Warning to New Yorkers! The Only thread on the same topic!


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Micro-Stamping Bill Heads to Senate Floor!

Please Contact Your State Senator Today!

Senate Bill 6005 passed the Senate Codes Committee today, Tuesday, June 8 and could be brought up on the Senate Floor as early as Thursday. It’s companion in the Assembly, Assembly Bill 6468C, has already passed.

Both A6468C and S6005 require that semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in the state of New York be capable of micro-stamping ammunition and establish fines for violations of this requirement.

Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that would require unique identifying information from the firearm, including the make, model, and serial number to be etched into the firing pin and breech face in such a manner that those identifiers are imprinted on the cartridge case upon firing. The technology can easily be defeated with common household tools, has no public safety value, and adds substantially to the cost of the firearm. If passed, the availability of semi-automatic handguns in New York could be in jeopardy, as manufacturers simply may choose not to build or sell firearms for purchase in the state. In fact, this bill would likely create a de facto ban on new semi-automatic handguns.

If allowed to become law, this bill will serve as a ban on all new semiautomatic handguns in the Empire State! It is imperative that you contact members of the New York State Senate and respectfully ask that they protect our Second Amendment rights by opposing S6005.

Your State Senator can be contacted through the Senate switchboard at
(518) 455-2800.
Um guys?

Did you actually read the bill? Did you see that this law affects all new semi-autos? ALL. No exceptions or exemptions..... (things that make me go, hmmmm)

I'll give the NY Assembly points for knowing that the manufacturers aren't going to change/retool for this, so they set it up so that independent "job shops" would produce the micro-stamping structures on the firearms. At no more than $12.00 (or less) per gun. In batches of at least 1K (any entrepreneurs out there?).

Bonus points for anyone that understands and can explain this section:
5. The possession by any person of a defaced machine-gun, firearm, rifle or shotgun is presumptive evidence that such person defaced the same, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL NOT APPLY TO POSSESSION OF A SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL WHERE THE DEFACEMENT ALLEGED CONSISTS OF DEFACING A MICROSTAMPING COMPONENT OR MECHANISM OF SUCH PISTOL.

Oh and for you reloaders in NY State...

How many times can you reload your (let's say) .45's before the stamps become eligible or the casing suffers catastrophic failure? Is the State liable?

Interesting law.
Crap like this just pisses me off to no end. Liberals will do anything to take away and/or impinge on our 2nd Amendment Rights won't they? If they can't out right ban all of 'em, then make them so expensive that only the "Rich" who never commit crimes will have them.:rolleyes:
Antipitas said:
Bonus points for anyone that understands and can explain this section:

Interesting. That almost seems like an opponent of the bill snuck that in there. That language effectively nullifies the purpose of the bill. What good does it do to have micro-stamping if the very bill that provides for it allows for it to be removed with no penalty? (not that micro-stamping does any good anyway)

These bills are ridiculous. It's the same nonsense as the CoBIS system. Any "handgun" has to include a fired shell casing but the definition of "handgun" includes a description of the barrel length so if the "firearm" does not have a barrel attached then it's not a "handgun" and does not need a shell casing.

This bill could be nullified by the distributors in the same fashion. All they need to do is ship the "firearm" and the barrel in two separate packages. The "firearm" is not a "handgun" until the barrel is attached. The buyer simply needs to purchase the "firearm", take it out to their car, go back inside and purchase the barrel and then assemble it at home. Once purchased, the "firearm" is considered "used" and is exempt from the law.

Utter nonsense.
Reading that bill gives me a headache. I read it a couple times and still cant figure out what it says.

Mox Nix, I cant go to NYC anyway, I still have an outstanding parking ticket from 1969.
To All NYS Gun Owners

New York State

Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 1023 Troy, New York 12181, Phone: 518-272-2654, www.nysrpa.org

Gun Owners of New York State,

As everyone knows microstamping will most likely come to a vote in the NYS Senate prior to adjournment this month. I know you have been calling your NYS Senator and urging that this legislation be defeated since it will do nothing to make the people of New York State more secure only further restrict the legal and lawful gun owners of this state. I appreciate that but the fight is not over and there is more to do. Please call all of the following NYS Senate Republican Senate leaders and urge them to hold their conference together and make sure their members all vote NO ON MICROSTAMPING.

Those Senators and their positions are:

Senator Dean G. Skelos, Minority Leader, PH: 518-455-3171, Skelos@senate.state.ny.us

Thomas W. Libous, Asst Minority Leader, PH: 518-455-2677, senator@senatorlibous.com

Vincent L. Leibell, Asst Minority Leader, PH: 518-455-2677, leibell@senate.state.ny.us

Owen H. Johnson, Asst Minority Leader, PH: 518-455-3411, ojohnson@senate.state.ny.us

Thomas P. Morahan, Chair, Minority Policy, PH: 518-455-3261, morahan@senate.ny.us

William J. Larkin, Minority Whip, PH: 518-455-2770, larkin@senate.ny.us

Michael F. Nozzolio, Asst Minority Whip, PH: 518-455-2366, nozzolio@senate.ny.us

Kenneth P. LaValle, Chair, Minority Conference, PH: 518-455-3121, lavalle@senate.ny.us

Remember, emails are good but calls are better, let’s show the leadership how we feel and explain in a polite manner that their jobs are dependent on us. Light up the Switchboard
Does anyone know how NY State Police Departments are armed? That is, don't they go through some sort of bid from local dealers? Or do they take delivery direct from an out of state source (manufacturer, distributor or other out of state dealer)?

I'm curious how they would exempt themselves, from the otherwise non-exempt language of the bill.
Tom Libous, BTW, is SOLIDLY on our side. I have had numerous email conversations with him. He'd a great guy. Totally dedicated to the cause.
It's over in NY

We have no NYS state budget, due April 1st. We are 9 billion in debt with 100's of billions in unfunded liabilities and this is what our reps are spending their time on. Well... that and preparation for their own pending criminal court cases, most all of them are under inditement for one thing or another.

NY States better days are in the rear view mirror.
I got through to all except two, lines were busy. The ones I did get through to all said that the switch boards were lighting up and that they would vote NO. Skelo's office seem confident that all would vote NO. That remains to be seen.
Attention New York Gun Owners! Update!

State Senator Dean Skelos, Republican Minority Leader from Long Island, is an influential voice to other Republican Senators from around New York. His influence could make or break the passage of this bill. He needs to know that New Yorkers DO NOT support this bill.

Call State Senator Dean Skelos at (518 ) 455-3171 today.

The Brady Camp has sent out a massive email to everyone telling them to call Dean Skelos and to support the microstamping bill!

I really want you to stop right now what your doing on LIF/internet, grab your cellphone in your pocket (or any phone..) and call him RIGHT NOW and tell me to NOT SUPPORT THIS BILL.

It takes less then 20 seconds to do this. Do it now for the sake of NY, the community and generations to follow.
While I hate to be heavy handed on important RKBA issues - we cannot have multiple threads on the same topic. It is also a imposition on moderators times to have to merge these continually. It has to cease. There will be only one NY thread on the same issue.
Seems to me that some of the NY legislature should talk to the folks in CA...where they are already saying "Microstamping? We were snookered and this is a con job!"
After I posted my last question, I did some research on it.

From what I can tell, every single major handgun manufacturer has a list of police specific FFL's that the NY police can purchase from.

Should this bill pass, as is, then every single police dept. will have to buy these "micro-stamped" firearms. Not to mention, the added cost. There are no exceptions or exemptions in this bill for LE.

From the research I've done you are correct in saying that law enforcement will have to purchase micro stamped weapons under the new law. In the meantime, the gang members that I work with (search my other posts) who I've spoken to will continue to own non micro stamped guns, guns with micro stamping (easily) defeated, and, of course revolvers. I'm sure most hard core criminals will do the same.

S6005 is just plain stupid. One supporter I spoke with was under the impression that the micro stamping related to the shell itself, not the casing. He told me that he felt it was a good idea because it could identify bullets that were fired by law enforcement officers. I pointed out to him, that the stamp was on the shell "casing" not on the shell so the actual bullet wouldn't be identifiable. But, as far as I know, the NYPD already marks their ammo with a distinctive marking (I wont give the specifics here) that lets those at crime scenes know which casings came from NYPD weapons. I'm not sure if other municipalities in NY State do the same.

S6005 is a ridiculous law. I wrote to my state senator but he hasn't responded (wow... what a surprise!)

Busby, I wholeheartedly agree!

Further, my interpretation of section 5 (previously posted) differs from what peetzakilla surmised. It merely removes the presumption of guilt if the microstamping has been altered. That alone would make prosecution quite difficult. If not altogether impossible.

So many things wrong with this bill....