Warning to New Yorkers! The Only thread on the same topic!

Like a lot of law recently, what's wrong with it in reality doesn't matter, its a "we're doing something" bill. The fact that it can't work, and won't work, won't be told to the general public, and probably doesn't matter to the legislators proposing it, either.

Their side will automatically support it, our side (the few left in NY) will oppose it, and the only way to get support from the middle (who are concerned about crime and violence) is to explain, in detail how it can't and won't work, and will waste time, and (most important) MONEY that can better be spent elsewhere. And be prepared to face deception, trickery, outright lies, and even personal attacks as you explain the truth.

Ask them who they are going to lay off, to get the money needed for tracking, database management, oh, and by the way, all new guns for all the cops in the state?

In several states where this kind of bill was pushed (and so far, failed) you see the force behind it is the guys with the patent for the microstamping process, aided and abetted by the antis, who support anything that makes life harder for the ordinary gun owner.

Sure would be nice to have that contract, but somehow, I don't see getting the government to pass a law making everyone buy your (patented) product as ethical. But then, maybe thats just me?
Antipitas said:
It merely removes the presumption of guilt if the microstamping has been altered. That alone would make prosecution quite difficult. If not altogether impossible.

Either way, I can't imagine why they'd do that. That section makes no sense. It allows anyone to remove the microstamping and face no penalty, unless it can be PROVED that they were the ones who did it.

Anyway, we all agree how stupid the law is. Some guns may be tricky to alter but can you imagine a Glock? A $200 slide and a $5 firing pin and you're back to normal, completely legally. That's if you even bother with a new slide. Given the section that you quoted, 30 seconds with a Dremel and a $5 firing pin is all you'd need.

On top of that, all anyone has to do is buy the frame complete with all parts except the barrel and then buy the barrel separately and the "firearm" would be exempt because it does not qualify as a "handgun" without the barrel.:rolleyes:

Utter nonsense.

The worst state government in history, a budget that bankrupts the state and can't get passed which is now 2 1/2 months past due and these yahoos want to pass a microstamping bill.:barf:
In your FACE, Bloomberg!!

From: NYSRPA-alert@yahoogroups.com [mailto:NYSRPA-alert@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Jacob J. Rieper, Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:11 PM
To: NYSRPA-alert
Subject: [NYSRPA-alert] Microstamping bill laid aside

S-6005A has been laid aside for now.

The bill was brought to the floor. Senators Eric Schneiderman, Dan
Squadron, Craig Johnson, Eric Adams, Liz Krueger, Velmanette
Montgomery, Bill Perkins, Ruben Diaz, Malcolm Smith and Suzi
Oppenheimer spoke in favor of it. A slow roll call was called
for. Voting began. When they were getting to the end of the
alphabet, the bill was laid aside.

Jacob J. Rieper, Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs
New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Yahoo! Messenger ID: nyrkba

From: NYSRPA-alert@yahoogroups.com [mailto:NYSRPA-alert@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Jacob J. Rieper, Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:53 PM
To: NYSRPA-alert
Subject: [NYSRPA-alert] Statement from Bloomberg


June 15, 2010
No. 269


“This was a defeat for our police officers,
district attorneys, and the public – and a
victory for criminals who use illegal guns to
shoot and kill innocent people. The Senators who
voted against this common sense measure listened
to the special interests instead of the 100
mayors and 83 police chiefs and law enforcement
organizations across New York State who supported
it. I want to thank Senator Eric Schneiderman for
leading the charge to pass the bill and Senate
Democratic Leader John Sampson for bringing a
bill on a key public safety issue to the floor.
John Sampson showed real leadership on this
issue, and despite the result, his efforts are
much appreciated. I also want to thank Senator
Frank Padavan for doing the right thing and
supporting this bill. Speaker Sheldon Silver and
Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel also deserve great
credit for passing this legislation in the
Assembly. And while we are all disappointed with
the results of today’s vote, we remain committed
to passing this bill during this session. We will
continue to make the case to our Senators on how
important this bill is to cracking down on
dangerous criminals and protecting our police officers.”

Contact: Stu Loeser / Jason Post (212) 788-2958
I've had communication with Senator Montgomery in the past both by email and phone. I found her to be receptive when presented with logic and facts. Although I'm not in her district, I'm going to email her regarding this bill to help her to better understand it.

However, I was not at all happy with the misleading commercials that were broadcast on NY radio stations recently saying that the bill would make gun ownership illegal and to call our State Senator. I would think that any Senator who honestly understood the bill, whether he or she was in favor or against it, would disregard anyone who called saying that the bill would make gun ownership illegal.

NYC radio station Newsradio 880 has been saying in their news reports this week that the NY State Senate is preparing to vote again on this bill. But I've seen no reference to this on their own website nor on the NY State Senate's nor have I received any email updates from the NRA. Is the NY Senate planning on sneaking this bill through while no one is looking while everyone thinks it has been set aside?

I admire the accurate and well thought out comments that were made responding to this story in the NY Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/06/20/2010-06-20_bill_could_help_trace_all_bullets.html

I only wish my State Senators were so rational.

WCBS Radio was correct. I received this email from the NRA today.

"Proponents of S6005 are working to switch some votes and bring the bill back to the Senate floor for another chance at final passage and because the 2010 Legislative Session is set to end on Monday, June 28, a vote could happen at any time."

It goes on to list those State Senators who have previously been against the bill and requests that constituents contact them to reaffirm their opposition.
