Watch this video

Was the scenario set up for the GG to fail? YES

But let's take a look at what we can get out of it.

The objective of the video is questionable. The message they want to get across is questionable.

Thier are those of us here who will say "I would have done this". Armchair quaterback, like someone already pointed out.
But in the same scenario, might not have been able to react as well as we thought..

+1 Deputy Dog; I think I agree with your thought process.

Just to add to this one quote :
i would have been safer without a gun

If your reaction is too stand straight up & wrestle with your side arm, YES you would be safer dropping to the ground and seeking cover.
Like one poster said, take cover UNTIL you THINK you can safely draw your weapon.

The problem is that in this situation our body goes to "auto mode". We quit thinking to get a quicker reaction.

No, I have never been in a gun fight & hope I never am!!
The closest I can get is boxing.
For my first fight, a 3 round fight, I trained on the heavy bag & speed bag for 20 rounds at a time. I was ready!
As soon as a fight went any time at all I was exhausted.
The adrenaline rush will zap all of your energy.
Reacting to the attacker takes a greater toll on you then the "planned" reaction you go over in practice or training.
In my senario if I make a mistake I get hit, I'm sure if you up the penalty, you up the adrenaline rush as well!
Manny Pacquiao (pound for pound best in boxing) doesn't train for a championship fight by going a couple of rounds with a amateur.
He seeks out the best available to give him the biggest challenge.
He then has three of them to take shifts so they are constantly fresher than he is.
He stacks the odds against himself. So in a real life fight, he is better prepared.

Back to the class room.
I got from this video that a few people visualize thier abilities to be greater than they are.
If you would have asked those same 6 subjects before the test what the results would be, I bet 4 of the 6 would have thought they could have done better.
Maybe all 6?

I think we can take this as a instructional tool.
Reguardless of what the original message that was intended.
Yes it was designed to defeat the GG. But if we train to survive this "one sided senario", an actual real life senario;
(BG is not a gun expert, BG does not know you have a gun & immediately targets you, you train on clearing clothing to draw your weapon, you take cover prior to drawing you weapon)
becomes a bit more manageable.
100% winable, not quite!
Most of us can only "visually" practice this scenario. And that may have to be enough. But we all can practice the "mistakes we witnessed in the video.
Drawing, seeking cover, firing from cover & maybe minimizing the target the BG has to hit.

Some people learn from their mistakes, but smart people learn from other people's mistakes

Just my two cents!!:rolleyes:
BINGO to most of you. The vid is crap. Biased beyond belief. In addition, they die because they are not in motion. Mobility equals survivability. It is a defense mechanism that we are born with but sadly relinquish.
If I'm not mistaken, wasnt one of the subjects a martial artists? It just goe to show that no matter how much hand to hand combat training you have, there is alot more to carrying and deploying thefirearm you are carrying. Yes I do believe the subjects were set up to fail, that once again is the anti gun govmnt controled media for you. If they gave these same subjects a three day course in Proper CCW, not just the "I watched a video" bullcrap, but an actual on hands, on range dry-fire and live fire exercises. Classroom covering the absolutes like draw & presentation, concealment garment options and moving to cover, then ran the same scenario again under a little less scruteny, they would have a great segment.
But they didn't. Take from it what you can, teach others and talk to others who have seen it and educate them where this segment has failed.

Wow, I have to say I'm amazed at everyone's reaction to that video! I've always considered myself pretty vigilant against anti-gun propaganda (I come from a European country that is soaked in it) but I don't see it in that video.

They clearly say: if you're going to carry a weapon, get the proper training. I would have thought that sentiment was 100% in line with proper advice!

I liked the documentary:

* you should never assume the person you have to defend yourself against will be untrained.

* everyone here draws attention to the fact that the armed student was targeted quickly; but every one of them made a target of themselves. They either reached for the gun and fumbled, or stayed put when everyone else ran. Obvious target.

* in a school/college, people know each other; there's a good chance the shooter would target certain individuals first, rather then just fire at random.

* you could be wearing gloves any time. You could have your hands in your pockets, you could be sitting trapped in an awkward, uncomfortable desk etc.

* yes it's true they did not give adequate training on where/how to carry the gun, and how to draw it correctly, but that is the whole point - they also showed a video clip demonstrating how LEOs sometimes fumble for the same reason (cop shoots himself in classroom)

So the message to can hardly be taken as "don't carry, leave it to the cops".

In fact, this video would make me want to train harder (if I carried a weapon)

Just my 2 cents: as an enthusiastic supporter of private gun ownership, I honestly don't see anything fundamentally anti-gun here.
what i got from this..

pratice pratice pratice pratice.....
there is a difference between having a gun and knowing how to use it..
This is what I learned from the video. Given all the burdens they must overcome, going up against a trained fighter, being hindered with safety gear, being an identified target, unfamiliarirty with their equipment, 50% scored hits! 33% scored critical hits in the COM or upper leg!

That's pretty good from where I sit.
It just goes to show that everyone interpits the same bit of info differently. It is up to us to teach and practice what we preach when it comes to firearms safety and CCW. Anyone who has half a brain will not deny you need to get proper training and keep practicing what you learnt in order to remain proficient. This goes with almost anything you do. Learn Train Survive!

Im going to have to agree with 45Gunner about the video. However, I think it was presented in a bad way where the shooter knew exactly where the person with the gun was but it doesn't really matter. That whole drill is about STRESS which I can only imagine when presented with deadly force. I run drills and shoot alot but have never been in "the dreaded situation" therefore cannot say how I would react. Not to mention even If I react well there is still about a billion factors that could make me have a really bad day. I'd like to go through that drill they did and see how I would do even if he knew where I was. I like those FX guns and would like to get 2 of em to train with, they would be great. I would be using an IWB holster by the way instead of that snap one they had under the shirt, that significantly slowed draw time.