Want alternative to AR-15, whats out there?

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I want something other than an AR15 or mini 14. How are the Vector V-93? I don't much like copies but I hear good things about the company. The rifle needs to be in .223 and a millitary style. Please if you must recomend some .308 or your favorite AR-15, don't do it on this post. Start your own. Don't mean to be rude but it drive me crazy when people do that.
Oh I forgot my budget can go up to $1200 but Im not necessarily looking to spend that much. I'd like something light, handy, reliable, easy to clean, not finicky and fairly accurate. 2 MOA is good enough for me.
saiga 223.
convert it to AK format with changeout of 10 parts per 922
gun is about 350 -400$ other stuff is pretty cheap. Yithian has done a few , they are still IMO clanky Aks, but Aks will always be clanky

2 MOA however, may be difficult for an AK to obtain.

I have had a lot of fun with my V93. It has had issues along the way that I ended up fixing myself, or had fixed by a local gunsmith. They are not perfect rifles by any means, but they are really quite good.

The downside to this rifle is that the magazines are quite spendy. They are of excellent quality, but very spendy.


A photo of mine.

Another choice in 223 which I have been exceedingly happy with is the Yugo M90 or M95 series of rifles. These are some fantastic AK's.


The magazines for these are about 1/2 the cost for the HK magazines. It has luminous night sights, a sort of hybrid M14/AK gas system, and is acceptably accurate.

A couple of choices for you.
how about an AR-180B?

the only problem with a Golani Sporter fitting your needs is that it is heavy for a .223 weapon. If you are not in a hurry, there is the Daewoo semi-automatic rifle. It is not as light as an AR-15, but hefts better than the Golani Sporter (commonly referred to as a Galil, although the aforementioned is much more expensive). They run at eight-hundred dollars and twelve-hundred, respectively. The AR-180 is nice and light, but its magazines are outright expensive. Its progeny is the AR-180B, and I am thinking this is the one for you. The rifle is not only affordable (around eight-hundred), but it uses AR-15 magazines. Later, you can fit it with a folding shoulder stock. My brother has one and he likes it alot. I hope this helps.

- JKHolman
The V93's are discontinued as Vector closed its doors. It's unknown when and if the new company will resume production.

I've thought about a Galil. I think they can be had in the $600-750 range.

Not much else out there for the .223.
I was offered an AR180B. they seem to be highly sought after, and somewhat rare.
Personally, I am an AR guy(especially like A2's). So I'm no good to ya there.

Also you could look into Mini-14's. While not a true "military" rifle, they are used by many leo.
mini 14s are used by cops that have been forced to because of department politics or PR. They shatter bolts frequently, magazines are troublsome, accuracy is mediocr from a cold barrel and terrible from a hot barrel, and they are not ergonomic or user friendly.

I forgot about daewoo, they haven't been imported in a long time but are still found used occasionally and are good rifles. spare parts are difficult to come by though.
I guess some people didn't bother to read the original post, were it is plainly stated not to list Mini-14, AR-15s, or .308 rifles.



FN Scar and Bushmaster ACR should be out early next year. HK 416 is another option sometime in the future.
Are the Daewoo 100 & 200 series still beig imported- or even available? I got to play with a couple that Korean soldiers were carrying in Iraq. Impressive, light, versatile, simple, gas piston, uses M-16 mags. Don't recall seeing scope mounting options- but that don't mean they weren't there- just don't remember 'em.

Well, you want a Military style 223, why Not an AUG, FN2000, do you want a Bolt action sniper?

What about a bullpup bushmaster?

Not a whole lot of options in 223.

FWIW I can read, just can't remember:)
Are the Daewoo 100 & 200 series still beig imported- or even available?

They are no longer imported, but if you look hard enough they can be found.

My additions are the new Robinson XCR rifle and the Beretta RX4

Here is the list so far:
Ak-100 series in .223
STG-556(AUG clone)
Daewoo 100-200
V93(HK93 clone)
HK93. really rare.
Robinson Arms M96 & XCR rifle
Keltec SU16
Bushmaster m17
Beretta RX4
FN SCAR(coming 2009)
HK416(coming 2009)
Bushmaster ACR(coming 2009)

Looks like you have plenty of option for a Non AR15 .223 rifle.

Last week I sent away for an optics mount for my AR-100 thru Gunbroker. A couple of days later, I found a site called Stormwerkz that offer a number of optics mounts - to include the AR-100 and the AR-180. I ordered a mount for the AR-180. OP, before buying an M17S Bushmaster bullpup, try to handle one and fire it a few times. They are not for everyone. Although I am glad that I own one, I rarely fire it. They pop up on Gunbroker, but are overpriced (sometimes as high as one thousand dollars). Good Luck.

- JKHolman
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