Want to hunt boar.


Well im debating hunting. Ive thought about an animal I could hunt without feeling guilty and having something that taste good.

Ive narrowed it down to boar just because they can be pretty nasty and im told its more of a challenge. I may be incorrect. Ive never hunted at all. So ive come here to get some insight on how to get started! I wouldnt know where to start. Id also want to figure out how to kill the damned things without having them scream. LOL an odd request but im a noob. I want to start off slowly.
If you have never hunted at all, are you going to be with an experienced hunter? If you are, then go with what he suggests.

If you are going hunting solo and have never hunted before - then I would suggest that you start with small game such as rabbits and/or squirrels. They are excellent eating, easily dressed and handled by a novice and provide much enjoyment in hunting. They will provide you with experience and field craft for hunting the larger animals later as you get comfortable with hunting.

If you are going on a guided hunt, then do as the guide suggests. Hog hunting with an experienced hunter would be a blast for you - but hog hunting on your own, without previous experience hunting, might become discouraging.
I wouldnt mind starting with small game but rabbits and squirrels are out of the question. Is there anything thats ugly that wont make me feel as bad? I know it sounds funny but the Rabbits, Deer and Squirrels are my favorite animals.
Hogs are about as ugly as they come. I am having difficulty understanding why you want to hunt at all though, if your desire to kill an animal is based on where it falls on the "pretty" scale. That seems odd to me. Ugly animals have as much right to their existence as pretty animals do, and vice versa.....

Since you have never hunted you are probably not going to enjoy the part that follows the kill - field dressing it, dragging it out to your car or camp, hanging it up in a tree, skinning it, butchering the meat, wrapping the meat and fitting it all into your freezer, several hours of just plain hard dirty work. And if you don't do that with some skill and knowledge, you aren't going to enjoy eating it later because you will have ruined much of the meat. You should have someone experienced help you with this, if at all possible. You may find that doing all of that in hot weather is especially unpleasant - but in Florida guess you don't have much choice (In large part my suggestion to start with small game is because the "after the kill experience" will be better if you start small, so to speak).

I was raised to hunt based upon the "delicious" scale. But I was taught to hunt by an extremely rare individual, a true conservationist of the first magnitude. A man who grew up subsistence hunting for meat, not at all for sport. My family hunted for what tasted best on the table. I will put small game up at the top of that list any day.

Times do change though.
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LOL its not mainly the prettyness factor but let me break it down.

I love rabbits and have had pet rabbits. Its my favorite animal therfore I can't hunt it.

Squirrels used to come to me so I would give them bread when I was little. So its a mental thing.

AS for deer. I can't kill bamby! LOL Im sorry if I sound like a fruit. I really ain't.

I narrowed it down to boar because I heard supposedly they put more of a fight up. I also hear its lots more fun then hunting the other things I mentioned. IM going mainly by hearsay and research on the internet so I may be wrong. I also heard boar is very tasty.
You really need a guide or mentor here. You might end up a thorny tree all night otherwise.

It is money well spent. Hogs (not boars) are relatively inexpensive to day hunt around here and some farmers are happy to have them off their land. I don't know about boars, but hogs like sour corn and strangely enough I hear diesel doused feed and creosote soaked wood attratact them.
Please don't go hog hunting without an experienced hunter to show you the ropes. If you go alone you may end up in some serious trouble.
2 of the links posted dont work. I don't know anyone here in Florida and really don't care for the overnight hunt thing either. What would be my best way of locating someone? I already know not to go hog hunting alone :). From what ive heard hogs have killed hunters :O.
What would be my best way of locating someone?
Could always try your local paper...

"SWM seeks exp. hog hunter. Enjoys long walks, fireplace cuddles, quiet time, warm hugs, killing stuff. Call (###) ###-####."

I'm guessing boar and hogs have alot in common and boars could be at least as dangerous. Try the internet to search for a guide.

I didn't mean to give you the impression that I offered you an invitation. Although there are plenty of hotels around TX. Just making a comparision.

Hunting is alot more than chambering a round and squeezing the trigger. You will find lots of use info on the net or in the library. Take some time before jumping in. You have a bee in your bonnet.
ROFL @ Wolfe.

Thanks. didnt get the impession of being guided. The guides posted seem hand since they skin and clean the boar for me. Figring how im totally new to hunting I would like to witness it first hand. It seems like fun. Plus id like to taste some food that I hunted myself. Im going to wait a few months before I go hunting though. That way I can be better educated in firearms.
Most hunters start of chasing rabbits and fox and graduate to something bigger. With this process one learns to shoot and to handle recoil.

While there is no reason you cannot start of chasing wild pig, you would probably be better off starting off like the rest of us. Chasing bunnies teaches you essential stalking skills, the importance of wind as well as how to shoot.

Don't be put off by the humble bunny. While I enjoy hunting larger game, an afternoon around my favourite warren's gives me as much of a thrill as anchoring a decent wild pig.
Dear God, don't go hunting. Hunting is not about killing pretty animals or ugly animals. If you want to find out if you have what it takes to kill something, get a goldfish. If you look at wild animals as pets then you probably shouldn't hunt.

No animal puts up much of a fight against guns. Hell if you want something to fight back then hunt hogs with a pocket knife. Now that would be a more even fight. Hogs are not easy game on public land. They are often very difficult to hunt as they quickly dissappear in to the palmettos. I have hunted hogs in Florida for a little while and it is not a pleasent venture.

Hunting over a baited station with a guide there to tell you what and when to shoot and then clean and package your kill for you is more like shopping with a rifle. It may be fun if you don't know any better, but it ain't hunting.

I don't want to push anyone away from the sport, but you really need to ask yourself if you want the work involved or are you just curious as to the kill. I don't have moral issues when it comes to animals. Go kill something. Get it out of the way. Then if you still want to "hunt" then find a friend willing to show you around the local WMA's. Check out www.myfwc.com for local WMA's around the Tampa area. Go out there now without a gun and see if you can find game animals. Watch them eat and travel. Learn what it takes to sneak around in the woods in Florida.

Hogs aren't going to kill you. If they do, just call me and I will pay the furneral cost. :) If you like walking around the woods and spending time in nature then you can give hunting a try. Remeber to be realistic. Get up 2 hours before sunrise. Pack a lot of stuff in a backpack. Fix a sandwich and get plenty of water and go spend the whole day walking through the swamps and palmetto and pine flats. Enjoy the mosquitos and gnats and biting flies. Enjoy the heat on the mid-day. Stay out until it is dark then walk back to your vehicle in the dark, dead tired and wet up to your waist from taking a wrong step in the swamp. That's the joy of hunting, not killing a ugly hog.
If a large boar knocks you on the ground and gets to your face it can kill you. Im not educated in hunting and I know this. Its not about ugly or pretty. I just cant kill stuff I used to have as a pet. It would be like hunting dog.

I do want to learn hunting skills. Its something that would be useful if anything every happend in the world. Id hunt skunk and its still a cute animal :).
Andrew there is alot more to hunting than just the kill. Killing is the easy part. Like other people have said. You really need to go with someone and learn.

I have done some crazy things while hunting hogs. They can get dangerous. But they are really not all that bad. In most all cases a hog will run from you. I know a guy that was attacked by a hog and knocked on the ground. The hog brused him pretty up good but he was ok. I was attacked one time. The hog could not nock me down so he took off. All I did was kick him in the head and he went the other way.