Washington State Propossed Handgun Ammo Bill --oh Crap!

Gun Oil


Ammo Serialization (Registration) Bill Proposed in Washington State!
Please Contact Your State Legislators Today!

Legislation has been proposed in Olympia that poses a very serious threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and it needs to be stopped immediately.

House Bill 3359, HB3359 sponsored by State Representatives Al O’Brien (D-1), Brendan Williams (D-22), Dennis Flannigan (D-27), and Jamie Pedersen (D-43), would require that all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Washington to be coded with an individual serial number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition.

This dangerous bill needs to be stopped now. HB3359 only serves to harass law-abiding gun owners, as criminals are not likely to purchase ammunition through legal channels. Please contact your State Senator and your State Representative today and respectfully urge them to oppose HB3359. Contact information for your State Legislators can be found by visiting
Wow they found a loop hole, that's for sure. I m sure any resistance will be met with "Were not infringing on your gun rights this is ammo." I hope intelligent people don't overlook this as some fluke that is no big deal. I bet they got the idea from the guns that put a special stamp on the bullet when it is shot. Good luck to you Washington residents at fighting this one off.
Did the numbskulls actually propose a viable method for this serial numbering system or is it just more Democrat feel good garbage that cannot be done in reality.

How on Earth are they going to keep people from removing the numbers from the actual case or bullet? They do understand that a pair of scissors effectively removes numbers fron the thin paper box that ammo comes in? They realize that people can EXCHANGE ammo after it is purchased?

Example...Joe and Bubba both own 9mm handguns. They both find the new serial number and owner tracking system to be stupid and infringing. So they just trade ammo and eventually involve a lot more folks in the ammo trading. Ammo doesn't match boxes, ammo is mixed (by brand and numerically) in the same box, ammo box is discarded, etc...

Or people just organize over the state line buys and pool their money. Someone with a large vehicle takes a crap load of money over the border and returns with a massive haul of ammo.

How stupid does it have to get before even the not so bright elements of society start to wonder why it is that these types of laws are even proposed?

Politicians are in for a very rude awakening someday. Maybe not in my lifetime, maybe not in my kid's lifetime, but, someday, even the people who wanted these morons in office will want them out permenantly after they realize that it was a big mistake putting them there in the first place.

Or, at least I can dream can't I?
What you said just reminded me of the bottle deposit we have in Michigan. We drive to ohio buy our pop with with the deposit stamp on them and return them in michigan when empty. I'm sure other laws will accompany this like it will be illegal to trade or sell this ammo with the stamp since it is being tracked.
I also forgot to mention that I find it most disgusting that LE is once again exempt from this nonsense. LEO should be held to the same standards in this case. Unmarked and unaccounted for ammo will make it very easy for a cop who decides to murder someone to remain safely untraceable.

Let's also consider bad guys do manage to get police guns and ammo from time to time.

I guess I might have to put WA on the list of states I won't be spending my tourism money in if this BS actually becomes law.

And I really wanted to see Seattle someday:mad:
These bastards are crooked beyond belief. You should have seen what they did to get their puppet installed in the governor's mansion. I would not put anything past them to force their will on us. The problem is I don't think there's enough conservatives in the house left to make a difference. It might be that we have to rely on the initiative process but they have been trying to shut down that speed bump in their plans.
We probably do have enough conservatives in the House to overcome this bill. However, even they need their elbows jiggled regularly. Bill Hinkle has told me that the number of letters, phone calls and emails he receives is ammo for his arguments on the floor. Numbers do count. If our hired hands get a large number of calm, rational and non-threatening contacts opposing this bill, we can stay afloat.

They proposed this in California too and it was killed.

Consider what has to happen in order to make this work;
- No internet / interstate sales of ammo.
- All ammo has to be behind a sales counter (prevents tampering)
- Serialized components have to be assembled in order during mfg.
- Losses during mfg (QA rejects) have to be ID'd and removed.
- Computer systems developed for mfg & sales (POS) to track barcoded boxes.
- Consumer tracking & reporting of stolen ammo s/n's required.
- Abolition of reloaded ammunition or tracking of bullets for reloading
- Prohibition on sales of bullet moulds & casting equipment
- Who mandates what s/n's are used by which mfr's to prevent duplication?
- How can citizens check s/n's of ammo if it requires firing or disassembly to verify?

You get the idea.
But how could this be thwarted?
- As mentioned, swapping ammo
- Swapping contents of boxes rendering box labels incorrect for the contents.
- Mixing multiple purchases of ammo by different folks together (then repackaging).
- Purchasing bulk ammo on out of state trips
- Stockpiling ammo for years, making tracing unreliable.

Gangs and killers with half a brain are going to steal ammo with the guns - in fact, it will make stealing ammo as desireable as stealing the guns! If you find someone stole some ammo from your garage, you'd need to report the serial number(s) from the boxes to CYA. Considering some of my ammo is 10 years old, that might be very difficult to do!

So, you're sitting there watching Are you smarter than a 5th grader when the police prove that they aren't, by smashing down your door in a dynamic entry raid to arrest you for murder because your serialized bullet was recovered from the deceased. Of course, if this was a clerical error at the point of purchase, there would be almost no way to prove it if you had used up all the ammo.
As bad as Oly is, and it is darker than dark, I just don't see this one going anywhere. Of course the DUI check point thing came out of no where....
Let's also consider bad guys do manage to get police guns and ammo from time to time.
Good point, someone call their state rep in Washington and have them include LEO guns in with this bill. It's for their safety of course.:rolleyes:
That's what I don't get about all this registration crap. Your gun or ammo gets stolen or you sell it to someone else, and YOU get the blame for whatever happens somewhere down the line.

So they plan to stamp every single round of 22 as well? Wow.
So they plan to stamp every single round of 22 as well? Wow.
No. Their intention is to make every manufacture say "**** that, I'm not bothering with that" and not ship any ammo to WA at all. It's to price it out of the market and achieve a defacto ban via ammo regulation.
My casting blocks bear no government codes, nor do my scavenged brass.

What prevents me from trading ammo to guy living in that municipality?
I heard yesterday that they did get the initiative process shut down, this is the last year people can vote in a law. Or overturn one. Apparently, people are too stupid to understand what's good for them.