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War Stories....

I'd like to initiate a request for a new forum to be generated: War Stories.

I believe there are many members here that are veterans of the military. Some here haven't had the chance to serve. I have had this idea in my head to find a way to help fill the gap between the hav's and have not's. Not by any means, a condescending nature.

On the contrary, a forum to bring better understanding of the experiences in the military would be beneficial. There's stories that I've been told by my father, grandfather, and friends alike that are quite funny, heartbreaking, and very informative. I've always been interested in hearing from the ones that were there, not a journalist/writer that has embellishment tendencies.

It can obviously be firearms related only. It may severely limit the number of stories to tell, but can understand if this must be the case. My request is to expand it to anything military related. I'd even venture to say that it would be nice if the subjects/threads were discussions about history in general as long as it stays on-topic of war/military.

What say you?
Thanks, Tach. Much appreciated. Hopefully, I'll get a favorable response if Mods have time to read and discuss the suggestion. It's not like they have over 1000 members and several forums to moderate 24/7...:rolleyes:;)
i think thats a great idea. i vote yes to this also. i would love to hear what others have to say. my father,grandfather and a few other relatives served.
Can anyone answer how this would further our stated goal: a virtual community dedicated to the ... advancement of responsible firearms ownership.
Come on Antipitas. Go over and look at the Legal forum. Most of the nonsense flying around over there has nothing to do with firearms.

BTW, I'm not in favor of a war story forum.
Can anyone answer how this would further our stated goal: a virtual community dedicated to the ... advancement of responsible firearms ownership.

Absolutely. Read my statement:
It can obviously be firearms related only. It may severely limit the number of stories to tell, but can understand if this must be the case.

1. What if a vet was to talk about when he and his platoon was under fire and described how they got out alive by using certain tactics with their guns?
2. Do you have family members such that served and told you their stories? Didn't it in some way influence you to get into the firearms community?
3. What about vets talking about the various guns they got to use back in the day? How many people are left alive today that can actually claim they used a Grease Gun in their unit? Wouldn't this be great to hear about that guy's experience?
4. Wouldn't it benefit to have this forum to attract younger generation people to that surf the internet and stumble upon this site? Maybe some that are just getting out of service and find a connection to the members here by sharing his own stories and bolstering their interests in the firearms community?

5. And here's the biggy: Tell me how in the world that a thread in L&P can go on and on about the economy, not even mention a word that has anything to do with firearms and doesn't get shut down is even remotely related to your concern.

I think there's tremendous benefits to having a thread like this. I'm not trying to knock certain interests that people have here, but we can talk all day long about Glock vs. 1911 till we're blue in the face. Where is this any longer a "good" example of "responsible" firearms ownership? These threads are popping up on a daily basis and IMHO and it's providing results in a deminishing return to the cause.

The sad truth is that many Veterans are not getting any younger and have actual positive experiences to envoke to this community...Give them a voice. Others like me can only benefit.

My statements are in earnest and not intended to offend any member of any demographic...
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The history of modern warfare is the history of firearms. Actual events pertaining to the use, evolution and implementation of fire arms in the real world are very relevant factors to the spirit of this forum . . . or could be.

Think about the content . . .

--From the M1 Garand and M16 to the evolution of the M4.

--The lethality issues of the .223 vs the 6.8 spc strait from the mouths of those men and women who are actually out fighting for our country.

--Armed veterans Vs gun control legislation.

--Recounts of events that we should never forget: like Pearl Harbor. And debates about the effectiveness of past battle tactics, like the questinable effectiveness of the bombing of the shores of Normady on D-day.

--A whole new generation of soldiers who would be attracted to the community of the FiringLine.

The list could quite literally go on and on . . .
Most vets who have seen action won't discuss it.

But, some will. I'm not asking vets to spill their stories of atrocities. I'm asking to have a forum to provide an avenue if one wishes to share....

....maybe like Maj. Richard Winters did about his experiences. Pvt. Katie Soenksen had a few items to share when she was going to return from Iraq. Unfortunately, about 1 month from completing her duty it was to never be.
What experiences would she have shared here involving firearms in the service? What impact would it have seeing a female chatting around the forums amongst a predominatly male board?

We will never know.
I don't know any guys who have stories of atrocities. Just bad situations where a decision, ANY decision, right or wrong, had to be made immediately. It sure is easy to be critical from the armchair.
Not to turn this into a post engagement debate, but solders have both training and a status quo/mandate that they are expected to adhere to in any given situation. As long as they did that, no "Arm chair quarterbacking" could ever be warranted.
I want to say something on this too. my dad served in WW II and he didnt share very many of his experiances with us. having said that he did share some, and they mean a lot to me.

I was not allowed to serve ( bad eyes) but I have a friend just across the street who was in naim in the early 60s and he talks to me about it a lot. As he knows I love guns he is always talking about the guns he used over there. I would love to get him to join the site and tell what he did and used over there.

just my .02 cent worth
My own family has a strange history, the stories of which might end up on such a thread . . . my grandfather (on my fathers side) fought in the pacific for the good old USA in WWII. Where as my other grandfather (on my mothers side) was actually military police under Mussolini . . . go figure :confused:

Vietnam and Korea also comes to mind . . .

I've got some second hand stories from Iraq from some friends that live around here too, and they would no doubt have a great deal to add to this forum.
I appreciate everyones' feedback, whether you're for or against the idea. It's more important to me to hear both sides of the issue with genuine thought like is has so far rather than a simple "no it's stupid" or "yes it's the cat's meow".

Hopefully, the mods will take serious consideration of the viewpoints given and come to a decision. Something of this nature is sure to take a while to discuss and make sure all angles are looked at.
I think it would be a very seldom used forum. I have stories to tell, but will not tell them in an open forum.

Most things I don't tell to my closest friends or my family. It is one of those, "you had to be there things", a common bond that many in the military share. Asking them to share something that is very personal to them just won't happen, IMO.

I don't think the bond would extend to a forum on an internet gunboard, no matter how many others think it would.

Very valid point, Bob.

However, I'm not necessarily asking for stories that should be left private. I want to make that clear. I wouldn't want the actual stuff that took my father years to even say anything at all, more less to me to be posted all over creation here. If one wants to I'm all ears. But, I'm not asking for vets to open up if they feel inclined to remain silent.

What I'd like to see is anectodal, funny, or even simple stories that vets would like to share. For example, maybe there's a technique you picked up on how to better break down an M14 or the action was jamming while firing. You could tell us how you got it cleared while in a sticky situation. This is a poor example because I can't think of anything off the top of my head. But, not only it may become useful, one would learn what you had to do during your service to get by. Others would become yet a little bit more educated on the environment that vets had to deal.
Excellent idea Tuttle.

I have alot of humurous stories from my time in the Navy I'd love to tell, but it won't happen here. And it makes it even better if people knew of where/what I was talking about.

Not 100% of who I am is firearms(may wife may argue this point). Much of who I am was developed/honed during my service. Some of which I wouldn't mind discussing.

Who know, ya may even link up with fellow sailors/airman/soldiers/marines?