Washington State Propossed Handgun Ammo Bill --oh Crap!

Apparently it's the new front for anti-self defense activists nationally.

I think we need to seek out a legal remedy for this new group.
Another way to be a bother and nip at the "other" end of our firearms. Can't get the guns? Get the ammo, or tax them out of existance! Give 'em and inch,...:eek:
The people pushing these bills can't be Americans, the right to bear arms is an American tradition, and part of our culture. There is a foreign entity that is at work here. John F kennedy warned us about this, why do you think he was assasinated?
Allow me to preach to the choir for but a moment...

The biggest reason that this is a horrible, horrible idea is that for law abiding citizens large amounts of ammunition is a necessity for safe firearm ownership. Whereas for criminals, it is not.

I'll burn through a couple hundred rounds in an afternoon of shooting. I have to put literally hundreds upon hundreds of rounds through a handgun before I'm proficient with it for self defense (which is necessary for my safety as well as that of others). A criminal has no such need. He's not concerned with accuracy. Hell, he may never even fire the gun he carries. While it may take me hundreds of rounds to prepare for the (hopefully never to come) one round I fire in self defense, he can potentially commit dozens of crimes without ever reloading (assuming he's in it for the money and not a psychopath intent on actually killing people).

It may take him months before he actually has the pull the trigger. He may well end up ditching the gun with the same ammo in it from when he stole it. A single box of 50? Could last him years.

Will this help the cops solve a few crimes? Probably. Will it kick up plenty of false leads as well? Of course it will. Will it impede the training and leisure activities of law abiding gunowners? Likely. Will it impede criminals? Probably not.

Can I get an amen?
Can I get an amen?


There is a foreign entity that is at work here

Probably so. I read some articles a few years back, saying that foreign governments were smuggling full auto AK's to North American drug gangs. Well that would explain a lot, seeing as you never could buy full auto AK's at your local gun shop, and the AK's didn't swim the Pacific by themselves.
It was heavily discussed in the 60's and 70's that Soviets were trying to infiltrate the US and subvert it by spreading socialism, atheism, moral relativism, and cultural fragmentation. The discussion simply went away, but was not disproven. It would be no surprise at all that disarming the populace and/or arming criminals would be part of the package.