
I went to a super Walmart Sunday to get some things my nearby supermarket doesn't carry. Thinking of a recent discussion in Tactics and Training, I took a detour through Sporting Goods to see what Wally World is doing about ammo and such. They did have some ammunition in the locked case behind the Sporting Goods counter -- and nobody anywhere in the department Moving to the next aisle, I was rather astonished to find that they had the Shoot 'N See targets in a locked cabinet, and they had all the steel BBs in that same locked cabinet.

I have no idea if they locked up the BBs because they're concerned about theft, or if they're afraid someone is going to load up a Red Ryder carbine (also in a locked cabinet) and start shooting up the joint.

I was actually thinking of buying some BBs for a bit of back yard trigger time, but I guess I'll just buy them on line from Pyramid Air or Airgun Depot.
I noticed some news feeds that had Walmart stopping sales of guns and ammo, and then maybe setting that policy aside shortly afterward. Apparently in some reaction to the election cycle. Maybe BB's and such were included.
If they've had problems with certain items being shoplifted they get locked up. And that varies greatly by the location. It might be BB's in one store, hair gel in another. I have a couple of friends who work for Walmart security, you'd be amazed at some of the stuff they see.
I went to my local WM yesterday. They had ZERO rounds of ammunition out on the shelves. I've seen other internet reports that WM has been pulling ammo in advance of the election, and that appears to be what happened near me. I have never once in all of my life seen a WM that sold ammo that had absolutely none.
WM is supposedly putting ammo and guns back on the shelves. I'm assuming that maybe they're pulling guns and ammo in certain hot spots where civil unrest is likely to occur. I could be wrong.
They have guns and ammo to pull/put back on the shelves? Alert the masses!!!

This was a giant marketing ploy to get people into their stores with phantom products :).

Whatever happened to everyone saying they were boycotting Wally World {FOREVER!!} due to their earlier anti-2A decisions? Whatever...I don't know what guns or ammo they do/don't stock. Their previous corporate announcements on the subject left me with the impression they wouldn't have anything I'd want anyway. I don't even bother looking in their sporting goods dept if I happen to be in there for something else. Used to be I'd swing by there to see what's in stock and sometimes find something mis-priced and snatch it up. No more.
Yes, Wally World has been vacillating on displaying ammo and firearms on the shelves. I posted more because I found it so astonishing that they had even locked up plain old steel BBs and Shoot 'N See targets.

This particular Super Walmart isn't in a "bad" area.
My Wal Mart also has a lot of harmless things behind locked glass,,,
The kid at the counter said it was simply because they had no other place to put it.

Who knows if he knows what the truth is,,,
I just find it to be a huge pain in the patootie.

One thing though,,,
If I have them open the case for me to look at something,,,
I'm not going to be in any hurry and if it wastes their time so be it.

At least my Wal Mart installed one of those buttons to signal a clerk to come to sporting goods,,,
Trying to track someone down to open the dang cases was the real pain.


Because of their anti 2A antics, I don't go to wallyworld unless they're the only place to get something I need. That happened a few days ago and while I was there I wanted to get a can of .177 pellets. They were locked up and I had to get a clerk to walk them to the check out for me. He told me what line to get in for them. I told the dumb girl at checkout that the pellets were for me. When I got home no pellets. I was upset until I checked the receipt and no pellets there either. So I'm not likely to darken their door again for awhile...

besides corporate policies there are also a lot of things decided by the local store management. One store 20 miles west of me, serving an agricultural valley has all their ammo, movies, video games and spray paint under lock and key. When they began giving PA announcements only in Spanish, we stopped shopping there.

Another store about the same distance to the east, serving a med sized city has rifle & pistol ammo locked up, shotgun shells on the shelf. Movies and spray paint on the shelf, video games locked up. Haven't heard that store make any PA announcements in a long time, but back when they did, it was in both English and Spanish....

When I got home no pellets. I was upset until I checked the receipt and no pellets there either. So I'm not likely to darken their door again for awhile...

You should darken their door one more time, and speak to management. Tell them what happened, and why you aren't coming back. Make a point of telling them how much business they are losing. And why. They may not (probably won't) care but if you don't tell them, your boycott only affects you, personally.

We do most of our grocery shopping at walmart, and a bit more besides, and while its not a lot every week, its about $10K+ a year. Tell them they are losing that, from just you, and that you've got friends....That might make an impression...all you've really got to lose is a few minutes of your time...
When you're willing to spend a little more at a local independently owned gun store you're far less vulnerable to corporate decisions. And you're making an investment in your community.
Mainah said:
When you're willing to spend a little more at a local independently owned gun store you're far less vulnerable to corporate decisions. And you're making an investment in your community.
I try to support local gun shops. As I posted, I was in Walmart to buy groceries. As long as I was there, I wanted to see if they had any BBs. They did ... but not accessible to customers.
at the Walmart closest to me they sell rifle and shotguns still, kept locked on in a plexiglass lazy Susan type thing you can peruse. rifle ammo is locked up as are buckshot and shotgun slugs. birdshot is open on the shelves like pre-political days. everything else is on the shelf as usual.
We have a real grocery store across the side street from wallyworld so ours doesn't sell much groceries. I used to buy small apple pies at there but I'm on a diet so those have had to go.

Like I said before, I only go there if I really need something and they're the only place to get it locally. Sometimes ordering over the net is just too slow.

WALMART in CA stopped selling ALL ammo

they also lock up the men's underwear, and take it up to the register when your ready to pay

you also have to be over 18 to buy bb's, pellets, Co2 cartridges, glue, paint, etc
Not all Wal Marts hid their guns-n-ammo,,,

Not all Wal Marts hid their guns-n-ammo,,,

After I voted this morning I stopped into Wal Mart,,,
They still had all of their rifles on display,,,
As well as a lot of .22 LR ammo.

  • Ten-333 round packs of Winchester .22 LR,,,
  • Ten-325 round packs of Federal Auto Match,,,
  • Several-100 round plastic boxes of Winchester Super-X

The lady said someone had just purchased the last four 550 round bulk packs of Federal HV Hollow Point.

I bought eight packs (2,600 rounds) of the Federal Auto Match.

Things aren't quite as gloomy as some may think.


"...concerned about theft...going to load up..." Probably both with theft being more important. Wally World Canada has private security guards at the door now.
Wally World Canada has no firearms at all. And very few air powered stuff. No firearms for years. That is understandable as our idiot laws require anybody who handles firearms be licenced for that type of firearm. AND so does the owners and managers of the business. To the tune of about $500Cdn per person for the useless course.
I recently(beginning of Oct.) went nuts and spent nearly $400Cdn on a Daisy M953 that was supposed to be the same air rifle CF Army Cadets use. Very misleading advertising. Cost me $13.51Cnd for 500 allegedly match grade pellets. I need a bag of sand.
I had a medical appointment in a couple 3 towns over today so I dropped into the BiMart store there. This one had reloading dies on the shelf and some rifle brass but I couldn't read the label from behind the counter where it's kept. No power or primers but lots of hunting caliber ammo and .40 S&W. Of course no 9mm or .223.

It's going be interesting to see if this panic ever ends...

Did anybody else here read about yesterday's Terrorist attacks in downtown Vienna Austria? On the streets and restaurant sidewalk cafes.

Even with much tighter regulations on owning guns (it's Not illegal-and laws vary Quite a bit between countries) in Europe, the determined bad guys can always get hold of them.

The irony is Walmart's "concern for the public"(?), as if bad guys can't steal guns somewhere Else, anywhere inside the US? Crocodile Tears and Concern.......
It's about either profits or corporate attorneys' worries about their liability.

Thugs broke into the rear ventilation system of our local ShootPointBlank >> weeks ago << , stole about thirty guns.
This large store/shooting range south of I-40 is directly Opposite the Walmart on the north side of I-40.
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