:

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But whips and chains excite me!
I'm telling you all now, if you keep going I won't have to go to the Dr. tomorrow to have these staples removed because they will be all popped out from laughing at you. :rolleyes:

Well you know I am just a little shy demeured Missouri girl, if you don't believe me just look at my picture and it tells just how sweet I am. LOL

Sensop, Gunslinger isn't guilty for any of this but there is one person on the forum that could hold some responsibility for the inflating part but I wouldn't mention HER name because she is as innocent as me. LOL

Dennis, chains and whips?????????? HUH?????? Sounds kind of kinky, never heard nothing like this, maybe we need a demonstration, but of course Gunslinger being a retired police officer I could possibly find a some handcuffs around here if you need to borrow them. LOL

Sensop, about the one arm fiddle player it diffently isn't something that can be wrote it is diffently a in person scene. LOL

Well I'm leaving you all with these thoughts, I haven't had this much fun since I was in school. LOL :D :D :D :D :D Can't hardly wait till August, and I think I will go get me a motel room that weekend and hide. LOL

Ok, I've stayed out of this... but now it is getting interesting

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>maybe we need a demonstration[/quote]

I'd be willing to donate my Shaved Beaver (no... not that... the little furry animal... NO... NOT THAT!!! The one that nibbles on logs... NO... NOT THAT!!!!... oh never mind! :rolleyes: ) Fur Massage Mitt to this endevor (as long as someone agress to have it cleaned after Dennis is done with it)

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited May 14, 2000).]
Good News terridarri!

Lefty's severed limb has been located and the reattachment procedure was successful. :)

I even found the infamous butt pole. It is very short though and I found out that it goes into another hole that she has in her . . . calf. We now have a complete manikin! (That's my alternative spelling - easier to type.)

Since you're paying shipping I'll let you make the call on how you want it to go. Be advised that the largest box will probably be about 12"X18"X48". There will probably need to be two boxes - or one "wardrobe" box. I'll get her packed up next week and try to get her sent out to you by next Saturday. You'll have to email me the shipping address also.

Thanks Dave I will e-mail you the address, glad she is put back to whole, but mercy how many holes could a lady like this have ?????? LOL :rolleyes: So now when I miss Gunslinger I will know where to look for him. LOL


[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited May 14, 2000).]
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