Want to buy but holding off


New member
Hello all, I hope everyone is safe. I have the itch to buy a new pistol. I don't really need any more pistols, but I do enjoy getting to know a new one. I have been fighting the urge for a few reasons, one is inflated prices, lack of availability, and also, what caliber do I get, when all the favorite calibers are super hard to find? No, I am not set up to reload. Pity. Anyway, I was thinking I can't be the only one in this situation.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Be well

Our nation is facing massive changes, fossil fuel industry is going to phase out, surveillance will increase, taxes will surely rise, more restrictions on freedoms, etc.
Enjoy your life now. Hug your loved ones. Laugh more. If you want a new toy, buy it. Prices will likely go up in the future.
We only live once.

Calibers; I would suggest .22LR. The do all caliber.
I'm in the same boat, I want a new pistol, but refuse to pay these crazy inflated prices. I'll wait, just like the last time, prices will come back down.
I haven't bought anything in a few years even though I would like too. Too much economic insecurity right now and nothing I can't live without.
I was in the same boat, been out of shooting for 30 years and only because of the riots, looting and burning plus the new resident of the WH, I have to get back into it. I just bought a new Glock 26 and I am picking it up today:)

To answer your question. It all depends on where you live. I live in kalifornia, the left is enpowered and they will think of ways to ban guns. I have no choice but to buy NOW, I am very practical, I would never pay inflated price for anything, this is the first time I paid over the MSRP, but I have to do it.

If you are not in one of those nanny states, I'd wait, you have yours to defend yourself, you don't need a new one. Wait and the price will drop again soon.

As for caliber, I have no opinion depends on what is the purpose of the new gun. I tend not to buy .22LR unless you are going to do a lot of shooting. For me, it's for self defense, I went for 9mm. I still have my Ruger Mark II for target shooting.

We all enjoy new pistols. Now is not the time to buy, unless you are in the same position as the OP.
When the panic and ammo shortage ends, and it will end, that will be the time to buy.
That is what history tells me, the past is the most accurate indicator of what is to come.
Myself, I'm doing my best to keep my toy fund well stocked during this god awful mess. The goal is what I learned as a Boy Scout.

Be prepared.
My priority is to keep getting tested for COVID (12 negatives so far, TG!). I’m pre-registered for the vaccine and I’ll wait my turn for that.
I'd venture to say that 99% of us are in the same boat as JDBerg.

I am getting pieces and parts for 2 rifle builds, and I want to replace the 20g I sold last year (sold a clunky pump, want a nice light auto-loader). I sold some factory ammo, and some small packs of components (to friends getting started reloading) as well as 3 pistols last year, 1 shotgun and 2 rifles this year and still have a pistol on consignment. The cash from the consignments will go into the 20g and a .41Mag lever action I have been eyeballing. It was a good opportunity to clear out the half dozen firearms I have not shot in years and neither of my boys wanted, to get a few things I do want. Unloading a few cases of 9mm factory ammo (to my LGS that already treats me really well) was good for me and good for the LGS.

I "think" this panic will last through at least June, but that it will wane if some of the terrible bills introduced are tabled or defeated. If that happens, prices will drop before the supply can react resulting in some really good buys...on maybe not 9mm and .223, but most everything else.

If you have the cash and see what you want at a reasonable price, go for it. Taking a drive out of your local area might yield some benefit as well. I know that both of my LGS have some higher end pistols and rifles that have been in the case for months with no interest (folks want cheap 9mm and .223s) and both are willing to take a hit on those to free up the cash towards more 9mm and .223 guns and ammo where they are turning inventory over in terms of days, not months. In fact I was looking at a rifle that is marked down to basically dealer cost now. He just wants it gone for now.
I'm in a different boat....

There's about nothing out there NEW, that I want. There are still some OLD guns I'd like to get my hands on, but I've had nearly everything I was ever interested in at some point in my life, so now days, my want list for old guns is tiny and my want list for new guns is non-existent.

As for holding off...I advise "don't". No amount of money does you any good when they close the lid and put you in the ground (or scatter your ashes or whatever choice you make).

We get more money every payday, what none of us gets is more TIME. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something....that isn't worth the asking price..
Every year is a panic year.

Might be nice if gun buyers/ammo buyers weren't so often quick to frighten...

If it were a real worry, don't you think prices would be more than $100 or so increase?
Right now, the best gun money that I can spend is for better sights & trigger work for the BHP MKII that I already own.
My glass has been either full or damned near close to it my entire 66 years. Until now.

Since the last election, I see a drop or two, but it's probably a mirage. I would prompt all gun enthusiasts to buy as much ammo and firearms as they can afford, due to this and the future political climate.

I predict a President Harris in our future... or worse. The 2nd amendment will be shredded not only states, but by the feds. It's already begun. I live in Western Washington, so I know full well how easily our rights are hobbled at the stroke of a pen.

With the 2nd under attack by socialists, and the escalating numbers of neo-socialists joining the club, anything firearm related will continue to escalate in price.

Mine is a dark prediction, but I believe, unfortunately, that it is a realistic one. :mad:
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My glass has been either full or damned near close to it my entire 66 years. Until now.

Since the last election, I see a drop or two, but it's probably a mirage. I would prompt all gun enthusiasts to buy as much ammo and firearms as they can afford, due to this and the future political climate.

I predict a President Harris in our future... or worse. The 2nd amendment will be shredded not only states, but by the feds. It's already begun. I live in Western Washington, so I now full well how easily our rights are hobbled at the stroke of a pen.

With the 2nd under attack by socialists, and the escalating numbers of neo-socialists joining the club, anything firearm related will continue to escalate in price.

Mine is a dark prediction, but I believe, unfortunately, that it is a realistic one. :mad:
Why do you think I went out and bought a Glock26 after 30 years not touching a gun or firing a shot?

Just brought my baby home this afternoon!!!

They are emboldened and they will do their best to ban guns or put more restrictions.
Thanks for all the replies. I have many handguns, and in all my favorite calibers. Yes I have some .22 handguns as well. I have a good amount of .22 ammo squirreled away, and enough of the other calibers, if I am careful. I dont need a new pistol, but always enjoy something new, especially now with us all bored as can be. I guess maybe I buy one anyway, but instead of shooting a ton with the new one, just take it a little easy. I find that I use way more ammo with my pistols than I do with my rifles. I can sit for an hour shooting groups with a rifle and use very little ammo. My pistols, I tend to fire faster.
So with that said, I kind of like the new DWX. Its kind of a 1911 and CZ 75 mixed into one. I will make more money next payday.
Why do you think I went out and bought a Glock26 after 30 years not touching a gun or firing a shot?

Just brought my baby home this afternoon!!!

They are emboldened and they will do their best to ban guns or put more restrictions.
Very nice! Smart choice as well. They run like well-oiled machines.
I have the Gen 5 Glock 19. :)
https://www.gunbroker.com/item/889436511 Is $50 (or even $100) more than in mid-2018 "crazy inflated prices" for a very high quality CZ handgun, manufactured in the Czech Republic?
DA/SA. $600-650. :) Alloy frame. OEM mags come from CZ USA, in Kansas City.

Gunbroker "Advanced", then on that page click "Completed Items" lets you search for items which recently "Sold", in a large Green Stripe, or were re-listed.

Such somewhat higher prices -- considering the irony in today's market -- for a handgun which seemed undervalued for years
- CZ PCR 9mms - seems to only reflect what these could have sold for about two years ago.

redlightrich: does this ambiguous word "new" mean recent production, or something you have not owned in the past?
If new to you, there are some decent deals for 3rd Gen S&W 9mms also. You might be familiar with 3rd. Gen? I'm 65, and only learned about these a year ago.:o
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There are still a few reasonably priced firearms out there, but you have to look hard to find them. They are not going to get any easier to find in the near or long future, so if you have your eyes on a particular gun, even if it's priced higher than it used to be, I would suggest you get off your butt and buy it while you can.
If you have the change and it won't put a dent into your budget, buy it.

If there's anything that 2020 has taught me is that life is seriously short. Live life while you have it and enjoy the things that bring you pleasure. The difference of a few hundred bucks on a gun (as long as it ain't gonna mess with your savings & such) is nothing in the grand scheme of things.